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Subterror deck profile( in theory)


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Monsters (34)

3x Subterror Fiendess

2x Subterror Defender

3x Subterror Nemesis Warrior

3x Subterror Nemesis Archer

2 Subterror Guru

2x Subterror B. Stalagmo

2x Subterror B. Speleogeist

2x Subterror B. Ultramafus

2x Subterror B. Stygokraken

2x Subterror B. Umastryx

2x Subterror B. Dragossuary

2x Subterror B. Phospheroglacier

2x Subterror B. Voltelluric

3x Ash Blossom

2x Ghost Ogre


Spell (10)

2x Terra forming

3x The Hidden City

1x Book of moon

2x Pot of Desires

2x Scapegoat



3x Subterror Final Battle

1x Solemn Warning


Extra (15)

3x Subterror B. Fiendess

2x Psy-Framelord Omega

2x Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon

1x Firewall Dragon

1x Saryuja Skull Dread

2x Borreload/Sword Dragon

2x proxy Dragon

2x Link Spider



Please feel free to offer criticism on this deck list and let me know what you think should be changed and what it should be changed to.

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