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A Small, Punny Set of LIGHT Beasts (WRITTEN)


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These puns just decided to barge into my head one night and made a small workable group. I was going to make a couple Spells to support it, but this set feels complete as is. Any of these cards overpowered?





Pup Paw

Level 1


Effect: When this card is destroyed by your opponent, Special Summon 1 “Maw” OR “Paw” from your hand.


Atk/Def 500


Art: Illustration of a puppy



Level 6


Effect: Unaffected by card effects, except for the effects of Beast monsters. Your opponent cannot target other Beast monsters with card effects (except “Maw”).


Atk 2200/ Def 2000


Art: Illustration of a female dog guarding a puppy ("Pup Paw" art used).



Level 6:


Effect: Cannot be destroyed by battle, except by battle with Beast monsters. Your opponent cannot select another Beast monster as an attack target (except “Paw”).


Atk 2400/ Def 1800


Art: Illustration of a male dog attacking an intruder (perhaps a Danger! monster). "Maw" guarding "Pup Paw" in background.


Ma Maw & Pa Paw

Link 3

3 Beast monsters

Arrows: Left, Right, Top-Right


Effect: Beast monsters you control in Zones this card points to gain 500 Atk for each Beast monster on the field. Beast monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. If “Pup Paw” is on the field, this card can attack twice per Battle Phase. Inflicts piercing damage.


Art: Two larger, older, snarling versions of "Maw" and "Paw" circle the intruder. In the background, "Paw" lies on the ground, heavily injured, with "Maw" and "Pup Paw" guarding him fiercely.


Atk 2800

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