Horu Posted September 28, 2018 Report Share Posted September 28, 2018 This set will utilize the Extra Monster Zone and treat it as the Active Pokemon Zone (making the pokemon in that spot being the only pokemon that can battle). The Normal Monster Zones will be treated as the bench. Pokemon on the bench cannot battle.[spoiler=Abilities]Adaptability - While you control another face-up monster with the same type as this card: Battle Damage inflicted by this card is doubled.Big Pecks - When an effect controlled by your opponent would decrease the DEF of this card: That effect is negated.Blaze/Overgrow/Torrent - When the player has 2400 or less LP: The original ATK increases by half.Chlorophyll - While "Harsh Sunlight" is face-up on the field: This card can attack twice per turn.Compound Eyes - When your opponent activates an effect that would negate the attack of this card: Roll a six-sided die: if the result is 3 or higher; negate that effect.Drought - When this card is Summoned: Activate 1 "Harsh Sunlight" from your hand, Deck or GY. When "Harsh Sunlight" is activated using this effect; destroy it during the 5th End Phase after the turn it was activated.Gluttony - You can activate "Berry" Spell Cards if you have 4000 or less LP.Guts - If this card is affected by an effect controlled by your opponent: The original ATK of this card is increased by half.Hustle - The original ATK of this card is increased by half. During the Battle Phase, when this card attacks: Roll a six-sided die: If the result is 1; negate this card's attack. Intimidate - •When this card is Summoned: All face-up monsters your opponent controls lose ATK equal to this card's level x100. •While this card is face-up on the field: Your opponent cannot Normal Summon a monster whose Level is lower than the Level of this card.Keen Eye - The attack of this card cannot be negated. Lightning Rod - While this card is face-up on the field: Thunder monsters cannot choose another attack target.Mega Launcher - LP damage or gains caused by the effects of "Aura" and "Pulse" cards are increased by half.No Guard - When a monster declares an attack: That attack cannot be negated.Rain Dish - While "Rain" is face-up on the field during your Draw Phase: You gain 500 LP.Run Away - When this card is declared the target of an attack or effect controlled by your opponent: You can return this card to your hand.Shed Skin - During either player's End Phase, if this card is affected by the effect of a card controlled by your opponent: Roll a six-sided die: If the result is 1 or 6; negate the effect of that card and destroy it.Shield Dust - When this card battles a monster: Negate any additional effects that would be activated during the Battle Phase.Sniper - Battle Damage inflicted by this card is increased by half.Solar Power - If "Harsh Sunlight" is face-up on the field during your Draw Phase: Pay 1000 LP; the original ATK of this card increases by half. Static - When this card battles a monster: That monster cannot attack during your opponent's next Battle Phase.Swarm - If this card declares an attack while your LP is 2600 or lower: Its original ATK is increased by half.Tangled Feet - Control of this card cannot change.Thick Fat - When this card is selected as a target for an attack: Reduce any Battle Damage you receive by half.Tinted Lens - When this card attacks a monster with a higher ATK/DEF: The original ATK of this card is doubled.Tough Claws - Battle Damage inflicted by this card is increased by half. Unnerve: While this card is face-up on the field: Your opponent cannot activate "Berry" Spell Cards.[spoiler=Monsters]Alolan Cap PikachuLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1250• Static• Lightning Rod Alolan Raticate 1DarkBeastLv51900/2250Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Alolan Rattata" you control.• Gluttony• Thick FatAlolan Raticate 2DarkBeastLv51900/2250Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Alolan Rattata" you control.• Hustle• Thick FatAlolan Rattata 1DarkBeastLv41550/1000• Gluttony• Thick FatAlolan Rattata 2DarkBeastLv41550/1000• Hustle• Thick Fat Arbok 1EarthReptile/PoisonLv62300/2100Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Ekans" you control.• Intimidate• Unnerve Arbok 2EarthReptile/PoisonLv62300/2100Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Ekans" you control.• Shed Skin• Unnerve Arbok 3EarthReptile/PoisonLv62400/2100Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Ekans" you control.• Intimidate• Unnerve Arbok 4EarthReptile/PoisonLv62400/2100Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Ekans" you control.• Shed Skin• UnnerveBeedrill 1WindInsect/PoisonLv52000/1850Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Kakuna" you control.