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Sakura gives opinions...again

Flash Flyer - Sakura

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While I don't have any personal gripes with you, there's a few things that you do on the site that contribute to a less than favorable view. At least for the time being, posting political stuff in the status bar even after we (the staff) clarified that it's forbidden. I guess this is about the major source for now. 


Besides that, I do appreciate a lot of the OCG lists you post because it does give us an idea of how Japan is holding up on their end (and guess why they inevitably win Worlds). Somehow I have to agree that TCG needs to get its act together with the lists.


on krow


Honestly, I really don't know.


Occasionally, you still post #krow4mod when it is not even remotely appropriate (though I haven't seen it too much lately; maybe like once so not as much as an issue), but yeah. Other than that, suppose you're fine; least with providing some ruling help and whatnot in TCG. Not sure about the other areas because either I'm not checking them or you're on the Discord.


(And yeah, I declined to enter the tournament because the current version of YGOPro is incompatible with my PC and laptop I'm writing this on [no Links and requires massive updates], plus I do have offsite things that require addressing.)


About you on Discord, idk because nowadays I have the bot spam on mute so...


As for Dae... 


You have a bad habit of going about that I'm female; it was never funny and I'm honestly tired of it at this point. I'm not female and I sure as hell am not your maid. To say the least, I don't particularly think favorably of you due to the sexual references you make on YCM and Discord (and you know a chunk of those things are crossing the line). 


I suppose in terms of the things that I do have some respect for you in, probably for helping to keep Showcase / GFX alive and suppose knowledge on MtG for whatever that's worth. But I suppose it isn't too much because I rarely go into the Other TCG area where you're most active and I'm not posting in Showcase often nowadays.




Just a reminder that you can ask for opinions on other stuff besides my analysis on you as a member, including politics, life and whatever.

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It would probably help if I were actually in RP, Literature or some of the other anime threads, because I think that's where Mitcher usually posts nowadays. 


As it currently stands, neutral. I don't have anything on them that would cause me to dislike, but there isn't anything that stands out. 




Goes to show how many users here I actually converse with here. 

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Sorry for late reply; got sidetracked with other stuff.

Now do me.

You have a good taste in literature; still doing that discussion thing or that's gone out of style at this point?


Other than that, I really am not sure what else to add on here for you. Suppose you're alright for the most part.


Would probably help if I actually talked to more members outside my technical social circle on this site (and the other mods) so I can give you a better analysis. But then again, my interests don't usually match up with a lot of people (even in IRL), so most I probably see you guys is likely in General or something. 


There's a few of you here who I can give more in-detail analyses on, but that's mostly due to you being around longer or I see you more often in areas. 


What's your opinion on what "controversial" means?

As far as I see it, "controversial" translates to something that isn't well-received by a particular group of persons and inevitably results in widespread complaints / condemnation of either the speech or action thereof. This applies to politics and the hot issues that normally get discussed in Debates.

[spoiler=example 1 (calling out university for its failures)]
Let's say that someone decided to publicly berate a certain department at university because some of the instructors are legit terrible and were not replaced/dealt with, or said university in general cannot get its act together and manage their finances properly / arrange courses at times more convenient for all students.


Obviously, said department will take offense at a student / observer dragging them through the dirt and may try to impose sanctions / libel charges, even if the accusations are indeed true and observer otherwise caused no harm to anyone. Also those who are loyal to the university will also take offense at the statement and launch retaliatory statements like "well, help donate to the college instead of complaining your sorry ass off", "go somewhere else then" or whatever else you can think of.

I do refer to a generic university/college in this example; not specifically the one I currently attend, though there is some truth to the above where I go.


(Perhaps this one is not so controversial like the following two are, but it's there.)



[spoiler=example 2 (TMT)]
Stepping away from this, another example of something being construed as controversial is the TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope) on Hawai'i Island (as in where the lava flow is/was) due to cultural differences and the way the proceedings are handled in the court system. Or as a follow-up, one of the demonstrators who protested the TMT development was arrested/charged for supposed absence because he refused to speak English during his hearing (and only replied to the judge in Hawaiian). This resulted in major backlash and charge dropped. FYI, the demonstrator in question is a professor at UH Hilo or something iirc, so he can speak English.
Just for records, English/Hawaiian are the official languages of this state, though one needs an interpreter for latter (or any other non-English language) if used for judicial affairs. Nothing wrong with using the latter option, but that's only if you do not have passable English.

[spoiler=example 3 (Aloha Poke)]

A more recent thing if you've been reading news lately (if available) or you live in Chicago is the controversial C&D orders sent by Aloha Poke Co to local businesses here (and on mainland by native Hawaiian owners) for using the words "Aloha" and "Poke" in their names.


I think all of you know what "aloha" translates to for the most part, and "poke" (ポケ; take off the "mon" of Pokémon) is Hawaiian equivalent of sashimi; also translates to "cut" in Hawaiian as a verb iirc. So yeah, copyrighting Hawaiian culture (as seen by protesters). 


While the owner of Aloha Poke Inc. said he meant no offense and doesn't want to turn it into a PR hellhole (not exact wording), the C&D letters are seen on his end as controversial due to cultural appropriation / copyrighting.


NOTE: This does not imply that those of you from the US mainland (or anyone for that matter) have no respect for Hawai'i and its values, but rather that to understand why this is seen as controversial, you need to know why our values mean the way they do.





On an overall, I mean, people are going to be sharply divided on various issues and what seems like common sense things may be seen as controversial on the other end. But if something happens that draws ire from both sides of the spectrum, then you're doing something wrong. 


I'd like to not bring up politics and stuff here, but that's usually what drives a lot of the things which are considered "controversial". 

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Krow legitimately should be a mod, though. TCG is being incredibly mismanaged.


Anyway, do me. Ought to be interesting.


Some of the time, you do come off as the type that feels you know better than the members do on this site and what should be done about things. I understand you want the team to get to a decision already on certain things as I also hate waiting for us to do stuff, but not much that I can do about the slowness.


Other than that, I don't exactly have any gripes with you at the moment (least from what I can remember anyway). If I had any, I likely would've said them at this point.


I suppose you're also the main guy here who does cosplaying on a regular basis, which is cool in its own right. 


How do you feel about getting called "Daddy"?


That would be Night's role if he were still here.


As far as this one goes, I don't even know if this would be applicable if you want to consider YCM as a [dysfunctional] family. I'm more like that distant cousin who rarely talks to relatives. 


I guess it's fine. (But then, who's "mommy", unless Black's still considered this.)


I'm of interest of your opinion. One on me, please.


Well, I did nominate you for Casual Design Star for activity and stuff in CC, so guess that helps you out. Most of your stuff is pack-fillerish to an extent, but there is no issue with it. Least you're keeping CC alive, which is really something I like seeing in the area. Artwork-wise, I think you're one of the very few members here who does their own card art (others being Sleepy, me and Marco).


Hopefully you have a bright future here on YCM, but I suppose that depends on how you take things that come your way; both here and if real life throws curveballs. 


So yeah, I think you're a good member.



I guess I'll give an opinion on Krow being TCG mod (though I would like to remind you all that staff selections are currently not on the table; least for now)


Right now, I cannot give a well-informed decision without looking at your posts and make sure that you can be trusted to handle things in a professional manner. Ultimately though, it is up to the other mods as a whole if they are willing to extend you a chance; I cannot speak for them.


If there are issues with the current management style in the area (does Other TCG have a similar issue?), then let us know so the matter can be addressed.

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