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If you only had two days to live? what then?

Phelphor, of the Deep

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I guess I'd send my saved up money to people I care about that need it.

And....take all my notes/chapters of my stories (and write out all my ideas/plans for them) and RPs and save them and give them to a few people I trust with them.

Then I'd say my goodbyes and spend the rest of them time playing games, reading books, and watching movies and shows.


Not really much you can do with two days.

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I guess I'd send my saved up money to people I care about that need it.

And....take all my notes/chapters of my stories (and write out all my ideas/plans for them) and RPs and save them and give them to a few people I trust with them.

Then I'd say my goodbyes and spend the rest of them time playing games, reading books, and watching movies and shows.


Not really much you can do with two days.

You can defy fate by drinking Mercury and dying like kings of old

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