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Nexus of Fate and the future of BaB promos


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For those unaware, WotC started a new promo service with Dominaria. When you buy a booster box you get a special promo card only available as a bit a box promo. These cards are standard legal and pose a huge problem for the future of the game.


For the most recent set WotC made a bit of a blunder by printing a seriously powerful card that has proven to be more than playable in standard. With such a small supply and a huge demand the price of this card has skyrocketed and continues to climb.


So what's the solution to this problem? Banning it would be the absolute worst case scenario and would make people lose faith in future Ban promos. Reprinting it again diminishes the fact that it's an exclusive promo and ruins the reputation of Ban promos. Reprinting it into a supplemental product could have similar results to commander 2013 which is not good.


Personally I think the exclusive BaB promos are a good idea. They do what they are intended to do(sell boxes) and give players some cool toys at the same time. I would hate to see them ditch the program due to this. Just in the future they need to consider the effects of printing high powered cards with such a small supply.

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