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Hanna is here :)


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Hi everyone!
Let me introduce myself. My name is Hanna Bertrand.
I am a dermatologist. I was a great fan of YuGiOh when I was a teenager and really happy to find this forum and recall those times.
If some of you have different problems with the skin, for example, acne and you can`t get rid out of it, feel free to ask me. Or I could recommend a few great resources that can help you a lot with that problems. Here is one - https://skintagsremoving.com/.
Hope for a good time here with you!

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Welcome to YCM (the abbreviated form of this website's name). 


Before you post further on YCM, make sure you take a look at the site rules and any specific ones for sections you may be interested in frequenting. Most of them are common sense stuff, but look them over. This gets said to every new member that comes in, but yeah, please do it. Makes your life here a lot easier.


Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me or one of the other staff members. 



General side note, the Yugioh you probably remember from back then is long past right now. So...don't be surprised about the new stuff like Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum and now Link Monsters being a thing. I don't know when the last time you were into the franchise, but just keep that in mind. 



Hope to see you around here in the long run :D

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How old are you?


Also, let's have a skype date. Watch a movie or some sheet.

lmao thirsty jabroni 


Anyway this is obviously a bot, its obvious from the title.

No girl is gonna open a thread with "hanna here" 

1.the only purpose of saying "hanna here" in the title is to emphasize you're a girl, and that'd only be done by someone who's not really a girl or not really a hanna. Obviously the former.

2.>1 post by this id

3.the link as said before

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