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Illusion Core MK-1

Fiend dark level 3

Effect:Once per turn,when this card is summoned you can add 1 "Illusion Core MK-2" to your hand. If this card is destroyed you can special summon 1 "Illusion" monster from your deck with attack more than this card.

Atk:500 Def:500



Illusion Core MK-2

Level 3 Fiend dark

Effect:When this card is added to the hand by an effect:You can special summon this card. When this card is summoned you can add 1 "Illusion Core MK-3" from your deck to your hand. If this card is destroyed you can add 1 "Illusion" trap card from your deck to your hand.

Atk:1000 Def:1000


Illusion Core MK-3

Level 3 darK fiend

Effect:When this card is added to the hand by a card effect you can special summon this card from your hand. When this card is summoned:Add 1 "Illusion" card from your deck to your hand.

Atk:1500 Def:1500


Illusion Master

Level 7 fiend dark

Effect:If you control 3 face up "Illusion Core's" with different names you can special summon this card by returning two of those monsters to the hand. When this card is special summoned you can add 1 "Illusion Core" from your deck to your hand with a level of six or higher.

Atk:2500 Def:1500


Illusion Labyrinth

Field spell

Effect:All "Illusion" monsters gain 500 attack and defence. When an "Illusion" monster leaves the field you can draw one card.



PS:I'll be adding the level 6 and higher "Illusion Core's" later along with other support.

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