• Swarm• SniperBeedrill 2WindInsect/PoisonLv52100/1850• Swarm• SniperBlastoiseWaterAquaLv72450/2850Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Wartortle" you control.• Torrent• Rain DishBulbasaurEarthPlant/PoisonLv41600/1600• Overgrow• ChlorophyllButterfree 1WindInsectLv51950/1900Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Metapod" you control.• Compound Eyes• Tinted LensButterfree 2WindInsectLv52050/1900Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Metapod" you control.• Compound Eyes• Tinted Lens Cap PikachuLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1050CaterpieEarthInsectLv3950/1000• Shield Dust• Run AwayCharizardFirePyroLv72950/2400Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Charmeleon" you control.• Blaze• Solar PowerCharmanderFireReptileLv41750/1300• Blaze• Solar PowerCharmeleonFirePyroLv52250/1800Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Charmander" you control.• Blaze• Solar Power Cosplay PikachuLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1250• Lightning Rod Ekans 1EarthReptile/PoisonLv41550/1350• Intimidate• Unnerve EkansEarthReptile/PoisonLv41550/1350• Shed Skin• UnnerveFearowWindWinged BeastLv62500/1900Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Spearow" you control.• Keen Eye• Sniper Hoenn Cap PikachuLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1050• Static• Lightning RodIvysaurEarthPlant/PoisonLv52000/2050Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Trubiting 1 face-up "Bulbasaur" you control.• Overgrow• ChlorophyllKakunaEarthInsect/PoisonLv3850/1200Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Weedle" you control.• Shed Skin Kalos Cap PikachuLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1250• Static• Lightning RodMega BeedrillWindInsect/Poison/FusionLv63100/1850"Beedrill" + "Mega Stone - Beedrillite"Can only be Summoned using the effect of "Key Stone".• AdaptabilityMega BlastoiseWaterAqua/FusionLv83150/3150"Blastoise" + "Mega Stone - Blastoisinite"Can only be Summoned using the effect of "Key Stone".• Mega LauncherMega Charizard XFireDragon/FusionLv83600/2750"Charizard" + "Mega Stone - Charizardite X"Can only be Summoned using the effect of "Key Stone".• Tough ClawsMega Charizard YFirePyro/FusionLv83650/2700"Charizard" + "Mega Stone - Charizardite Y"Can only be Summoned using the effect of "Key Stone".• DroughtMega PidgeotWindWinged Beast/FusionLv73350/2450"Pidgeot" + "Mega Stone - Pidgeotite"Can only be Summoned using the effect of "Key Stone".• No GuardMega VenusaurEarthPlant/Poison/FusionLv83000/3250"Venusaur" + "Mega Stone - Venusaurite"Can only be Summoned using the effect of "Key Stone".• Thick FatMetapodEarthInsectLv3750/1300Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Caterpie" you control.• Shed Skin Partner Cap PikachuLightBeast/ThunderLv62750/1550• Static • Lightning Rod Partner PikachuLightBeast/ThunderLv62750/1550• Static• Lightning RodPidgeot 1WindWinged BeastLv62400/2300Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Pidgeotto" you control.• Keen Eye• Big PecksPidgeot 2WindWinged BeastLv62400/2300Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Pidgeotto" you control.•Tangled Feet• Big PecksPidgeot 3WindWinged BeastLv62500/2300Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Pidgeotto" you control.• Keen Eye• Big PecksPidgeot 4WindWinged BeastLv62500/2300Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Pidgeotto" you control.• Tangled Feet• Big PecksPidgeotto 1WindWinged BeastLv51800/1700Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Pidgey" you control.• Keen Eye• Big PecksPidgeotto 2WindWinged BeastLv51800/1700Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Pidgey" you control.• Tangled Feet• Big PecksPidgey 1WindWinged BeastLv31350/1150• Keen Eye• Big PecksPidgey 2WindWinged BeastLv31350/1150• Tangled Feet• Big Pecks Pikachu 1LightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1050• Static• Lightning Rod Pikachu 2LightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1250• Static• Lightning Rod Pikachu BelleLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1250Can only be Special Summoned from your hand or Deck by Tributing 1 face-up "Cosplay Pikachu" equipped with "Belle Costume". Oncer per turn: You can add 1 "Icecicle Crash" from Deck or GY to your hand. If this card is sent to the GY; you can Special Summon 1 "Cosplay Pikachu" from your GY.• Lightning Rod Pikachu LibreLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1250Can only be Special Summoned from your hand or Deck by Tributing 1 face-up "Cosplay Pikachu" equipped with "Libre Costume". Once per turn: You can add 1 "Flying Press" from your Deck or GY to your hand. If this card is sent to the GY; you can Special Summon 1 "Cosplay Pikachu" from your GY.