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October 1st 2018 OCG Banlist

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Amazoness Archer

Summon Sorceress

Cannon Soldier MK-2




Performage Damage Juggler

Knightmare Goblin

Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms

A Hero Lives

Gold Sarcophagus




Altergeist Multifaker

Nekroz of Brionac

Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss

Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor

Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage!

Super Polymerization

That Grass Looks Greener

True King’s Return

Ring of Destruction




Aleister the Invoker


Destiny HERO – Disk Commander

Evigishki Gustkraken

El Shaddoll Construct

El Shaddoll Winda

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  • Replies 54
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Good stuff, I've been calling for Amazoness Archer to be banned for years (at least in the TCG they hit the tutor for it). Summon Sorceress is also a card that really has no right to be as good as it is. The nerfs to Altergeist and Engage are a step in the right direction as are the Unlimits to Aleister and Drones at this point.

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They even hit Cannon Soldier MK-2 for good measure xD

I like that OCG kept Goblin at 1.

They hit Hero Lives too, huh? Despite already having Shadow Mist at 1, but Stratos at 2.

Gold Sarcophagus back to being at 1 xDI

It's pretty much a format regulator at this point, like ROTA and E-Tele. Or has it always been like that?

Slight hits to Altergeist, Sky Strikers, +1 Dante for BAs, looks alright to me. I would have preferred for Altergeist to be untouched because I'm biased since it's a deck I want to play if I ever jump back to competitive virtual gaming, but -1 Multifaker shouldn't hurt too much.

And those unlimits on Aleister, Construct and Winda, and +1 Super Poly. Fusion hype let's goooo!

Will miss Summon Sorceress. The combos with the card are always entertaining, and being able to grab any monster of same Type had so much power. I'm still pondering if it truly deserved the hit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Week #0 of the OCG 2018.10 format.
This preliminary report will cover 104 top-performing decks from 15 tournaments that were held in Japan and China during 22 – 30 September 2018, played under the new OCG 2018.10 Limit Regulation.


39 Sky Striker
15 Gouki
11 Altergeist
10 Trickstar:
7 Mono Trickstar
3 Sky Striker Trickstar
6 Magician
5 Dinosaur Thunder Dragon
5 Good Stuff Link
2 Burning Abyss
2 True Draco
2 Zefra
1 Frog Paleozoic
1 Meta Beat
1 Red-Eyes
1 Shaddoll
1 Sky Striker Invoked
1 Thunder Dragon



SIN went 7-1 and finished 1st in “Hatti Grand Challenge Cup in Fukuoka by HAKATA CUP”.
As both Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! and Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor became semi-limited in OCG 2018.10, most players simply replaced them with Upstart Goblin.
SIN went a step further and cut Pot of Desires by returning to the old classic Foolish Burial Goods and Metalfoes Fusion.
However, his build is still largely an outlier as most Sky Striker decks are running Pot of Desires for the card advantage.

As Summon Sorceress became forbidden and A Hero Lives became limited in OCG 2018.10, running Destiny HERO – Malicious becomes much less consistent. Some Japanese players begun exploring a different Gouki build that relies on the Plant engine instead.
Kumatchi (くまっち) went 7-1 and finished 2nd in “Hatti Grand Challenge Cup in Fukuoka by HAKATA CUP”.
He is running the new variant of Gouki that cuts out Armageddon Knight and Destiny HERO – Malicious, to run Mathematician, Dandylion, Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio and Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra instead.
The new combo opens with Mathematician in the 3rd Main Monster Zone, to send Dandylion to the graveyard and Special Summon 2 “Fluff Tokens”. The 2 “Fluff Tokens” are then used to Link Summon Aromaseraphy Jasmine, whose effect will be activated to tribute Mathematician and Special Summon Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio.
Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio will in turn Special Summon Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra, whose effect will add Instant Fusion to hand. Both Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio and Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra will then be used to Xyz Summon M-X-Saber Invoker.
M-X-Saber Invoker will Special Summon Gouki Suprex and together they will be used to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights.
Gouki Suprex will search for a Gouki card, while Isolde will add Necro Gardna to hand, and then send Divine Sword – Phoenix Blade to the graveyard to Special Summon Gouki Octostretch. Following will be the usual Knightmare Link Monsters and Firewall Dragon shenanigans.

Kaito (かいと) went 7-1 (excluding 1-bye) and finished 1st in “Hatti CS × Dragon Star Cup in in Dragon Star Kishiwada Haruki Shop” (Team 3v3) which had 40 teams (120 participants).
He has a simple and straightforward strategy for the current metagame. Secret Village of the Spellcasters against Sky Striker. Inspector Boarder against Gouki and Good Stuff Link. Dinowrestler Pankratops and Inspector Boarder against Trickstar and Altergeist mirror match.

Saru (さる) went 6-0-1 to finished 3 – 4th in “13th HAKATA CUP with Hatti CS” on Saturday, and went 5-2 to finished 3 – 4th in “Hatti Grand Challenge Cup in Fukuoka by HAKATA CUP” on Sunday.
He took out Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit to add another Effect Veiler in the Main Deck for his build on Sunday.
Speedroid is currently the most popular build for Trickstar, due to the explosive play from Cherubini, Black Angel of the Burning Abyss sending Dandylion.

