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Legion of Robot Masters (Post here if you wish to cameo in it!) Please Join


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First for this fan fic so people would post more I've decided to have a little fun. All the people in Legion of Robot Masters need personalities so I've decided for a member to pick a Robot Master they want to be and that member's personality will be with the Robot Master!

Sprites are property of Capcom.


Note: You can only take the members of the Legion of Robot Masters. You cannot take any villains. You may choose to be one of the LORM allies, but their reserved for certain people.


So here we go:


Main Task Force


29ek3z6.jpgTorchman: The leader of the Legion of Robot Masters.

Taken By: Torchman


2ewi5js.jpgBlademan: The swiftest in the legion of Robot Masters.

Taken By: riceeman


zmyzd3.jpgOilman: The fire powerhouse in the Legion of Robot Masters.

Taken By:


i44mdz.jpgWaveman: The water tycoon in the LORM.

Taken By:


20kptf4.jpgSharkman: The quick and ferocious one in the LORM.

Taken By:


ztc8r9.jpgBitman: The electric Robot Master.

Taken By:




2qn9yyg.jpgSonicman: The main underwater expert of LORM. Controls submarines and other marine vehicles.


makk6q.jpgVoltman: Second in command of LORM. Controls the ins and outs of the LORM members.


21jrek1.jpgDynaman: The main mountain expert of LORM. Controls land vehicles.


Footnote: Members who wish to apply for administration must PM me first. I will only make a few exceptions.


Well, post who you want to be, and then I may begin the fan fic!


NEW! List of Allies and non-LORM members! (not completed, will progress as time goes on)


smvm04.jpgGemini Black: An imperfect duplicate of the original Gemini. Aids the LORM sometimes to defeat his `brothers' Inferno and Nightmare, aliases Gemini Red and Purple.


5n3d5c.jpgGemini White: Is the first duplicate of Gemini and the most intelligent of the four duplicates. Usually chats with Voltman and Blademan.


16ieaep.jpgSearchman: Usually pops by when there's trouble. Is a soldier robot.

Taken By: SOS Harhui


dv6oh.jpgBlack Dino Ranger: Is the competent one among the Power Rangers. Usually keeps them in check with Brachio Zord, but sometimes that isn't enough.




124h1yp.jpgMighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Incompetence, thy name is Power Rangers. These guys do more harm than good against the LORM, usually being manipulated by Mesogog or Gemini Purple.


NEW! Rogues' Gallery (not completed, will progress as time goes on)


1zfmrr4.jpgInferno: AKA Gemini Red, the third duplicate of Gemini. Is extremely evil and malicious, his powers are equal to Torchman's.


jtxukz.jpgNightmare: The second twisted duplicate of Gemini, said to have spawn from the pits of despair. Is the main menace and antagonist of the Legion of Robot Masters. Is also the one who, along with Inferno, stole Gemini White's airship/capsule known as the Gemini 10.


e1c41f.jpgBass: One of Dr. Wily's creations. After rebelling against Wily, Bass began to try to conquer the world for himself. Is very powerful.


23kyihl.jpgMesogog: Yes, you heard right, the main villain from Power Rangers: Dino Thunder! Usually is one of the main bosses and enemies for the Legion of Robot Masters.


2u8vzth.jpgWolf: Yes, it's Fox's main rival, Wolf O'Donnel! Usually does jobs for Mesogog to exterminate the Legion of Robot Masters.


35ak8m1.jpgWhite Dino Ranger: Usually is Mesogog's lynchpin, the White Ranger has vowed revenge on all Power Rangers and the LORM.


35af32.pngLord Davok: The Master of Villains has returned, this time to rule Earth and cause trouble for the Legion of Robot Masters.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Put the evil, witty, cunning, slightly arrogant, extremely competent mastermind with an infinite amount of back doors (i.e. me) as Bass. Also, click on the card in my sig, please. I worked for days on end making that card game.

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I'm sorry, but you can't be any of the villains, they are more like NPCs. You can either pick between the Main Task Force or the Administration, I'm afraid. You can also picked some of the LORM allies, I reserved some for you.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

I reserved some LORM allies for you. Can you please join' date=' I kind of need members. :(



I've been so EEEEEEEVVVVIIIIIIIILLLL!!!!!! lately that I forgot how to be a hero. I'll get back to you once I remember.


EDIT: Heh, Inferno and Nightmare. Good one.

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Thanks! And riceeman, you can be Blademan. Also, I've added a new feature in this fan fic: You can cameo in it! (you can't cameo in the introduction episode, though) Just PM me if you want to cameo in an episode, and I'll make sure it works out!

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Urk. Urge to become Bass rising... NO! I must control my EEEEEEEVVVVIIIIIIIILLLL!!!!!!... Wait, what am I saying? Of course I shouldn't control my EEEEEEEVVVVIIIIIIIILLLL!!!!!! power... except here, oh, come ON!


Eh, no comment on the Power Rangers, although Wolf is rather humorous.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

I just realized something: the black and white Rangers are from a different set than the Mighty Morphin'. It should be amusing how much more adequate the B and W rangers and their Zords are. 'Specially since the MMs are incompetent besides. Bwaha.




All you have to do is select a character.


I would' date=' but I can't be [b']EEEEEEEVVVVIIIIIIIILLLL!!!!!![/b], and I forgot how to be good. Er, define "cameo" and I might be able to come up with something.

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