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building my first gaming pc

Phelphor, of the Deep

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i got a "shopping list" of what i need and i want to make a gaming pc under a budget. as cheap as i can go while still good. 16gb of memory, a hard drive and ssd. which is the bare min of what I need.




memory 2 (two) sticks of RAM

graphic processing unit

storage AKA hard drive and solid state drive

power supply




audio speakers


windows 10

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This is something? very basic.



This is a good start.  You'll want to invest into a bit more memory (2 gigs is way too few especially if you plan on playing games or the like).  Invest in a minimum of 8gigs of ram.  Other than that, for your first PC, this is a good way to start.  I hope you keep this thread updated.  I'm really excited now haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

UPDATE: Just got my gaming mouse in mail yesterday, speakers en route and going to get my monitor soon. Lastly is to construct the box and getting it purring.



PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant


CPU: Intel - Core 2 Duo E8400 3GHz Dual-Core OEM/Tray Processor ($29.47 @ Amazon)

CPU Cooler: Zalman - CNPS7000V(AL)-1-PWM CPU Cooler ($6.50 @ Amazon)

Motherboard: Asus - P5QL-VM DO/CSM Micro ATX LGA775 Motherboard

Memory: Kingston - ValueRAM 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR2-800 Memory ($23.70 @ Amazon)

Memory: Kingston - ValueRAM 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR2-800 Memory ($23.70 @ Amazon)

Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 320GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($19.15 @ Amazon)

Video Card: VisionTek - Radeon HD 4350 512MB Video Card ($36.62 @ Amazon)

Power Supply: Corsair - Builder 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($18.99 @ Newegg)

Optical Drive: Lite-On - iHAS124-14 DVD/CD Writer ($13.99 @ SuperBiiz)

Sound Card: Diamond - XtremeSound XS51 16-bit 48 KHz Sound Card ($17.45 @ Amazon)

Wired Network Adapter: Rosewill - RC-402 PCI 100 Mbit/s Network Adapter ($6.99 @ Amazon)

Wireless Network Adapter: Belkin - F9L1002 USB 2.0 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi Adapter ($7.00 @ Amazon)

Total: $203.56

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-10-16 17:56 EDT-0400

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TBQH, you should have coughed up the extra cash for at least a 1TB HDD, though I've seen recommendations at 2TB HDD. Also, four sticks of 2GB DDR2 RAM? The current standard is DDR4, though you could have gotten away with DDR3. Though, I would have gone with fewer sticks of RAM that each had a higher capacity.

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TBQH, you should have coughed up the extra cash for at least a 1TB HDD, though I've seen recommendations at 2TB HDD. Also, four sticks of 2GB DDR2 RAM? The current standard is DDR4, though you could have gotten away with DDR3. Though, I would have gone with fewer sticks of RAM that each had a higher capacity.

I switched up where it is Memory: Kingston - ValueRAM 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR2-800 Memory ($23.70 @ Amazon)

Memory: Kingston - ValueRAM 4GB (2 x 2GB) DDR2-800 Memory ($23.70 @ Amazon)


edit: oh I see (2 x 2gb). see if I can fix that...




stuff coming in the mail.

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