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Danger!? Memes?

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Rafale, Champion Fur Hire x1

Danger! Bigfoot! x2

Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World x3

Danger! Nessie! x3

Danger! Chupacabra! x2

Beige, Vanguard of Dark World x1

Snoww, Unlight of Dark World x3

Danger?! Jackalope? x3

Tour Guide of the Underworld x1

Broww, Hunstman of Dark World x3


Spells and Traps

The Gates of Dark World x3

Terraforming x2

Galaxy Cyclone x1

Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage! x2

Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones x3

Trade-In x2

Allure of Darkness x2

Danger! Zone x3


Extra Deck

Sky Striker Ace - Kagari x2

Apprentice Witchling x1

Folgo, Justice Fur Hire x1

Summon Sorceress x1

Arch-lord Palladion x1

Topologic Gumblar Dragon x1

Borreload Dragon x1

Number 75: Gossip Shadow of Confusion x1

Super Quantal Mech Beast Grampulse x1

Leviair the Sea Dragon x1

Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy x1

Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord x1

Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison x1

Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Dragon x1




So, I'm currently in the stage of "Cram as many memes in as possible and see what sticks", so a looooot of this is subject to change and definitely nowhere near final. The Extra Deck in particular, as I figure out exactly what options really stick with this deck. My main complaint is that there are no tuners that this deck can take advantage of consistently, but otherwise this deck has a pretty breezy time getting just a lot of crap out in one turn.


"But Where's Dragged Down/Dealings?!"


The issue I have with those cards is how they benefit your opponent. At best you're gaining the same value as them, but I don't like Dragged Down because of how you can't guarantee what you'll discard without minusing hard, and you bet your ass your opponent is going to pick the thing that benefits you the least or just straight hurts you if they know what they're doing. And Dealings? More often than not it's going to help your opponent more than yourself; they're getting just as much, if not more advantage than you, and I can't say I like that.

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you could try dark grepher + destrudo. Gives you easy access to a cheesy mare mare combo. It's not as good in here as it is in other variants because you're heavy on the dark worlds, but could work.


Definitely an option to consider. Only issue is making room for all the cards in main and extra deck to take advantage of it (stuff for Mare Mare as well as potentially GUB and Needle all to take into account). It might end up screwing with consistency more than it's worth it, but it's not like I don't have cards that can be cut down on or removed.

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