Sky Striker remains as the most popular and better performing deck in the early OCG 2018.10 format. Requiring only minor changes to the build, Sky Striker has largely reached its optimised build.
Gouki is still being refined as we see a split between the traditional Malicious build and the new school Plant build. There are some hybrid variant that runs both Armageddon Knight and Mathematician together in the same deck to utilise both Malicious and Plant engine.
Altergeist has a weak start in the first week, but as the metagame stabilised in the second week, Altergeist begun putting out better results.
Trickstar has a strong start in the first week, but declines in the second week. Based on the current trend, Trickstar is unlikely to remain as a top contender and is expected to occupy a smaller showing in the following weeks.
Dinosaur Thunder Dragon is a new interesting deck that is gaining a bit of traction.
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Hatti CS x Surugaya Cup, Domestic Tournament, 09/24/2018, 64 Players (October 2018 format)




1 PSY-Frame Driver
3 Maxx “C”
3 Mathematician
2 Cyber Dragon
3 Dinowrestler Pankratops
2 Shaddoll Hedgehog
3 Shaddoll Dragon
2 Shaddoll Squamata
2 Shaddoll Beast
3 Shaddoll Falco
2 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 PSY-Framegear Gamma
1 Foolish Burial
3 Shaddoll Fusion
1 Harpie’s Feather Duster
3 El Shaddoll Fusion
2 Super Polymerization
3 Evenly Matched
3 Infinite Impermanence
2 El Shaddoll Winda
1 El Shaddoll Grysta
2 El Shaddoll Construct
1 El Shaddoll Anoyatyllis
2 El Shaddoll Shekhinaga
1 Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon
1 F.A. Dawn Dragster
1 PSY-Framelord Omega
1 T.G. Wonder Magician
1 LANphorhynchus
2 Crystron Needlefiber
2 Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju
3 Twin Twisters
3 Secret Village of the Spellcasters
1 Metaverse
2 Solemn Warning
2 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Strike



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YCS Japan Tokyo 10/6/2018

Winner: Trickstar Sky Striker


1 Trickstar Calobane

3 Trickstar Candina

2 Trickstar Lycoris

1 Trickstar Lilybell

1 Sky Striker Ace – Raye

2 Speedroid Terrortop

1 Speedroid Taketomborg

1 Dandylion

2 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring

3 Maxx “C”


3 Trickstar Light Stage

1 Terraforming

1 Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor

1 Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones

1 Sky Striker Maneuver – Jamming Waves!

1 Sky Striker Maneuver – Afterburners!

2 Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage!

2 Scapegoat

1 Harpie’s Feather Duster

1 Monster Reborn


1 Trickstar Reincarnation

1 Unending Nightmare

3 Infinite Impermanence

2 Solemn Warning

2 Solemn Strike

1 Solemn Judgment


1 Firewall Dragon

1 Borrelsword Dragon

1 Saryuja Skull Dread

1 Knightmare Unicorn

1 Knightmare Goblin

1 Knightmare Phoenix

1 Knightmare Cerberus

1 Security Dragon

1 Cherubini, Black Angel of the Burning Abyss

1 Link Spider

1 Linkuriboh

1 Sky Striker Ace – Hayate

2 Sky Striker Ace – Kagari

1 Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku





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YCS Japan Osaka 10/6/2018

Winner: Cyber Dragon



3 Cyber Dragon

3 Cyber Dragon Core

3 Cyber Dragon Nacchster

2 Cyber Dragon Herz

1 Cyber Eltanin

2 Dinowrestler Pankratops

2 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring

3 Maxx “C”


3 Cyber Emergency

1 Cyber Repair Plant

1 Cyber Revsystem

1 Cyberload Fusion

3 Power Bond

3 Overload Fusion

3 Called by the Grave

1 Harpie’s Feather Duster

1 Foolish Burial

3 Machine Duplication


1 Cybernetic Overflow


2 Chimeratech Rampage Dragon

1 Cyber Twin Dragon

1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

2 Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon

1 Cyber End Dragon

2 Cyber Dragon Nova

2 Cyber Dragon Infinity

1 Cyber Dragon Sieger

1 Qliphort Genius

1 Linkuriboh

1 Relinquished Anima





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OCG 2018.07 Metagame (1 Jul – 30 Sep 2018)



The OCG 2018.07 Limit Regulation took out Magician, leaving Sky Striker to reign supreme.
The debut of Thunder Dragon shook up the competitive scene initially, but they were only able to make a momentary impact. This followed by the rise of Altergeist and then Knightmare Link, with Gouki and Good Stuff Link leading the charge.
Compiled from a total of 490 top-placing decks from 74 competitive tournaments held in Japan, China and Asia, here is the final metagame breakdown of the OCG 2018.07 format.