• Lightning Rod Pikachu, Ph.DLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1250Can only be Special Summoned from your hand or Deck by Tributing 1 face-up "Cosplay Pikachu" equipped with "Ph.D Costume". Once per turn: You can add 1 "Electric Terrain" from your Deck or GY to your hand. If this card is sent to the GY; you can Special Summon 1 "Cosplay Pikachu" from your GY.• Lightning Rod Pikachu Pop StarLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1250Can only be Special Summoned from your hand or Deck by Tributing 1 face-up "Cosplay Pikachu" equipped with "Pop Star Costume". Once per turn: You can add 1 "Draining Kiss" from your Deck or GY to your hand. If this card is sent to the GY; you can Special Summon 1 "Cosplay Pikachu" from your GY.• Lightning Rod Pikachu Rock StarLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1250Can only be Special Summoned from your hand or Deck by Tributing 1 face-up "Cosplay Pikachu" equipped with "Rock Star Costume". Once per turn: You can add 1 "Meteor Mash" from your Deck or GY to your hand. If this card is sent to the GY; you can Special Summon 1 "Cosplay Pikachu" from your GY.• Lightning Rod Raichu 1LightBeast/Thunder/RitualLv62800/1950Can only be Ritual Summoned using the Ritual Spell Card, "Thunder Stone". You must also offer from your side of the field or your hand 1 "Pikachu" as a Tribute.• Static• Lightning RodRaticate 1EarthBeastLv52300/1850Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Rattata" you control.• Run Away• HustleRaticate 2EarthBeastLv52300/1850Can be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 face-up "Rattata" you control.• Guts• HustleRattata 1EarthBeastLv41550/1000• Run Away• HustleRattata 2EarthBeastLv41550/1000• Guts• Hustle Sinnoh Cap PikachuLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1050• Static• Lightning RodSpearowWindWinged BeastLv41600/1000• Keen Eye• SniperSquirtleWaterReptileLv41400/1750• Torrent• Rain Dish Unova Cap PikachuLightBeast/ThunderLv41950/1050• Static• Lightning RodVenusaurEarthPlant/PoisonLv72600/2650Can be Special Summoned from your hand by Tributing 1 face-up "Ivysaur" you control.• Overgrow• ChlorophyllWartortleWaterReptileLv51850/2200Can be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 face-up "Squirtle" you control.• Torrent• Rain DishWeedleEarthInsect/PoisonLv31050/900• Shield Dust• Run Away[spoiler=Spell and Trap Cards]Belle CostumeEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to "Cosplay Pikachu".Harsh SunlightWeather Spell Card• The ATK of all face-up FIRE monsters on the field is increased by half.• The ATK of all face-up WATER monsters on the field is decreased by half.Heat RockEquip Spell CardIf "Harsh Sunlight" is activated using the effect of "Drought" or "Sunny Day": It remains on the field until the 8th End Phase after its activation instead.Key StoneSpell CardReveal this card in your hand while you have a face-up monster equipped with a "Mega Stone" Spell Card: You can Fusion Summon the "Mega" monster listed on that "Mega Stone" Spell Card. Libre CostumeEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to "Cosplay Pikachu".Mega Stone - BeedrilliteEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to a face-up "Beedrill" you control. If you reveal a "Key Stone" in your hand: Fusion Summon 1 "Mega Beedrill" from your Extra Deck.Mega Stone - BlastoisiniteEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to a face-up "Blastoise" you control. If you reveal a "Key Stone" in your hand: Fusion Summon 1 "Mega Blastoise" from your Extra Deck.Mega Stone - Charizardite XEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to a face-up "Charizard" you control. If you reveal a "Key Stone" in your hand: Fusion Summon 1 "Mega Charizard X" from your Extra Deck.Mega Stone - Charizardite YEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to a face-up "Charizard" you control. If you reveal a "Key Stone" in your hand: Fusion Summon 1 "Mega Charizard Y" from your Extra Deck.Mega Stone - PidgeotiteEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to a face-up "Pidgeot" you control. If you reveal a "Key Stone" in your hand: Fusion Summon 1 "Mega Pidgeot" from your Extra Deck.Mega Stone - VenusauriteEquip Spell CardThis card can only be equipped to a face-up "Venusaur" you control. If you reveal a "Key Stone" in your hand: Fusion Summon 1 "Mega Venusaur" from your Extra Deck. Ph.D CostumeEquip Spell CardCan only be equipped to "Cosplay Pikachu".Pokemon BattleContinuous Spell CardThe activation of this card cannot be negated. Challenge your opponent to a Pokemon Battle: If your opponent accepts your challenge; both players must place 1 monster in the Extra Monster Zone. Monsters in the Normal Monster Zones cannot battle. When a player is unable to place a monster in the Extra Monster Zone during their turn, they lose the Duel. Pop Star CostumeEquip Spell CardCan only be equipped to "Cosplay Pikachu".Professor Oak's LabQuick-Play Spell CardThis card can only be activated while you have no monsters on the field: Special Summon 1 "Bulbasaur", "Charmander", "Eevee", "Pikachu" or "Squirtle" from your hand or Deck.RainWeather Spell Card• The ATK of all face-up WATER monsters on the field increases by half.