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[PAC] Poké Rotom (and all of its forms) [Written]

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After reserving Rotom eons ago, I have finally gotten around to actually doing the thing I said I was gonna do. Based on my old Rotom cards, although they have been  modified and updated to fit with the Poké archetype motif. Still wanted to make them stand alone though, so they don't actually interact with the Archetype.



PokéGhost - Rotom


Thunder | Union | Effect

1700 / 900
Once per turn, you can either: Target 1 Machine monster you control; equip this card to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it. A monster equipped with this card gains 700 ATK, also if the equipped monster would be destroyed by battle or card effect, destroy this card instead.


PokéWater - Rotom-Wash


Machine | Fusion | Effect

2500 / 2500
You can Special Summon this card from your Extra Deck by Tributing 1 face-up WATER Machine monster with "PokéGhost - Rotom" equipped to it. Once per turn, you can shuffle any number of cards from your hand into the Deck, then draw that same number of cards. When this card leaves the field: Add 1 "PokéGhost - Rotom" from your GY to your hand.


PokéFire- Rotom-Heat


Machine | Fusion | Effect

2500 / 2500
You can Special Summon this card from your Extra Deck by Tributing 1 face-up FIRE Machine monster with "PokéGhost - Rotom" equipped to it. Once per turn, you can target 1 face-up monster on the field: Destroy it, then inflict 500 damage to your opponent. When this card leaves the field: Add 1 "PokéGhost - Rotom" from your GY to your hand.


PokéGrass - Rotom-Mow


Machine | Fusion | Effect

2500 / 2500
You can Special Summon this card from your Extra Deck by Tributing 1 face-up EARTH Machine monster with "PokéGhost - Rotom" equipped to it. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 face-down card on the field. When this card leaves the field: Add 1 "PokéGhost - Rotom" from your GY to your hand.


PokéFlying - Rotom-Fan


Machine | Fusion | Effect

2500 / 2500
You can Special Summon this card from your Extra Deck by Tributing 1 face-up WIND Machine monster with "PokéGhost - Rotom" equipped to it. Once per turn, you can target 1 face-up card on the field; return that target to the hand. When this card leaves the field: Add 1 "PokéGhost - Rotom" from your GY to your hand.


PokéIce - Rotom-Frost


Machine | Fusion | Effect

2500 / 2500
You can Special Summon this card from your Extra Deck by Tributing 1 face-up LIGHT Machine monster with "PokéGhost - Rotom" equipped to it. Once per turn, you can target 1 monster your opponent controls: Until your next Standby Phase, the targeted monsters cannot attack and its effect is negated. When this card leaves the field: Add 1 "PokéGhost - Rotom" from your GY to your hand.



Rotom Room

Field Spell

Once per turn, if you control a face-up "PokéGhost - Rotom": You can send it and 1 non-DARK Machine monster from your Deck to the GY: Special Summon 1 "Rotom" monster from your Extra Deck that matches the attribute of the removed Machine monster. If you control a "Rotom" monster (except for "PokéGhost - Rotom"), you can return it to your Extra Deck: Special Summon 1 "PokéGhost - Rotom" from your Graveyard.



[spoiler=Design Notes]

I know Rotom Room isn't a Gym, but I didn't want to shoehorn the field spell into one of the gyms and the room fits so well flavor-wise. I'm also aware that it doesn't really interact with the whole Poké archetype. I thought about giving a bonus to Rotom Room for using a Poké monster but ultimately gave up the idea. Originally they were all PokéElectric instead of what they are right now, but decided to make them match the type they gain. This is so that, if you do use Rotom in your PokéType deck, the Rotom you summon is the right type. 

Each one of the Fusions tries to keep flavor with both the Pokemon itself and the "Type" flavor. I decided to not go for move flavor since stuff like Hydro Pump sort of just does damage, and Overheat / Leaf Storm would have the same effect. Instead to replicate the effect being "a move" it eats up the ability to attack. This also encourages a play style where you have the Machine with Rotom equipped attack first and then go into the proper Fusion during M2 and then activate its effect since the drawback doesn't matter in this case.

I know Frost being Light doesn't make sense, but I didn't want to have 2 WATER and DARK doesn't make that much sense for Ice. I feel LIGHT works well enough, and it isn't that much of a problem due to the PokéIce title it has.




6/30/18 - Fixed the Union problem, removed "can't attack" clause.

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Quick note that Union monsters are still in the Main Deck; not Extra. (Suppose you forgot to change it when you made the other forms and c/p'd; intended to make them Fusions). Or you can go the Metalmorph route and summon from Main Deck. 


As for the cards themselves, the only problems here are that as far as PAC is concerned, we don't have other Machines at the moment (or really any thereof). Yes, you wanted them to not function with the actual cards (however few we have at the time of posting), but let's see.


Wash: The hand shuffling isn't that great, considering stuff like Magical Mallet and Reload are kinda terrible now. Also outside Dinomists, what WATER Machine deck do you plan to run this in? You can take off the no attack requirement because if Mallet/Reload aren't being used, no point in making a weaker version of them. 


Mow: You do have more options to run this in (I think Trains and Qli for lack of better options), but similar to Wash, I think the attack lock can be done away with. It is face-down popping, yes, but that relies on you actually summoning this first. 