Metagame Breakdown

Metagame Breakdown
173 Sky Striker
86 Altergeist
52 Gouki:
41 HERO Gouki
6 Greener HERO Gouki
5 mono Gouki
31 Thunder Dragon:
30 mono Thunder Dragon
1 Diabolos Thunder Dragon
24 ABC:
18 mono ABC
5 Greener HERO ABC FTK
1 Greener HERO ABC
21 Good Stuff Link:
20 mono Good Stuff Link
1 Greener HERO Good Stuff Link
17 Trickstar:
12 mono Trickstar
3 Sky Striker Trickstar
2 Thunder Dragon Trickstar
9 mono SPYRAL
2 Greener SPYRAL
8 DARK Warrior Link:
7 mono DARK Warrior Link
1 Greener DARK Warrior Link
8 Magician:
6 Performapal Supreme King Magician
2 Performapal Magician
7 Infernoid:
3 Greener Infernoid
3 Greener Lair Infernoid
1 Lair Infernoid
6 Cyber Dragon
6 Junk Doppel
6 Wind-Up FTK
5 Blackwing
4 Greener HERO Infernity FTK
4 Zefra
3 Atlantean Mermail
2 Mekk-Knight
1 ABC Meta Beat
1 Burning Abyss Chaos Thunder Dragon
1 Greener Chaos Dragon
1 D/D
1 Demise True Draco
1 Gem-Knight
1 Greener HERO Plant
1 Greener HERO Plant FTK
1 Lightsworn
1 Greener Burning Abyss Chaos Thunder Dragon
1 Greener Shaddoll Sky Striker Dinosaur
1 Herald
1 Meta Beat
1 Plant FTK
1 Yang Zing Dinosaur



Sky Striker




Sky Striker took a commanding lead at the start of the format, until the debut of Thunder Dragon in Soul Fusion.
Thunder Dragon left a small dent in Sky Striker’s dominance, by using Thunder Dragon Colossus to heavily disrupt Sky Striker’s primary strategy of amassing card advantage through Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! and Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku. However Sky Striker was able to adapt by switching Effect Veiler to Infinite Impermanence for negating Thunder Dragon Colossus, and running Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion in the Main Deck.
Although Sky Striker managed to maintain the lead till the end, the gap between them and Altergeist have narrowed considerably in the middle of the format.
OCG 2018.07 → OCG 2018.10 Limit Regulation changes:
Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! – 3 → 2
Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor – 3 → 2
Sky Striker’s consistency takes a minor hit, but they remain as the top contender going into the OCG 2018.10 format.

The debut of Thunder Dragon saw the rise of Altergeist. The overwhelming effect of Thunder Dragon Colossus kept many rogue decks in check, streamlining the competitive scene into Sky Striker and Thunder Dragon.
This enabled Altergeist to take a very drastic approach of deck building by running Secret Village of the Spellcasters in the Main Deck to shutdown Sky Striker. Altergeist naturally has a good matchup against Thunder Dragon as both Altergeist Meluseek and Altergeist Silquitous are easy answer to Thunder Dragon Colossus and Thunder Dragon Titan.
Altergeist continued in a close second place behind Sky Striker for the rest of the format.
OCG 2018.07 → OCG 2018.10 Limit Regulation changes:
Altergeist Multifaker – 3 → 2
Altergeist took a single hit to its consistency, but due to the diverse metagame in the early OCG 2018.10 format, they will have to adopt a more all-round approach in deck building and leave Secret Village of the Spellcasters in the Side Deck.






The decline of Thunder Dragon saw the rise of Knightmare Link decks, and among them, Gouki has the strongest performance.
Gouki has 2 main strategies – both involves setting up an Extra Link using various Knightmare monsters, but one ends with Borrelsword Dragon and giving the opponent Knightmare Corruptor Iblee, while the other one discards the opponent’s hand using Topologic Gumblar Dragon.
This is essentially game if the opponent is unable to disrupt the combo as they would find themselves overwhelmed by a board of Knightmare Link Monsters.
OCG 2018.07 → OCG 2018.10 Limit Regulation changes:
Summon Sorceress – 3 → 0
Knightmare Goblin – 3 → 1
A Hero Lives – 3 → 1
That Grass Looks Greener – 3 → 2
Gouki took a heavy hit in the OCG 2018.10 Limit Regulation, but they are not quite out of the competitive scene yet. Other than the traditional Armageddon Knight and Destiny HERO – Malicious build, some players are trying out a Mathematician and Dandylion build that is quite similar to Good Stuff Link.
It is likely that Gouki would continue to evolve with the release of Neo Space Connector in the upcoming Savage Strike.

