Ethaniel Posted August 15, 2018 Report Share Posted August 15, 2018 Well, it's been six years since the initial release of The Ponies of Equestria, my first-ever fan set (I think? TFOH might have been earlier, but let's roll with it). Much has changed since then: Pendulums, Xyz, Links, the new Master Rule. I figured that now that my health is a lot better, I'd come back and rework the set! Because of certain mechanics present in the cards (namely the whole "Monsters in the Field Zone thing), I figure Experimental is the place for them, but I'm sure the Mods will move it if I'm wrong (EDIT: since it seems to have been auto-moved to Casual Multiples, I guess it belongs there?). Without further ado, let's get started. Derpy HoovesLevel 1WIND[Pony/Effect]This card cannot declare an attack, or be selected as an attack target. When this card leaves the field: Special Summon 1 "Pony Token" (Pony/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 500).[ATK 0/DEF 0](POEQ-EN000)Mane Six - Twilight SparkleLevel 4LIGHT[Pony/Effect]When this card is Summoned: Place one Friendship Counter on a card you control forevery Pony-Type monster you control (including this card). When this card leaves the field: remove all Friendship Counters from cards you control and return one Spell card from your Graveyard to your Deck; then shuffle the Deck and Special Summon 1 "Pony Token" (Pony/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 500).[ATK 1800/DEF 500](POEQ-EN001)Mane Six - Pinkie PieLevel 4WATER[Pony/Effect]When this card is Summoned: place it in the Spell and Trap Card Zone (it is still treated asa Monster). The DEF of this card is equal to the number of 'Mane Six' monsters youcontrol x700. If this card is selected as an attack target, Battle Damage is calculated usingthis card's DEF only. When this card leaves the field: Special Summon 1 "Pony Token" (Pony/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 500). If you control no other face-up Pony-type monsters: banish this card.[ATK 0/DEF ?](POEQ-EN002)Mane Six - ApplejackLevel 4EARTH[Pony/Effect]If you control two or more Pony-Type monsters withdifferent names, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). Cannot be Summoned by other ways. When this card leaves the field: Special Summon 1 "Pony Token" (Pony/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 500).[ATK 2000/DEF 2500](POEQ-EN003)Mane Six - Rainbow DashLevel 4WIND[Pony/Effect]When this card is Summoned: Special Summon one 'Mane Six' monster (except 'Mane Six-Rainbow Dash') from your hand or Deck, ignoring its summoning conditions. This card gains 100 ATK for every other Pony-Type monster you control. When this card leaves the field: Special Summon 1 "Pony Token" (Pony/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 500).[ATK 1500/DEF 1000](POEQ-EN004)Mane Six - RarityLevel 4LIGHT[Pony/Effect]When this card is Summoned: add one 'Gala Dress' card from your Deck or Graveyard toyour Hand. When this card leaves the field: Special Summon 1 "Pony Token" (Pony/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 500).[ATK 1300/DEF 1500](POEQ-EN005)Mane Six - FluttershyLevel 3WIND[Pony/Effect]As long as you control another face-up Pony-Type monster: this card cannot be selected as anattack target. When this card leaves the field: Special Summon 1 "Pony Token" (Pony/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 500).[ATK 100/DEF 100](POEQ-EN006)Princess CelestiaLevel 12DIVINE[Divine-Pony/Effect] Must be Special Summoned by the effect of 'Spike's Letter'. Cannot be Summoned by other ways. When this card is Summoned: place it in the Field Zone (it is still treated as a Monster). As long as this card remains face-up on the field: All of your Spell and Trap Zones can be used as MonsterZones. Pony-type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle, and you takeno battle damage from battles involving those cards.[ATK 3000/DEF 3000](POEQ-EN007)Spike's LetterNormal SpellActivate only if you control exactly six Pony-type monsters with different names: SpecialSummon 1 'Princess Celestia' from your hand or Deck.