• The ATK of all face-up FIRE monsters on the field decreases by half.• The attacks of Thunder monsters cannot be negated. Rock Star CostumeEquip Spell CardCan only be equipped to "Cosplay Pikachu". Thunder StoneRitual Spell CardThis card is used to Ritual Summon a Thunder Ritual monster. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted October 24, 2018 Author Report Share Posted October 24, 2018 I have been updating the thread but I'm only bumping it at the moment. Added: Bulbasaur line, Charmander line, Squirtle. Will continue in a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
urnme23 Posted October 24, 2018 Report Share Posted October 24, 2018 So far I don't see any reason for the cards to utilize the Extra Monster Zone. Special Summoned monsters can be summoned to a normal Monster Zone. If you want them to be summoned to the Extra Monster Zone, I'd suggest either making them all Fusion/Synchro/XYZ/Link monsters or giving them all the effect that they must be summoned to the Extra Monster Zone. Or will that be a gimmic with other monsters that you make later on? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted October 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted October 25, 2018 I'm planning on making a some spells to utilize MR4. But I want them to function as regular cards without the use of said cards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted October 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted October 25, 2018 Completed Squirtle, Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Ekans and Pikachu lines.Added Brock and Professor Oak.Added Oak's Lab, Pewter Gym and Badge, PokéCenter, PokéBall, Viridian Forest, Thunder Stone, and Potion.Also added Pokemon Battle so that allows any monster to be placed in the Extra Monster Zone. Though, it does have a big drawback. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted October 29, 2018 Author Report Share Posted October 29, 2018 Removed the cards for the purpose of reworking them using the new card maker and posting them later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted November 14, 2018 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2018 Been quite busy with work lately. Will pick this up again soon. Also, I'm still reworking the cards so they fit into the same system and can interact with the rest of the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted November 20, 2018 Author Report Share Posted November 20, 2018 Back on the project. Here are a few samples to show that I got the ball rolling again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockerXD Posted November 20, 2018 Report Share Posted November 20, 2018 I don't see what's so experimental about assault mode activate clones.http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Assault_Mode_Activate Also, what's the point of those atk/defense values, why not just end with -00 like how ever monster card has for the past decade? Also these cards don't actually do anything, and if you play pokemon battle vs any deck that's semi competent in today's game, you will flat out lose. Don't even have to wait for your turn cause you probably would just get OTK'd by Borrelsword Dragon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted November 20, 2018 Author Report Share Posted November 20, 2018 The ATK/DEF values reflect the actual stats of the pokemon. I'm aware of the Assault Mode monsters from the 5Ds era. The idea is to utilize MR4 for the purpose of active/benched pokemon. Also, there are various things I plan to do with the set. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted November 23, 2018 Author Report Share Posted November 23, 2018 I'm going to put abilities on the pokemon and I will list the effects of each ability. Abilities that generally have the same effect will be grouped together. Decided to change the stats by rounding them to the nearest 50 as well. This will allow me to keep the stats close to what they really are but increase functionality when it comes to stat boosting and battle damage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horu Posted November 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted November 25, 2018 I'm planning templates for this set of cards. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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