When all the Knightmare Link decks (Gouki, Good Stuff Link, ABC, SPYRAL, etc) are tallied together, they amount to a total of 126 out of 490 decks. At 25.7%, this surpassed even Altergeist at 17.6%.
The Knightmare Link decks have a similar setup of using either Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights or Crystron Needlefiber to Link Summon into Summon Sorceress and then into Firewall Dragon.
Interestingly, Summon Sorceress being the middleman took the hit, and that indirectly affected a few other decks. 52 out of 490 decks like Thunder Dragon and Cyber Dragon, uses Summon Sorceress to extend their plays, though they are not the core essential combos.
The remaining 312 decks do not run Summon Sorceress.
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14 Sky Striker
9 Gouki:
5 mono Gouki
4 Greener Gouki
6 Altergeist
5 Trickstar
4 Magician
2 Dinosaur Thunder Dragon
2 Good Stuff Link
1 Burning Abyss
1 Cyber Dragon
1 Gem-Knight
1 Mekk-Knight
1 Thunder Dragon
1 World Chalice

Sky Striker
Numacchi (ぬまっち) went 8-1 and finished 1st in “2nd Orbis Cup with Hatti CS” which had 60 participants.
He ran a second copy of Sky Striker Mecha – Shark Cannon in the Main Deck, a trend that is occasional seen in some recent Sky Striker builds.
In the Sky Striker mirror match, Shark Cannon is used to banish the opponent’s Sky Striker Ace – Raye to break their loop. If there are 3 or more Spells in the graveyard, Shark Cannon can also be used to revive the opponent’s Sky Striker Ace- Kagari, which in turn will retrieve Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage!.
Against Gouki, Shark Cannon is used to banish Destiny HERO – Malicious, Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson, Blackwing – Steam the Cloak, Glow-Up Bulb or Jet Synchron. It can also be activated in response to Gouki Re-Match, Monster Reborn or Soul Charge. To a certain degree, Shark Cannon is sometimes more reliable than Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor at disrupting Gouki since it is unaffected by Magical Mid-Breaker Field.
However, outside of the Sky Striker and Gouki matchup, Shark Cannon is often a dead-weight and only useful for reviving a Tuner Monster to go into Crystron Needlefiber.

ATSU went 8-1 and finished 2nd in “2nd Orbis Cup with Hatti CS” which had 60 participants.
He ran a hybrid variant that runs both Armageddon Knight and Mathematician.
However, unlike the plant build featured in the previous week’s report, Mathematician‘s effect in this build is mainly used to send Edge Imp Sabres from the deck to the graveyard. By placing 1 card from hand on the top of the Deck, Edge Imp Sabres will revive itself. This also allows you to return Destiny HERO – Malicious to the deck if you happened to draw into them.
Edge Imp Sabres and Mathematician are then used to Xyz Summon M-X-Saber Invoker. Following is the standard play of using M-X-Saber Invoker to Special Summon Gouki Suprex and then Link Summoning Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights.
He also ran a copy of Chain Summoning to play around ‘Hand Traps’. When the effect of Armageddon Knight or Mathematician is activated on Chain Link 1 and the opponent responses with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Effect Veiler or Infinite Impermanence on Chain Link 2, Chain Summoning can then be activated on Chain Link 3.
With the additional Normal Summons, he could then summon another Armageddon Knight or Mathematician and push on with the combo.

Shirasagi Mayuri (白鹭茉百合), 8th CNC Champion, went 8-2 and finished 1st in “Duel City 2018 Shanghai” which had 73 participants.
He ran a standard build focused on beating Sky Striker with Secret Village of the Spellcasters and Anti-Spell Fragrance in the Main Deck.

bb went 8-1-1 and finished 1st in “Duel City 2018 Hangzhou” which had 84 participants.
His ran a standard build with an all-rounder Main Deck, keeping the tech cards such as Cyber Dragon, Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon and Inspector Boarder in the Side Deck.

Sky Striker and Gouki are the two main decks to beat in the early OCG 2018.10 format. Altergeist and Trickstar continues to trail behind.
Savage Strike will be release in the coming weekend, giving us 2 weeks of playtesting before the next major tournament in Asia – YOT Taiwan 2018.
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YCS Japan Osaka 10/8/2018
2nd Place: Thunder Dragon

Source: https://twitter.com/YuGiOh_OCG_INFO/status/1050214140680142848


3 Thunder Dragon

3 Thunder Dragonmatrix
3 Thunder Dragonroar
3 Thunder Dragonhawk
3 Thunder Dragondark
3 Batteryman Solar
2 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 Maxx “C”
3 Effect Veiler
2 Thunder Dragon Fusion
3 Instant Fusion
3 Pot of Desires
1 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Monster Reborn
1 Harpie’s Feather Duster
3 Rivalry of Warlords
2 Kaminari Attack
3 Thunder Dragon Colossus
3 Thunder Dragon Titan
1 Thousand-Eyes Restrict
1 Millennium-Eyes Restrict
2 Some Summer Summoner
1 Linkuriboh
1 Police Patrol of the Underworld

1 Knightmare Unicorn43519277_1830246430405828_32707326408979

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YCS Japan Tokyo 10/6/2018
Winner: Trickstar Sky Striker


3 Sky Striker Ace – Raye
2 Dinowrestler Pankratops
2 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 Maxx “C”
1 Glow-Up Bulb
3 Effect Veiler
3 Sky Striker Mecha Modules – Multirole
2 Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor
1 Sky Striker Mecha – Eagle Booster
2 Sky Striker Mecha – Shark Cannon
2 Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage!
1 Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones
3 Sky Striker Airspace – Area Zero
1 Sky Striker Maneuver – Afterburners!
1 Sky Striker Maneuver – Jamming Wave!
1 Sky Striker Maneuver – Vector Blast!
1 Chicken Game
1 Terraforming
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Harpie’s Feather Duster
2 Pot of Desires
3 Twin Twisters
3 Sky Striker Ace – Kagari
3 Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku
2 Sky Striker Ace – Hayate
1 Linkuriboh
1 Crystron Glassfiber
1 Knightmare Phoenix
1 Knightmare Unicorn
1 Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior
1 Borrelsword Dragon
1 Hi-Speedroid Chanbara
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  • 2 weeks later...
Week #2, #3 of the OCG 2018.10 format.
Old decks, new toys.
This report will cover 57 top-performing decks from 10 tournaments that were held in Japan and China during 14 – 21 October 2018.

