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My REAL Deck!!!(Revised, PLEASE RESPOND)... or i KILL YOU

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Okay for starters

Cut down to 50 total

Minimalize Traps(Like 3 at most)

Cut 5 star-plus down to three

Try to use one theme for this deck(not just warrior' date=' meaning Ninja, SS or w/e)

But try getting 3 Exiled Force and Marauding Captain

Perhaps 3x Command Knight and 2x The A. Forces

Take it from there and we'll see about it


I repeat this is only a start


^This advice is invalid.^


Deck should be no more than 40 cards. Only in rare situations like 7th Gadget is this rule broken. Any more and you're leaving too much to chance.


Traps are generally fine up to about 7, 3 is a very low number.


Now, for advice unrelated to the quoted text.


Normal Monsters are bad, don't use them. Pick just one theme, and keep tributes low unless you design the deck to run smoothly with them.

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Your Deck is WAY too big. Sword of the Soul Eater, Both Gamblers, Banner of Courage, and Hard-Sellin Goblin should be taken out. And those are just some of the cards that need to come out. In fact, most of them should come out. If you're gonna use normals at least use gene-warped warwolf.

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