Fan: If this card wasn't targeting or thing was easier to summon, then sure, some form of restriction would be reasonable here. But nowadays, it targets and well, requires you to run external techs, so you could remove the attack restriction. 


Heat: I mean, we technically have Volcasaurus doing something similar, but he just can't attack directly. Here, you're most likely going to kill face-ups otherwise dealing with 'dolls and/or if Subterrors are still relevant nowadays. Also because the FIRE Machine targets are randoms. 


Frost: Not a Quick Effect like Breakthrough Skill (comparatively), but the effect negation and attack lock work better. I think you already know this, but nowadays the opponent's probably going to either use said monster for ED laddering or get rid of it for something else. Not to say the effect is terrible, but rather this sort of effect isn't seeing much use now. 


Rotom-Regular: The issue here is what Machine deck are you running this in that can afford the Deck slots to run this and Room. Boost is okay and has the standard Union effect. 


Same issue with Room; while you do have Machine decks that can use some of these, a lot of the Decks that can provide the manpower to summon these forms rather do in-archetype stuff instead of devoting to this. 

  • EARTH: Superheavy Samurai (already tight Deck space), Qli (not really), Ancient Gears (not really), Trains (already got enough power)
  • FIRE: (Generics that no one runs)
  • WATER: Dinomists
  • WIND: Mecha Phantom Beasts (I can tell you right now they already need their ED slots for stuff that actually does the job), Symphonics (meh), Speedroids (need to Synchro), F.A. (not really)

The recycling effect is fine, since all you're really doing is just regaining Rotom over again when stuff goes away. Would work in multi-Attribute Machines, but really the only Machine archetype that can somewhat fulfill the requirements are probably Fusion Roids. 


I'm not saying all of this to be harsh, but as far as PAC and the actual game goes, these aren't going to be amounting to much, least with the restrictions. If you must keep the restrictions, just bar them from attacking directly similar to Volcasaurus. Though I generally think that all of them, bar Frost, don't require them. 

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I am going to treat the Rotom forms as Fusion monsters even though they are mentioned as Union monsters, because the text is written as if they are Fusions.


Regular Rotom

I like the card I guess apart from one thing. Why a machine? Like this, it will have to be run outside of the Poké archetype as non of its cards support this card and it doesn´t support any of its cards because there are currently no machine/type Poké monsters.


Rotom Room

Why would you run a card that only does something when you have an unsearchable three off in you hand? Especially when you can just run a machine-type monster instead and get the same advantage without the brick. The recycle effect is not that good either because unles you have 2 Rotoms in your grave you won't be able to use it to the fullest anyway.



For the fusions I have to say, they take about the same amount of resources and time to set up except this one requires you to run basicallly a level 4 normal monster and some machines. You have to imagine that in these situations where you could summon one of these fusion, you could've also just made a RANK-4. And in fact, a RANK-4 wouldn't've required you to basically build your deck around it.


Rotom Wash

The draw effect honestly wouldn´t be that bad if it didn´t stop you from attacking. Because even with the floating its still a minus 1 if it can´t attack.


Rotom Heat

This one makes a bit more sense to not be able to attack. However, with the machine restriction I can´t really think of any good card you can make this one with. And because Rotom isn't searchable its not like you can just run a bad FIRE machine for the Fusion as you won't consistantly get Rotom in your hand. But honestly, why not just summon Castel?


Rotom Mow

Quite specific popping and the attack restriction doesn´t really work on that, I think. Also, what deck is going to summon this? Also, Tornado Dragon does what this card does but better. And if you want to get rid of a face-down monster, why not just Utopia?


Rotom Fan

The attack restriction is too harsh on a simple bounce in my personal opinion. This is also the one I think would be the least awkward to summon. Again, why not just summon Castel? Or Tornado Dragon? 


Rotom Frost

Fiendish Chain on legs. However, it restricts attacking. It's also not a quick effect so you'll have to pre-emptively use it, whicih causes them to probably just link them away anyway.


I think overal the attack restriction does them in, in addition to requiring a machine.

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Yes the other ones are suppose to be Fusions and not Unions, my bad. Anyways to explain why I chose to do Machines instead of PokéMonsters is because of flavor reasons (The things Rotom possesses are machines), however, I am starting to realize that this might be more restricting than I had originally intended for, however. I had in mind that we'd get some Machines for PAC eventually with things like Magnemite, but I don't think enough Pokemon actually fit into Machine-type to make Rotom workable.


I'm thinking, to tie it into the whole Poké thing better, to make the requirement another Poké monster instead of a Machine. While a bit weaker flavor-wise, it does make it fit into the whole Archetype much better. Also should I make it so that Room searched out a Rotom, or would that be too much alongside changing the requirement from Machines to Poké monsters?

As for the "can't attack" clause, it was mostly added for flavor reasons alongside slight balancing, although I understand now that it might of been too much. I think, regardless of what I do, I'm probably going to get rid of this bit.


For specific Rotom Form effects, the one's I am thinking of changing are Wash and maybe Frost. I thought about some sort of spinning effect on Wash since it fits with WATER and, well, it's a washer machine that spins, but I didn't want to make something that was strictly better than Fan. Maybe I can make Fan non-targeting while Wash targets or something along those lines? As for Frost, I honestly have no idea how to do the whole "Freezing" thing better. I don't want to make it a Quick Effect unless I make the other's Quick Effects, but I understand that if it isn't Quick the effect isn't all that great.

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