New Product Release
Savage Strike
V Jump December 2018 promotional card
White Rose Dragon

Metagame Breakdown

12 Sky Striker
10 Altergeist
10 Gouki:
7 mono Gouki
3 Greener Gouki
5 Magician
5 Trickstar
4 Good Stuff Link
2 Thunder Dragon
2 Zefra
1 Burning Abyss
1 Dinosaur Thunder Dragon
1 Gandora X FTK
1 Greener Infernoid
1 Herald Incantation
1 Mekk-Knight
1 Revendread


Sky Striker
Hikaru (ヒカル) went 6-1-1 and finished 2nd in “31st Yu-Gi-Oh! Takatsuki CS with Hatti CS” which had 56 participants.
Sky Striker Ace – Kaina is the newest addition from Savage Strike, providing Sky Striker with a defensive option through Sky Striker Ace – Raye.

Tsukemen (つけめん) went 6-1-1 and finished 3rd in “31st Yu-Gi-Oh! Takatsuki CS with Hatti CS” which had 56 participants.
The addition of Pot of Indulgence allows Altergeist to cut down on Pot of Desires, which has a much more significant risk now with Altergeist Multifaker semi-limited. He ran an additional second copy of Linkuriboh and a third copy of Altergeist Hexstia, to reduce the odds of Pot of Indulgence randomly banishing all of these two important Link Monsters.
Illusion Dragon Phantazmei is a new ‘Hand Trap’ that has been gaining popularity.
Phantazmei is quite problematic for Sky Striker to deal with, due to its high ATK and an effect that can negate Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor and Sky Striker Maneuver – Afterburners!.
Against Gouki and Good Stuff Link, Phantazmei provides at least 2 card draws, increasing the chance of getting a ‘Hand Trap’ to disrupt the opponent. Its high ATK also meant that it could not be destroyed by Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, especially if the opponent opens using Neo Space Connector.

Cookie (くっきー) went 7-1 (including 2 byes) and finished 1st in “84th Aichi CS in NextPro Osu Shop with Hatti CS” (Team 3v3) which had 32 teams (96 participants).
He ran a Gouki build that is focused on Level 3 monsters.
Psychic Wheelder is a Level 3 Tuner monster that can be Special Summoned when you control a Level 3 monster. This synergies well with Mathematician and Junk Forward, allowing him to go into M-X-Saber Invoker and then Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights.
Being a Tuner also opens up the option bring out Crystron Needlefiber.
As Psychic Wheelder is also a Psychic monster, it could be Special Summoned by Emergency Teleport.

Although we are still seeing the same Sky Striker, Gouki and Altergeist topping, but each of these decks are using some new cards from Savage Strike.
Trickstar is running Pot of Indulgence, and Good Stuff Link uses Psychic Wheelder.



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YOT Taiwan 2018: Feature Match Swiss Round 1



On the left we have Lin Zhen-Yang running Gandora-X FTK, and on the right we have Luo Shao-Jun running Altergeist.



Duel 1




Shao-Jun went first but only summoned Altergeist Silquitous and set a card before ending his turn.




Zhen-Yang used Reinforcement of the Army to add Photon Thrasher to hand and that prompted a responds from Shao-Jun with Maxx “C”.


Zhen-Yang pondered for a moment and decided to take up the Maxx “C” challenge. He first Special Summon Photon Thrasher and followed with Special Summoning Dynatherium.


Both monsters were used to Xyz Summon Outer Entity Nyarla, forcing Shao-Jun to respond with flipping up Altergeist Protocol, but Zhen-Yang had a Red Reboot to negate it. Red Reboot gave Shao-Jun an Altergeist Manifestation.


Nyarla was used to Xyz Summon Outer Entity Azathot whose effect prevents Shao-Jun from activating any monster effects for the turn, essentially rendering any ‘hand traps’ that Shao-Jun may have drawn from Maxx “C” useless.




Plaguespreader Zombie was Normal Summoned and together with Azathot they were used to Link Summon Crystron Needlefiber. Needlefiber’s effect Special Summoned Blackwing – Steam the Cloak and together they are used to Link Summon Crusadia Equimax. Steam the Cloak then special summons a “Steam Token”.


Equimax was used to Link Summon Crusadia Magius and the “Steam Token” was used to Link Summon Linkuriboh right below the Link Arrow of Magius. Magius’ Trigger Effect added Crusadia Draco to hand, before being used to Link Summon Crusadia Spatha.


