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[YGO Pro] Fusion-Transcend + HERO

I Hate Snatch Steal

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Note: Stratos is banned in this format



x1 Elemental HERO Blazeman

x2 Elemental HERO Solidman

x2 Elemental HERO Shadow Mist

x3 Elemental HERO Bubbleman (retrain) (see screenshot above)

x2 Elemental HERO Spark Wingman see screen shot in this thread https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/374715-ygopro-future-hero-for-custom-card-duels/?hl=%2Belemental+%2Bhero+%2Bsparkwingman

x3 Fusion-Transcender Angel

x3 Fusion-Transcender Sorceress

x3 Fusion-Transcender Sage

x2 Neo Spacian Dark Panther

x2 Neo Spacian Grand Mole

x2 Elemental HERO Honest Neos



x2 Miracle Fusion

x1 Polymerization

x2 Legacy of a HERO

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 The Warrior Returning Alive

x2 Twin Twisters

x3 Transcending Fusion



x1 Drowning Mirror Force

x1 Infinite Impermanence



x1 Invoked Mechaba (Note that Fusion-Transcend Sorceress can substitute for Aelister the Invoker (sp?))

x1 Firewall Dragon Rider https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/374922-firewall-dragon-rider/

x1 Vision HERO Trinity

x1 Elemental HERO Great Tornado

x1 Elemental HERO The Shining

x2 Elemental HERO Absolute Zero

x1 Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman (Note that Fusion-Transcend Sorceress can substitute for Flame Wingman)

x1 Elemental HERO Nebula Neos (Note that Fusion-Transcend Sorceress can substitute for Neos)

x1 Rising Sun Fang https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/366863-rising-sun-fang/?hl=%2Brising+%2Bsun+%2Bfang

x1 Decode Talker

x1 Firewall Dragon

x2 Extra HERO Wonder Driver

x1 Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights


Credit to https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/7710-thomas-zero/ for the decklist that I adapted this from


The idea is to do standard HERO plays, but also use Transcending Fusion to summon Nebula Neos and Firewall Dragon Rider

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