Ultimagamer Posted September 3, 2018 Report Share Posted September 3, 2018 This is an archetype I thought of a while back. It is based around the "Ghost Girls" series of hand traps, and around giving them a deck to play and a win condition while being all around anti-meta. I originally created a post with similar cards a while back, but that wasn't very well done ( I didn't even finish the names of them smh ). This is my new and improved version, creating hand traps that counter most scenarios, and having fusion monsters that cause more mayhem than the monsters they are based on! I will be updating, so please leave your thoughts below :D [spoiler=Original Ghost Girls]Ghost Ogre & Snow RabbitLevel 3 / Psychic / Light / Tuner / Effect0 attack / 1800 defense When a monster on the field activates its effect, or when a spell/trap that is already face-up on the field activates its effect (quick effect): you can send this card from your hand or field to the GY; destroy that card on the field. You can only use this effect of “Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit” once per turn. Ash Blossom & Joyous SpringLevel 3 / Zombie / Fire / Tuner / Effect0 attack / 1800 defense When a card or effect is activate that includes any of these effects (quick effect): you can discard this card; negate that effect.Add a card from Deck to the handSpecial summon from the DeckSend a card from the Deck to the GYYou can only use this effect of “Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring” once per turn Ghost Reaper & Winter CherriesLevel 3 / Zombie / Dark / Tuner / Effect0 attack / 1800 defense If your opponent controls more monsters than you do (quick effect): you can discard this card; reveal 1 card in your Extra Deck, then look at your opponent’s Extra Deck, also banish all cards in their Extra Deck with the same name as that revealed card. You can only use this effect of “Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries” once per turn. Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion Level 3 / Zombie / Earth / Tuner / Effect0 attack / 1800 defense When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (quick effect): you can discard this card; negate the activation.Add a card from the GY to the hand, Deck, or Extra DeckSpecial summon from the GYBanish a card from the GYYou can only use this effect of “Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion” once per turn Maid of the Ghost Girls Level 3 / Light / Zombie / Tuner / Effect 0 attack / 0 defense During either players turn: you can discard this card from your hand; apply one of the following effects. Add 1 Tuner Monster with 0 ATK and 1800 DEF from your Deck to your hand, except “Maid of the Ghost Girls”. Monsters with the same name as the added Monster cannot activate their effects for the rest of this turn. Add 1 Tuner Monster with 0 ATK and 1800 DEF from your GY to your hand, except “Maid of the Ghost Girls”. Monsters with the same name as the added Monster cannot activate their effects for the rest of this turn. Add 1 “Ghost” Spell/Trap card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Maid of the Ghost Girls” once per turn. Ghost Exe-Cute-Tioner & Summer Eagle Level 3 / Zombie / Wind / Tuner / Effect0 attack / 1800 defense When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (quick effect): you can discard this card; negate the activation.Special summon a monster(s) from the banished cards Add a card(s) from the banished cards to the handBanish a card(s) from the field, Main Deck, or Extra Deck You can only use this effect of “Ghost Exe-Cute-Tioner & Summer Eagle” once per turn. Ghost Sword & Water Nymph Level 3 / Zombie / Water / Tuner / Effect0 attack / 1800 defense When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (quick effect): you can discard this card; negate the activation. Discard a card(s) from either players hand or send a card(s) from either players hand to the GY Shuffle a card(s) from either players hand into the Deck Banish a card(s) from either players hand Effects that this card can negate includes effects that discard, send, banish, of shuffle as a cost to activate an effect or as an effect. You can only use this effect of “Ghost Sword & Water Nymph” once per turn. Ghost Ogre, the Nightmare of Destruction Level 7 / Fusion / Psychic / Light 2800 attack / 1800 defenseFusion Materials: “Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit” + 1 Tuner Monster Once per turn, if your opponent activates a card or effect while they control more cards total in their hand and on their field than you do: you can banish 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster from your GY; destroy all cards your opponent controls. Your opponent takes no further battle damage for the rest of the turn after you activate this effect. If this card leaves the field: you can add 1 Tuner Monster with 0 attack and 1800 defense from your Deck, GY, or from your banished cards to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Ghost Ogre, the Nightmare of Destruction” once per turn. Ash Blossom, the Joy of the Nightmare Level 7 / Fusion / Zombie / Fire 2800 attack / 1800 