Crusadia Draco was Special Summoned to a Zone that Spatha’s Link Arrow was pointing to and then it was used to Link Summon Elpy the Guardragon. When Elpy was summoned to the zone below Spatha, Spatha’s Trigger Effect moved it to the right-most Monster Zone.


Since Spatha and Elpy are now pointing to the same Monster Zone, Elpy’s effect was activated to Special Summon Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson from the deck. Both dragons are then used to Link Summon Hieratic Seal of the Celestial Spheres.


Zhen-Yang then activated Steam the Cloak’s graveyard effect and tributed Hieratic Seal of the Celestial Spheres to special summon itself from the graveyard. This triggers Hieratic Seal of the Celestial Spheres to Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from deck.


Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon‘s effect was activated to Special Summon Hieratic Seal of the Celestial Spheres and together with Steam the Cloak, all 3 monsters are used to Link Summon Firewall Dragon.




Steam the Cloak’s trigger effect Special Summons a “Steam Token”, which was then tributed to Special Summon Linkuriboh from the graveyard. Firewall Dragon‘s effect was activated to retrieve Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from the graveyard.


Linkuriboh and Crusadia Spatha are used to Link Summon Crusadia Equimax, triggering Firewall Dragon‘s effect to Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon.


Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon‘s effect Special Summoned Crusadia Draco and they are used to Link Summon Agarpain the Guardragon in the right-most monster zone.


As Firewall Dragon and Equimax have Link Arrows pointing to the monster zone in the middle, Agarpain’s effect was activated to Special Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon from the Extra Deck. It was then used to Xyz Summon Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon.


Activating Number 95’s effect sent Destrudo, Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms and Eclipse Wyvern to the graveyard. Eclipse Wyvern‘s trigger effect banished Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition from the deck. Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms‘s effect was activated by banishing Eclipse Wyvern and Crusadia Draco from the graveyard to Special Summon itself. Gandora-X was then added to hand by Eclipse Wyvern.




Tempest and Agarpain are used to Link Summon Triple Burst Dragon, triggering Firewall Dragon to Special Summon Gandora-X.


Gandora-X’s effect destroys Crusadia Equimax, dealing a total of 8400 damage.


Lin Zhen-Yang [Gandora-X FTK] 1 – 0 Luo Shao-Jun [Altergeist]




Duel 2




Shao-Jun chose to go first and opened with Altergeist Marionetter whose effect set Altergeist Protocol from the deck to the field. He followed with a Pot of Desires to draw 2 cards and set a Spell/Trap to the field before ending.




Zhen-Yang Special Summoned Dinowrestler Pankratops and moved into the Battle Phase. At the start of Battle Phase, Anti-Magic Arrows was activated, allowing Pankratops to attack and destroy Marionetter without any interference from the set cards.




The turn was back to Shao-Jun and he Normal Summoned Altergeist Meluseek and direct attacked with it. This forced Zhen-Yang to pop his Pankratops and it took out the set Scapegoat.


Meluseek was used to Link Summon Linkuriboh in Main Phase 2, and its effect added Altergeist Multifaker to hand.




Zhen-Yang Normal Summoned Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm and moved into the Battle Phase. He activated another Anti-Magic Arrows at the Start of Battle Phase before attacking Linkuriboh with Darkwurm, and Linkuriboh‘s effect was activated to turn Darkwurm ATK to 0.


In Main Phase 2, he Special Summoned Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson from hand.


At this moment, Shao-Jun threw a Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries to deny Zhen-Yang of Crystron Needlefiber. This limited Zhen-Yang options and he could only bring out Knightmare Phoenix whose effect was activated on summon to destroy the set Altergeist Protocol.




Shao-Jun Normal Summoned Altergeist Marionetter but Zhen-Yang flipped over Called by the Grave and banished the previous Marionetter to negate the effect. Shao-Jun set a card and ended the turn.


Zhen-Yang attempted to attack with Phoenix but Shao-Jun flipped over Altergeist Protocol, allowing Multifaker to be Special Summoned. Multifaker brought out Silquitous whose effect was used to bounce Marionetter and Phoenix.


Shao-Jun summoned Marionetter and used Multifaker and Silquitous to Link Summon Altergeist Hexstia. Both attacked for the game.


Lin Zhen-Yang [Gandora-X FTK] 1 – 1 Luo Shao-Jun [Altergeist]




Duel 3



Zhen-Yang chose to go first and opened with Magical Mid-Breaker Field right at the start of Main Phase 1.


Emergency Teleport Special Summoned Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit and Eclipse Wyvern was Normal Summoned. Both are used to Link Summon Crystron Needlefiber whose effect brought out Blackwing – Steam the Cloak. Eclipse Wyvern‘s effect then banished Gandora-X.


The same Crusadia Guardragon combo followed but as Hieratic Seal of the Celestial Spheres was Link Summoned, Shao-Jun Special Summoned Illusion Dragon Phantazmei. This allowed Shao-Jun to draw 3 cards and return 2 to the deck.




Steam the Cloak tributed Hieratic Seal of the Celestial Spheres to Special Summon itself from the graveyard. Hieratic Seal of the Celestial Spheres‘s trigger effect was negated by Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring.


Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms was Special Summoned from hand by banishing Eclipse Wyvern and Crusadia Draco. Gandora-X was added to hand.


Steam the Cloak and Crusadia Spatha were used to Link Summon Triple Burst Dragon before ending the turn.





Shao-Jun Normal Summoned Meluseek on his turn and proceed to the Battle Phase. Linkuriboh was Special Summoned by tributing the “Steam Token” at the start of the Battle Phase. Phantazmei attacked into Linkuriboh whose effect was activated in respond.


In Main Phase 2, Linkuriboh and Phantazmei are used to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix in front of Triple Burst Dragon. Phoenix’s effect was activated and it destroyed Magical Mid-Breaker Field while still netting a draw.


Shao-Jun set 2 cards to the backrow and ended the turn. Tempest returned to hand during the End Phase.





Tempest was Special Summoned from hand and then it was banished to Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from hand. Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon‘s effect Special Summon Elpy the Guardragon from the graveyard, but when its effect was activated it was destroyed by Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit. Elpy resolved with no effect as there were no Zone with 2 or more Link Monsters pointing to.


Moving to the Battle Phase, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Triple Burst Dragon both attacked Phoenix to deal a total of 1400 damage. Since Phoenix is co-linked, it was not destroyed by battle.


As time was already called, due to the End-of-Match Procedure, Zhen-Yang wins by having more Life Points.


Lin Zhen-Yang [Gandora-X FTK] 2 – 1 Luo Shao-Jun [Altergeist]

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YOT Taiwan 2018: Feature Match Swiss Round 3




In our left, Cheung Tin Wai is from Hong Kong and he is running Dinosaur Thunder Dragon.
In our right, Somsira Vanprapa is from Thailand and he is running Monarch.
Duel 1
Tin Wai opened with Double Evolution Pill and banished Thunder Dragonroar and Overtex Qoatlus to Special Summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno from the deck. Dragonroar’s trigger effect special summoned Thunder Dragondark from the deck.
He followed with Gold Sarcophagus and banished Giant Rex from deck, which then Special Summon itself to the field. Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring was then Normal Summoned and together with Giant Rex they are used to Link Summon Crystron Needlefiber.
Blackwing – Steam the Cloak was Special Summoned from deck and together with Needlefiber they are used to Link Summon Decode Talker, and a “Steam Token” was Special Summoned.
Steam the Cloak Special Summoned itself by tributing the “Steam Token”, and together with Thunder Dragondark they are used to Synchro Summon Borreload Savage Dragon. Borreload Savage Dragon‘s effect equip Needlefiber on summon, giving itself 2 Borrel Counters. Another “Steam Token” is Special Summoned, and Thunder Dragonhawk is added to hand.
“Steam Token” is used to Link Summon Linkuriboh and then Secure Gardna. Finally, Thunder Dragonhawk is activated from hand to Special Summon Thunder Dragonroar from banished. Dragonroar was then tributed to Special Summon Thunder Dragon Colossus.
On to Somsira’s turn, he played Foolish Burial Goods and it was negated by Borreload Savage Dragon, drawing a concede from Somsira immediately.
Cheung Tin Wai [Dinosaur Thunder Dragon] 1 – 0 Somsira Vanprapa [Monarch]
Duel 2
Somsira chose to go first and opens with Reinforcement of the Army for Edea the Heavenly Squire. Edea was Normal Summoned and its effect Special Summoned Eidos the Underworld from the deck.
Return of the Monarchs was activated before using Edea and Eidos to Tribute Summon Erebus the Underworld Monarch. Return added Ehther the Heavenly Monarch to hand while Erebus sent Pantheism of the Monarchs and The Prime Monarch from the deck to the graveyard to randomly return a card from Tin Wai’s hand to the deck.
Pantheism was banished from the graveyard to reveal 3 Tenacity of the Monarchs, automatically giving Somsira one of them. Tenacity fetched Escalation of the Monarchs and banished Eidos from the graveyard to Special Summoned Edea from the graveyard.
Somsira set a Spell/Trap before ending the turn.
Tin Wai Normal Summoned Armageddon Knight to send Thunder Dragonroar from the deck to the graveyard. Fossil Dig fetched Miscellaneousaurus which was discarded to the graveyard, followed by banished from the graveyard to Special Summon Jurrac Aeolo.
Using Ehther’s effect, Somsira tributed Erebus to Tribute Summon Ehther. Ehther’s effect then send another Pantheism and Escalation to the graveyard to Special Summon Kuraz the Light, while Return added Zaborg the Mega Monarch from deck to hand. Kuraz’s effect was then activated, popping Return and Edea to draw 2 cards. Edea’s effect then add the banished Pantheism to hand.
However, that was not all! He followed with Escalation and Tribute Summon Zaborg the Mega Monarch. Zaborg destroyed itself, allowing Somsira to choose 8 cards from Tin Wai’s Extra Deck and send to the graveyard. He chose to take out Tin Wai’s threats such as Thunder Dragon Colossus, Borreload Savage Dragon, Borrelsword Dragon, while sending 2 Elder Entity N’tss and others from his own Extra Deck.
Both N’tss effect are triggered to destroy Aeolo and Armageddon Knight.
Tin Wai followed with a Double Evolution Pill banishing Dragonroar and Aeolo, and it was met with a Retaliating “C”. Dinowrestler Pankratops was Special Summoned and Dragonroar’s effect Special Summoned Thunder Dragondark.
Pankratops attacked Retaliating “C”, which fetched Maxx “C”. The End Phase saw both Kuraz and Dragondark returned to their owners’ hand. Somsira Special Summoned The Prime Monarch from the graveyard.
It was swiftly over when Somsira brought out Vanity’s Fiend on his turn.
Cheung Tin Wai [Dinosaur Thunder Dragon] 1 – 1 Somsira Vanprapa [Monarch]
Duel 3
The third game had a bit of a slow start as Tin Wai merely opened with a set Monster and a set Spell/Trap.
Somsira Special Summoned Dinowrestler Pankratops and attacked the monster, revealing to be Giant Rex. He set a monster and activate Return of the Monarchs before ending his turn.
Tin Wai Normal Summoned Armageddon Knight to send Overtex Qoatlus to the graveyard, whose effect in turn gave him a Double Evolution Pill.
Tin Wai tried to develop his field, but Somsira had Ehther to bring out Kuraz to destroy his threats such as Ultimate Conductor Tyranno and Thunder Dragondark before it could be tributed to Special Summon Thunder Dragon Colossus.
This small opening gave Somsira a chance to push for a bit of damage.


