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3x Catapult Turtle

1x Dandylion

3x Iron Blacksmith

1x Marsh

1x Jar

3x Grizzly

1x Sangan

1x Reaper



2x Book of Moon

1x Brain Control

2x Fusion Weapon

1x Gold Sarc

3x Instant Fusion

1x Level Limit

2x Mage Power

1x Monster Reborn

1x MST

1x Premature

1x Swords

1x United We Stand

3x WMC



1x Ceasefire

1x G Bind

1x Cylinder

1x MF

1x Transmigration

1x TT


Fusion (6)


3x Rare Fish

3x Fortress Dragon

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3x Catapult Turtle

1x Dandylion

3x Iron Blacksmith

1x Marsh

1x Jar

3x Grizzly

1x Sangan

1x Reaper



2x Book of Moon

1x Brain Control

2x Fusion Weapon

1x Gold Sarc

3x Instant Fusion

1x Level Limit

2x Mage Power

1x Monster Reborn

1x MST

1x Premature

1x Swords

1x United We Stand

3x WMC



1x Ceasefire

1x G Bind

1x Cylinder

1x MF

1x Transmigration

1x TT


Fusion (6)


3x Rare Fish

3x Fortress Dragon


bad deck is bad, too slow. also united we stand>fusion weapon

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yhea it dus seem a little slow


not quite up to par of crabs version


to be frank' date=' NOTHING is really up to par with Crabs version of ANYTHING

but still, your deck does seem slow...



Keep on blowing his e-peen.


If you don't understand this Rare Fish Burn, don't pust guys.


10/10 would read again/

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