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[THR] unreal


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Congrats. I've already stated most of what I have to say in the SOTW thread. As you've stated super cool concept but the execution needs some work. The boundaries between the different elements you have need better transitioning becuase right now the eraser/masking is too obvious. Perhaps utilize some effect c4ds or something to mix up the edges. You can improve the perspective in this piece by adding additional planes in contrast to the main landscape using the binary and xyz-indicator effects.  

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Congrats. I've already stated most of what I have to say in the SOTW thread. As you've stated super cool concept but the execution needs some work. The boundaries between the different elements you have need better transitioning becuase right now the eraser/masking is too obvious. Perhaps utilize some effect c4ds or something to mix up the edges. You can improve the perspective in this piece by adding additional planes in contrast to the main landscape using the binary and xyz-indicator effects.  


The binary could've easily been used more appropriately in many ways. The font, for starters, would've been so much more appropriate in Matrix style. Also considering there's supposed to be an idea of perspective, the numbers could've been sized differently based on where they lie on the edges.


As for the transitioning, I wasn't quite sure how to ease the progression between code and full render, though using effect c4d would've been a better way of hiding that lame eraser.


I suppose I kinda looked at this as if I could model a landscape, take screenshots of the same angle with different stages of development, and express the progress through an image, but in the end I fell flat on just about everything while coming out with something interesting yet greatly lacking.


I appreciate the critique, though, as always. ;)


The "Gay" is bothering me so much.


Oh yeah, I forgot I put that there. It was meant to be part of a subliminal message for Tormey just for giggles. If you look around, you'll see the full message says "Tormey is gay"... though you're right it's pretty badly interpreted just like the rest of the half-assed binary bullshit.

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