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[Written] Crystal Chimera


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Crystal Chimera

lv 8 LIGHT


3 "Crystal Beast" Monsters

(This card is always treated as a "Crystal Beast" Card.)

Must be Fusion Summoned by sending the listed Fusion Materials you control including Monsters in your Spell/Trap Zone to the GY (you do not use "Polymerization.) Increase this cards ATK and DEF equal to the number of face-up Spell/Trap cards on your side of the field x 300. When this card leaves the field, you can place up to 3 "Crystal Beast" Monsters with different names from your Deck face-up in your Spell/Trap Card Zone. You can only activate this effect of "Crystal Chimera" once per turn.

ATK/2700 DEF/2400


So Crystal Chimera is a Fusion Monster for Crystal Beast that help them both offensively as well as set up for Rainbow Dragon. Firstly it can be Fused without polymerization along with being able to use the ones in your Spell/Trap zone as well, then it gains ATK and DEF for each face up spell/trap which includes crystal Beast and their support like equips, continuous and field cards. Finally when this leaves the field it gives you up to 3 brand new crystals which can help call on Rainbow Dragon more easily.


In Crystal Beast not only does it give them an accessible beatstick but also a means to ease the access towards your Rainbow Dragon.

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I would complain about the lack of hard once per turn on this card's effect, allowing you to ladder with it and another Crystal beast into a Link monster and thereby replenishing the 3 materials you used to Summon this card, essentially getting a free monster, but the usage of when instead of if there and the fact it is optional means that the effect "misses timing" as it were, and doesn't have the opportunity to activate. I dunno if this was intentional or not, but if it wasn't, and the above is the intended play...that's not great design.


It doesn't help that the fact that, with Crystal Beast's minimal field presence, you're going to be using your S/T 90% of the time, this card's main ATK boosting effect, while being pretty meh all things considered (topping out at 3.9k, as there's no way you're going to be using up all of your zones), means that this card is bad at doing anything other than being a ladder.


Still, I like the idea of properly using the cards in your S/T. I'd suggest coming at it from a different approach for their support.

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