(POEQ-EN008)Nightmare MoonLevel 10DARK[Divine-Pony/Fusion/Effect]Princess Luna + Crux, Darkness WithinTribute the above Monsters you control to Special Summon this card from your ExtraDeck (you do not use 'Polymerization'). When this card is Summoned: destroy all otherPony-type monsters on the field. As long as this card remains face-up on the field:Pony-type monsters cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. When this card isremoved from the field: Banish one 'Crux, Darkness Within' from your GY toSpecial Summon one 'Princess Luna' from your GY, ignoring its Summoningconditions.[ATK 0/DEF 3500](POEQ-EN009)Princess LunaLevel 10DIVINE[Divine-Pony/Effect] Must be Special Summoned by the effect of 'Nightmare Night', and cannot be Summoned by other ways. As long as this card remains face-up on the field: All of your Spell and Trap Zones can be used as Monster Zones. Pony-type monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects.[ATK 2500/DEF 2500](POEQ-EN010)Nightmare NightNormal SpellActivate only if you control exactly six Pony-type monsters with different names: SpecialSummon 1 'Princess Luna' from your hand or deck.(POEQ-EN011)TrollestiaLevel 12DARK[Troll/Effect]Cannot be Normal Summoned, Set, or flipped face-down. Must be Special Summoned byTributing one 'Princess Celestia' that you control, and cannot be Special Summoned byother ways. When this card is Summoned: remove all Friendship Counters from the field,then give control of this card to your opponent. This card gains 500 ATK and DEF forevery Friendship Counter removed when it was Summoned. When this card is removedfrom the field: Special Summon one 'Princess Celestia' from your Graveyard, ignoring itsSummoning conditions, and deal damage to the player who controlled this card when itwas removed from the Field equal to this card's ATK while it was on the Field.[ATK 0/DEF 0](POEQ-EN012)Princess CadanceLevel 10DIVINE[Divine-Pony/Effect]Can only be Special Summoned by the effect of 'Royal Canterlot Wedding', and cannot be Summoned by other ways. Once per turn: target 1 Pony-type monster in your Graveyard and Special Summon it, ignoring any Summoning conditions. Its effects are negated.[ATK 2000/DEF 3000](POEQ-EN0013)Royal Canterlot WeddingNormal SpellActivate only if you control 'Shining Armor': Special Summon 1 'Princess Cadance' fromyour hand or Deck.(POEQ-EN014)Shining ArmorLevel 7LIGHT[Pony/Effect]As long as this card remains face-up on the Field: your opponent cannot choose 'PrincessCadance' as an attack target, or as the target of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster effect.[ATK 2500/DEF 3000](POEQ-EN015)CMC - ScootalooLevel 2WIND[Pony/Effect]If you control 'CMC - Apple Bloom' and 'CMC - Sweetie Belle': this card gains 500 ATK[ATK 1200/DEF 500](POEQ-EN016)CMC - Apple BloomLevel 2EARTH[Pony/Effect]If you control 'CMC - Scootaloo' and 'CMC - Sweetie Belle': this card is treated as aTuner.[ATK 1000/DEF 1000](POEQ-EN017)CMC - Sweetie BelleLevel 2LIGHT[Pony/Effect]If you control 'CMC - Scootaloo' and 'CMC - Apple Bloom': this card gains 500 DEF.[ATK 500/DEF 1500](POEQ-EN018)CMC MeetingNormal SpellActivate only if you control no Monsters: Special Summon 1 "CMC - Apple Bloom','CMC - Scootaloo', and 'CMC - Sweetie Belle' from your Deck.(POEQ-EN019)CMC ClubhouseField SpellAll 'CMC' monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF.(POEQ-EN020) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it so far! Comments and constructive criticism are appreciated as always! Especially let me know if I should be making changes to the PSCT/Official Card Grammar, as I'm still a bit rusty on both. I will compile a list of addressed questions below. Q: Why those Attributes? A: With the exception of Pinkie(s), Nightmare Moon, and Pinkamina (currently unreleased), Attribute = Race.Earth Pony = EARTHUnicorn = LIGHTPegasus = WINDAlicorn = DIVINE Q: Why Pony-type instead of Beast-type? A: Way back in the day when I was first making this set, it was at the behest of some friends. I was requested to make them Pony-type instead of Beast-type, because they were intended to be stand-alone cards that existed outside of the game, and thus weren't intended to mesh with existing support. I decide to keep that for the remake, in the spirit of the original set. Q: Doesn't the whole Token recursion effect make these extremely OP with Link-based decks? A: Yes, yes it does. But when the set was originally designed, Links didn't exist. I decided to keep the effect in, so I can explore more with Links in the future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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