defenseFusion Materials: “Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring” + 1 Tuner Monster Once per turn when your opponent activates a card or effect that involves moving a card from their main Deck to a different place: you can banish 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster from your GY; negate that effect, and if you do, banish that card, then you can look at 3 random cards in your opponent’s Deck and choose 1 of them to banish. If this card leaves the field: you can add 1 tuner with 0 attack and 1800 defense from your Deck, GY, or from your banished cards to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Ash Blossom, the Joy of the Nightmare” once per turn. Ghost Reaper, the Nightmare of the Land Level 7 / Fusion / Zombie / Dark 2800 attack / 1800 defenseFusion Materials: “Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries” + 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster Once per turn (quick effect): you can reveal 1 Monster from your Extra Deck, then Banish as many cards from your opponent’s Extra Deck as possible with the same type as that Monster (Fusion, Xyz, Synchro, or Link) up to half of the Level/Rank of the revealed Monster. Link Monsters revealed with this effect banish Monsters from your opponent’s Extra Deck up to their Link Rating ( not halved ). If this card leaves the field: you can add 1 Tuner Monster with 0 attack and 1800 defense from your Deck, GY, or from your banished cards to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Ghost Reaper, the Nightmare of the Land” once per turn. Ghost Belle, the Mansion’s Worst Nightmare Level 7 / Fusion / Zombie / Earth 2800 attack / 1800 defenseFusion Materials: “Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion” + 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster While you control this card, any card sent to your opponent’s GY is banished instead. Once per turn (quick effect): you can banish 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster from your GY; banish up to 3 cards from your opponent’s GY. If this card leaves the field: you can add 1 tuner with 0 attack and 1800 defense from your Deck, GY, or from your banished cards to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Ghost Belle, the Mansion’s Worst Nightmare” once per turn. Ghost Exe-Cute-Tioner, the Nightmare of the Lost Level 7 / Fusion / Zombie / Wind 2800 attack / 1800 defense Fusion Materials: “Ghost Exe-Cute-Tioner & Summer Eagle” + 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster While you control this card, any card that would go to your opponent’s banished cards is placed on the bottom of their Deck instead. Once per turn (quick effect): you can banish 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster from your GY; shuffle up to 3 of your opponent’s banished cards into their Deck. If this card leaves the field: you can add 1 tuner with 0 attack and 1800 defense from your Deck, GY, or from your banished cards to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Ghost Exe-Cute-Tioner, the Nightmare of the Lost” once per turn. Ghost Sword, the Nightmare of the Waters Level 7 / Fusion / Zombie / Water 2800 attack / 1800 defense Fusion Materials: “Ghost Sword & Water Nymph” + 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster While you control this card, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in their hand. Once per turn when your opponent activates a card or effect that would move a card in either players hand to a different place (quick effect): you can banish 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster from your GY; negate that effect, and if you do, shuffle that card into the Deck, then you can shuffle 1 random card from your opponent’s hand into their Deck. If this card leaves the field: you can add 1 tuner with 0 attack and 1800 defense from your Deck, GY, or from your banished cards to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Ghost Sword, the Nightmare of the Waters” once per turn. The Mother of the Ghost Girls Link 2 / Light / Zombie / Link / Effect Link Materials: 2 Tuner Monsters and/or Fusion Monsters Link Markers: Bottom Left, Bottom Right 1800 attack If this card is Link Summoned: You can banish 1 Tuner Monster or 1 Fusion Monster from your GY; add 1 “Ghost” Spell/Trap card from your Deck, GY, or banished cards to your hand. Your opponent cannot respond to the effects of “Ghost” Monsters with cards or effects. Once per turn, if a card or effect is activated in the hand: you can target 1 “Ghost” Fusion Monster that lists a specific Fusion Material in your GY or your banished cards; Special Summon that target. Mansion of the Ghost GirlsSpell - Field When this card is activated: you can add 1 Level 3 Tuner Monster with 0 ATK and 1800 DEF from your Deck to your hand. Up to twice per turn, when your opponent declares a direct attack, you can reveal 1 Tuner monster with 0 ATK and 1800 DEF in your hand to halve the damage you take from that battle. You can only activate 1 “Mansion of the Ghost Girls” once per turn. Ghost FusionSpell - Quickplay Fusion summon 1 “Ghost” Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck by sending the materials listed on it from your hand or field to the GY, or by banishing the materials from your GY. You cannot banish Monsters from your GY with this effect if you send Monsters from your hand or field to your GY with this effect. During your Main Phase: you can banish this card from your GY then target 1 of your banished Tuner Monsters, Fusion Monsters, or “Ghost” Monsters; shuffle that target into your Deck, then draw 1 card. Ghost Party Spell - Continuous If you would activate the effect of a Tuner Monster with 0 ATK and 1800 DEF in your hand that would discard itself to activate it’s effect, you do not have to discard that card ( the effect of that monster still applies normally ). Once per turn: You can target 1 of your banished Tuner Monsters or banished Fusion Monsters; add that target to your hand. You can only use this effect of “Ghost Party” once per turn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted September 19, 2018 Report Share Posted September 19, 2018 Sorry if I sound a little harsh; I don't like the Ghost girls even though I play them :PEagle rewording: Special Summon a banished monster(s). Add a banish card(s) to the hand.Definitely the better of the two customs, with slightly less range than Belle but the banish from the field catch definitely being useful in certain match-ups. Nymph is far too specific to be much use, with the only real meta interaction being Gumblar and Reincarnation, the latter of which you can just Ash. I'd suggest at the very least modifying the first catch clause to apply to cards being just sent from the hand to the GY, as that covers discarding and other things like the Mekk-Knight Field Spell. Useful against annoying stun too, I guess?Skipping briefly to the Spell/Traps, the Field Spell has far too wide a range, especially as it can grab Uni-Zombie and other dangerous Level 3s :P Hand protection eff renders Nymph even more useless by doing exactly what Nymph would, and even crosses over with Belle. It's decent for a field spell, but you should probably change it or Nymph. Last effect is 2 stronk again; if you have a 0/1800 card in your hand, and your opponent can't deal with the Field Spell, you take no damage from direct attacks. Perhaps a once per turn or reveal until the End Phase so you have to reveal a different one each time?Your Fusion is pretty basic, pretty simple...not much to say there. Unfortunately, it's not searchable in-archetype outside of the Link, so it's very hard to actually play this series as a proper Deck. Here's an idea: Why not make Nymph a handtrap with 3 search/support effects; the only one which actually makes them playable? I would say extend Eagle that way too, but I do like the current range of effects it blocks.Link is cool. Basic but cool.Fusions aren't anything particularly amazing; pretty interesting as alternatives to Summon in Fusion Decks considering how generic their mats are, so I wonder how that would turn out in modern play. Would say that their last effect need a hard once per turn, because it's pretty easy to trigger and just asking for abuse and recycling, especially with...Nightmare of the Land. Said card is easily the strongest here, as not only are you either knocking out 8 Links, 12 Fusions, 12 Xyzs or 12 Synchros with a simple once per turn, meaning even if you DIDN'T get to see your opponent's Extra Deck after it resolves, if you know what Deck they're playing, you almost certainly can decimate said Extra Deck with this card. Definitely needs nerfing. Waters is pretty neat considering how bad their normal handtrap counterpart is, though.I like how you've expanded the Ghost Girls into the Fusions. Although, as I've said, I don't like them (due to their theming and blandness) you've certainly done something with them. It still has part of that boring catch-all theming one would get from an expanding of the series, the Fusion and Link expand well. Just a few fixes here and there to tighten up the set. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ultimagamer Posted October 12, 2018 Author Report Share Posted October 12, 2018 Alright, after a long while of waiting, I've finally gotten around to updating this archetype! Changes 1. Maid: a new search card ( locks down usage of the card she searches to be safe ) 2. Ghost Sword: I don't really want to get rid of this one, mainly since I think it has some interesting anti-meta potential. I think that buffing it might help get to a good spot. - Now the effect can negate effects that discard, send, banish, or shuffle as a cost or as an effect. 3. Nightmare of the Land: Now only banishes half of the level/rank of the monster ( link monsters do equal to their link rating ) 4. Mansion: now only searches within the archetype, no longer prevents cards from your hand and GY from being moved to different places, and the attack prevention is only twice per turn, also now halves instead of preventing all of the damage. 5. Ghost Party: a new card ( makes it so you don't have to discard to activate your hand traps ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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