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Synchro Contest! (Finished) results posted


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Ok, coinciding with the Synchro update to the Card Maker, i am holding a Synchro contest!


Contest Rules:

1. Each Participant must submit a total of 5 cards, 2 monster (minimum) and 3 support (can be monster, spell or trap)

2. Cards will be judged on balanced effects, OGC, how well the name fits the pic AND by the support cards provided, and each card will be judged out of 5 making a grand total of 25 points for 5 cards. the person with the highest score wins!

3. All cards will be judged by me, and/or any judges who want to join (pm me if you want to become a judge, as i don't want my thread to be full of spam Nazi's), judges will receive 1 rep after the contest is over for helping out with the judging.

4. Enjoy, and I hope to see some good cards!



1st place - 3 reps and 15 points

2nd place - 2 reps and 10 points

3rd place - 1 rep and 5 points


Start Date: Sunday, 27th April

End Date: Sunday, 4th May



filipe_g - entry done

shonenhikada - entry done(?)

Blackwind - entry done

paintman - entry done

boris_noshpal - entry done

Enigma Zero - entry done





Get those cards in for judging! can't wait to see some great cards!



If more that 5 cards are submitted, i will judge them all and use the best 5 scores towards your total score, so that it stays within 25 points

HOWEVER, i will still judge two monsters, and three other cards

so your two best monsters and your three best other cards will go towards your points

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here's my entry:








1 Tuner Monster + 1 or more EARTH Non-Tuner Monsters

Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 EARTH monster in your Graveyard to have this card gain 500 ATK until the End Phase of your opponent's next turn. While this card is face-up on the field, Tributes needed for the Tribute Summon of EARTH monsters are decreased by 1. If this card is successfully Synchro Summoned with 1 EARTH Tuner monster, return up to 2 cards your opponent controls to the owner's hand.











Just to save you some words:

if your wondering about the Psychic-type of my Lycan its a new type that is coming out in the duelist genesis set

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Here we go...






If Netherknight Belzer seems overpowered, remember that it requires at least 3 monsters to bring out, and gathering exactly 7 Level Stars in 3 monsters is tricky; besides, it is still destroyed by everything that doesn't target, which happens to be the majority of monster removal cards everybody uses: Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, Smashing Ground, Fissure, etc. ;)

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Might as well have a go at it. 8)


[spoiler=The Cards]



[spoiler=Artistic Credits]

D.D. Scorpion

-Image by Enigma Zero.

D.D. Ferryman

-Image by Anne Stokes.

D.D. Archangel

-Image by Jason Engle.

-Effects and Manipulation by Enigma Zero.

D.D. Accelerator

-Background by Enigma Zero/

-Foreground Image by themindrobber.

D.D. Endgame

-Background by Enigma Zero.

-Foreground Images by Kazuki Takahashi.

-Editing and Manipulation by Enigma Zero.




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ok, today is the finish date so here are the results!



Black Panther Knight: 4/5

Comments: good OCG, a bit overpowered, only this card?

Total: 4/5



Deepsea Master Jormungandr: 3/5

Comments: a bit overpowered, slight OCG errors

Netherknight Belzer: 5/5

Comments: not overpowered, good effect!

Fine-Tuned Battle Synchron: 5/5

Comments: good card!

White Genesis Castle: 2/5

Comments: Amazingly overpowered, no drawbacks?

New Rules Arrive: 4/5

Comments: decent good card, good OGC

All: great pics, suit cards very well




Horseman of Conquest: 3/5

Comments: Bland effect, blurry pic, OCG errors

Horseman of War: 3/5

Comments: Blurry pic, bland effect

Horseman of Pestilance: 3/5

Comments: Blurry pic, OCG errors, slightly underpowered

The End of days: 2/5

Comments: Way overpowered, decent pic though

The Book of Revelations: 2/5

Comments: Overpowered, drawbacks???

Herald of The Horsemen: 0/5

Comments: Rules state i am judging on EFFECTS, since there is no effect it cannot be judged

Predestined Outcome: 3/5

Comments: Good effect, but no drawbacks and some OCG errors.

Total: 14/25



Frost Commander - Yrano: 3/5

Comments: wording is slightly confusing but still quite good

Snarl, Identity of Earth: 4/5

Comments: very nice card, good effect, probably my favourite of your cards!

Unity Synchro Sword: 4/5

Comments: perfect card for Synchro support, perfect OCG, a little bit overpowered though, but still well done!

Synchronic Land: 5/5

Comments: great card! allows for a good Synchro summon loop, should be a real card VERY HAPPY :D

Synchro Lycan Thief: 2/5

Comments: good card, decent effect, kinda bland =/


grand total: 18/25



Dark Spiderman: 0/5

Comments: not a synchro monster, can't be judged

Venom: 0/5

Comments: not a synchro monster, can't be judged

The Battle Within: 2/5

Comments: big OCG errors, overpowered

Venom LV2: 0/5

Comments: not a synchro monster, can't be judged

Spideys City: 2/5

Comments: overpowered, no drawbacks?

Total: 4/25


Enigam Zero

D.D. Scorpion: 4/5

Comments: Good pic, decent OGC and great effect!

D.D. Ferryman: 4/5

Comments: Great picture, good effect, good OCG

D.D. Archangel: 4/5

Comments: small OGC errors, good effect and great [ic

D.D. Accelerator: 3/5

Comments: slightly confusing to read

D.D. Endgame: 2/5

Comments: obvious OCG errors, bland effect, nice pic though

Total: 17/25


This means:


3rd place: Enigma Zero

2nd place: filipe_g

1st place: Blackwind


congrats to everyone who entered, i am now giving the winners their points and reps


thanks to everyone who entered, i hope to see you again in any other contests i hold!



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Firstly... Yay, I won. ^^


Secondly, White Genesis Castle does have a drawback, that "not being able to attack" detail. Besides, the Synchro Summon occurs just like if they were in the Extra Deck, you still need the Tuner and the correct Levels on the field, so it's not that broken. The second bit is about regaining the Tuner if the Attribute is the same as the Synchro's: Tuners are all weak, so it's only a way of balancing card advantage (Synchros, like early Fusions, eat advantage like Pacman), but it's hardly gamebreaking, and besides, the Attributes have to match. ;)


If you want broken Field Spells with no drawbacks, look at Light Boundary, Rainbow Ruins and Skyscraper 2... ;)

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Just for my own personal curiousity....could you please ellaborate on those "small" and "obvious" OCG errors? Considering I didn't fix these supposed errors means..well..they're not obvious to me so I would like to know about them so I can fix them. ;)

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Just for my own personal curiousity....could you please ellaborate on those "small" and "obvious" OCG errors? Considering I didn't fix these supposed errors means..well..they're not obvious to me so I would like to know about them so I can fix them. ;)


I didin't saw ocg errors except Spell,Trap, and Synchro card.. the spell card format is wrong, and i think synchro is a bit wrong.. im not a fan of them, so idk very good... adn the trap is also how sentence is written..

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