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Grand Fire Emblem Tournament 4 [Nominations Closed]

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Sylvia (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Lewyn (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Dew (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Sigurd (Genealogy of the Holy War)
Gaius (Awakening)
Nowi (Awakening)
Robin, Female (Awakening)
^Does this work, probs not
Xander (Fates)
^May as well, but he's not as great as the horse


I'll tell you what if I wind up with a couple spots open and can't get more then I'll add the horse in lol

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Reinhardt (Thracia 776)

Oliver (Radiant Dawn)

Camus (Shadow Dragon)

Fallen Hardin ([New] Mystery of the Emblem)

Camilla (Fates)

Takumi (Fates)

Brigand Boss (Shadows of Valentia)

Leon (Shadows of Valentia)

Berkut (Shadows of Valentia)

Rinea (Shadows of Valentia)

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I've nominated 2 and I'm allowed to nominate up to 8, so... Bottom 5 of CYL 2 and Glade.


3. Bloom (Genealogy of the Holy War)

4. Garth (Gaiden/Echoes of Valentia)

5. Hicks (Thracia 776)

6. Beck (Mystery of the Emblem)

7. Amid (Genealogy of the Holy War)

8. Glade (Thracia 776)

I can't decide if I hate this or love this.


Anyway. Adding these and Xander's Horse and...we have all 128! I will randomize and make threads uh...either tonight or tomorrow.

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Moving on to the next round are

Takumi, beating Kaze just barely

Shinon, beating Fallen Hardin by a mere 2

Elincia, destroying the meme that is Garth

Sharena, fairly handily beating the dread Black Knight in a surprise win

Mia, just barely edging out Ayra who put up more of a fight than I expected

Haar, fairly easily beating Artur, though the Monk did put up a fight

Olivia, crushing Orochi

and Roy, just barely beating Rebecca which I personally am sad for. damn you smash memes

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So I decided to end it a bit early cause I realized it's 4:30 that I have the thing I need to do. The matches will be up later but for now...


Elise crushes Clarine entirely

Sigurd beats Muarim by a mere 2

Clair fairly handily beats Camilla

:angerysheep: doubles Eldigan's score

Felicia barely edges out Knoll, the match I was most unsure who I wanted to vote on

Marcia beats Priscilla by two, proving Air > Land mounts

Inigo beats Astrid which I am both glad and happy about

And Sakura fairly easily beats Brady

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And so the next wave is out. Moving on to round 2 are...


Jill, with a dominant victory

Lissa, with a nearly as dominant victory

Cordelia with a bit closer of a victory

Lute who doubled her opponent despite his speed

Oliver who struggled a bit more than you'd think given his opponent

Tana with an impressive 11 votes

Seth in the single close match of the game, winning by 1

And Marisa with probably the most dominant victory

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So, Echidna didn't make it, bummer. I knew she wasn't that well known, but still was hoping she would be the major dark horse of this tournament.

Sucks that Noire, another of my nominations of this wave, didn't make it, and just by 2 votes!

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Next wave are up and moving on are...


Cormag, beating the OG prince in a pretty close match

Laegarn just barely winning by 1

Lyn managed to bring down Ike but only by 1 in an epic struggle fitting or Main Characters

Severa easily beat one of the "who" nominations

Sanaki moved on by a mere 3

Ilyana's was the one blowout

Kliff just barely beat Forde, to my great sadness, by 1

And Lyon fairly handily won his match

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Closed the matches a little early. Also note that next wave might be locking slightly late depending if I get back in time.


Moving on...


Lethe beat Leon by a mere 1 vote

Chrom fairly handily beat Legion

Neimi also barely advanced by a single vote

Soleil's was only 2, lot of close matches this time

Though Syrene doubled Maria's vote count (And I figured she'd have trouble I just learned to like Maria more in Heroes)

Robin continues the trend by winning by 1 as well though

Zihark had low votes relatively but still won easily

and Mae also had an easy win (Which I am very happy for)

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Next wave will be up a bit later, was out and about and couldn't get to it.

However moving on to next round are...


Maribelle who blew her opponent out of the water.

Myrrh who beat the dastardly villain Valter by 3

Tibarn edged out the wolf queen by 2

Eirika fairly handily beat Nah

Catria blew away Dew though surprisingly not a blowout

Hector doubled his daughter's score

Franz beat Peri by 2, sad day for me

And Camus very barely won, his opponent almost made a comeback.

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Okay decided I'd lock and post a couple hours early since the thing I gotta do is after 6 and figured a couple hours is okay.


Next wave is up and moving on is...

Nino, by 1 vote

Gregor by a good bit

Helbindi, barely as well

Legault another by one

L'Arachel by a long shot

Duessel again...by 1

Henry by 2


....Xander's horse versus Tiki had a tie broken and sometime after that on the last day someone removed their vote and it's tied again. iirc there was two new votes yesterday which tied it up, the tie got broken at around 10 PM, and now one of those removed their votes.

I literally have to leave soon.

So I guess I'll leave that one locked and deal with it later. I'll probably reopen it and find someone to break the tie.

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So the first round is over. Moving on from this wave of matches is...

Fjorm, by a single vote

Ross, by 2 (Poor Mitama qq)

Nephenee crushed it

As did Katarina

And Ranulf

aaand Ephraim, Female Morgan, and Veronica

Yeah a lot of runaways this wave.


I'll randomize the next round tonight but tomorrow will start the first wave.

The characters in round 2 are as follows.


[spoiler=Round 2]Sigurd (Genealogy of the Holy War)


Roy (Binding Blade)


Hector (Blazing Blade)

Legault (Blazing Blade)

Lyn (Blazing Blade)

Nino (Blazing Blade)


Cormag (Sacred Stones)

Duessel (Sacred Stones)

Eirika (Sacred Stones)

Ephraim (Sacred Stones)

Franz (Sacred Stones)

L'Arachel (Sacred Stones)

Lute (Sacred Stones)

Lyon (Sacred Stones)

Marisa (Sacred Stones)

Myrrh (Sacred Stones)

Neimi (Sacred Stones)

Ross (Sacred Stones)

Seth (Sacred Stones)

Syrene (Sacred Stones)

Tana (Sacred Stones)


Elincia (Path of Radiance)

Haar (Path of Radiance)

Ilyana (Path of Radiance)

Jill (Path of Radiance)

Lethe (Path of Radiance)

Marcia (Path of Radiance)

Mia (Path of Radiance)

Nephenee (Path of Radiance)

Ranulf (Path of Radiance)
Shinon (Path of Radiance)

Tibarn (Path of Radiance)

Zihark (Path of Radiance)


Oliver (Radiant Dawn)

Sanaki (Radiant Dawn)


Camus (Shadow Dragon)

Catria (Shadow Dragon)


Katarina (New Mystery of the Emblem)


Chrom (Awakening)

Cordelia (Awakening)

Gregor (Awakening)

Henry (Awakening)

Inigo (Awakening)

Lissa (Awakening)

Maribelle (Awakening)

Morgan, Female (Awakening)

Olivia (Awakening)

Robin, Female (Awakening)

Severa (Awakening)

Tiki (Awakening)


Elise (Fates)

Felicia (Fates)

Sakura (Fates)

Soleil (Fates)

Takumi (Fates)


Clair (Shadows of Valentia)

Genny (Shadows of Valentia)

Kliff (Shadows of Valentia)

Mae (Shadows of Valentia)


Fjorm (Heroes)

Helbindi (Heroes)

Laegarn (Heroes)

Sharena (Heroes)

Veronica (Heroes)


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