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Verizon throttles firefighters' data plan during wildfire.

Phantom Roxas

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Firefighters attempted to use a supposedly unlimited data plan to coordinate the response team while combatting a wildfire, only for Verizon to forcefully slow down their data speed. The fire department sent an email, Verizon focused only on offering the department a chance to upgrade their data plan.


Pretty scummy of Verizon to take advantage of the net neutrality repeal to throttle firefighters.

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I'm not so sure this needs to be in Debates anyway


I put this in Debates because net neutrality is a part of this topic, and since that has previously been discussed in this section, I thought it'd be safer to start with the thread here, but if it seems more appropriate for General, then I'm fine with that.

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Verizon has claimed that they will stop throttling first responders. I frankly don't trust Verizon's word here, so I'd rather have stricter regulations to prevent Verizon from continuing to do this.

the fact that they did this in the first place is more than enough to remove all trust that they had. the attempt to bleed change out of them as first respondders is already despicable. even if they didn't realize they were the fire department, their plans, as members of the fire department in a wildfire zone should never have had limits to begin with.

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