Tin Wai tried to go for another big play but it was once again disrupted by Ehther and Kuraz. Kuraz popped Borrelsword Dragon and Shooting Riser Dragon.
Time was called shortly and Somsira with the higher Life Points was deemed the winner of the game and match.
Cheung Tin Wai [Dinosaur Thunder Dragon] 1 – 2 Somsira Vanprapa [Monarch]
It was an explosive match as both decks were able to go off with big plays that would have been devastating if left undisrupted.
We also saw the power of Savage Strike’s cover card, Borreload Savage Dragon, taking down a game.
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YOT Taiwan 2018: Feature Match Swiss Round 5


On the left is Hsiao Tsun-Yu, as introduced earlier in our “Along with the Champions” article, is the 2015 Asia SP Champion and 2016 Asia Champion. He is from Taiwan and is running Magician today.
His opponent, on the right, is Xie Bai-Wei, also from Taiwan. He is running Magician as well.
Duel 1
Tsun-Yu went first and opened with placing Wisdom-Eye Magician and Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon in the Pendulum Zone, before Pendulum Summoning Mist Valley Apex Avian from hand.
Bai-Wei followed with activating Star Pendulumgraph, Timegazer Magician and then Wisdom-Eye Magician in this sequence.
However, the activation of Wisdom-Eye Magician in the Pendulum Zone was negated by Apex Avian, leaving Bai-Wei with only a setting a Spell/Trap as his play.
During Tsun-Yu’s Standby Phase, Bai-Wei flipped and activated Time Pendulumgraph and activated it to destroy his own Timegazer Magician and his opponent’s Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon. This preemptive move was an attempt to prevent Tsun-Yu from Pendulum Summoning Apex Avian again.
However, Tsun-Yu had a Performapal Skullcrobat Joker, which was promptly Normal Summoned to fetch for a low Pendulum scale.
This drew a concede from Bai-Wei immediately as he had no answer for Apex Avian.
Hsiao Tsun-Yu [Magician] 1 – 0 Xie Bai-Wei [Magician]
Duel 2
Bai-Wei chose to go first but passed with no play.
Tsun-Yu placed Double Iris Magician and Purple Poison Magician and proceed to Pendulum Summon Supreme King Gate Zero and Harmonizing Magician from hand.
When Harmonizing Magician‘s Trigger Effect is activated, Bai-Wei revealed PSY-Framegear Gamma from hand to negate it.
Tsun-Yu followed with Normal Summoning Glow-Up Bulb to Synchro Summon PSY-Framelord Omega.
During the End Phase, both PSY-Framegear Gamma and PSY-Frame Driver were banished.
On Bai-Wei’s turn, he placed Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron and Oafdragon Magician in the Pendulum Zone. Tsun-Yu responded with the effect of PSY-Framelord Omega at this moment to reduce the amount of monsters that Bai-Wei could Pendulum Summon from hand.
Omega took out Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer and Tsun-Yu followed up with a preemptive Maxx “C” to pressure Bai-Wei from making any plays this turn.
Bai-Wei passed the turn, giving Tsun-Yu the opportunity to make a big play. He start by Pendulum Summoning Gate Zero from the Extra Deck and Timegazer Magician from hand. Both are then used to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite.
As Tsun-Yu was adding Astrograph Sorcerer from the Deck to the Extra Deck, Bai-Wei concedes knowing that he has no way to stop this play.
Hsiao Tsun-Yu [Magician] 2 – 0 Xie Bai-Wei [Magician]
This was a fast and one-side mirror match as Xie Bai-Wei bricked quite badly with no plays.
Hsiao Tsun-Yu is now 5-0 and is in a good position to make the Top 64.
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