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AkibaSilver is here!


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Hi all! I'm AkibaSilver, recently trying to get back into the creative card community because I have a lot of free time and not much to do with it! I was last really into Yu-Gi-Oh around late Zexal, and have spent the last week or so being baffled by Pendulums and Links and all kinds of things, but I think I have the hang of most of them now!


See you around, maybe!


(Also, if anyone can figure out why I can't update my image, that would be nice. Is it something I gain after a month, or just the system hating me?)

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Hello, welcome. I'm Yui, and along with a small handful of other users I'll be part of your designated welcome wagon for today. Sakura's post is either right above mine or right below, and he'll be telling you to read the rules for this site. I'll skip that so I can get right to the issue you had in the hopes that I can beat him to being helpful.


(Also, if anyone can figure out why I can't update my image, that would be nice. Is it something I gain after a month, or just the system hating me?)

This is one of many known issues with the site; direct uploads don't work. You'll have to upload the avatar you want to an image hosting site - Imgur in particular is a good choice - then use the "load from URL" option for your avatar, rather than trying to upload it straight to YCM. It's a bit inconvenient, but not a hassle by any means.


Welcome, be good, have fun, nice to meet ya.

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Hi there, and welcome to YCM.


Before you post further on the site, make sure you at least look over the general site rules and any section specific ones towards places you want to post in. Most are common sense, but a few are more technical. I say this to all new members, but I want you to have a good time while here. 


Anyway...with that said, enjoy your stay!


(Right, and if you do plan on going in Custom Cards, expect to see me very often in there, considering I'm the one responsible for running it. Do feel free to ask me about stuff if you have questions.)


(Also, if anyone can figure out why I can't update my image, that would be nice. Is it something I gain after a month, or just the system hating me?)


If you're trying to manually upload images, the uploader has been shot since mid/late 2016. You can update it via a URL (or ask one of the staff members to manually add it in the Admin CP); apparently that still works. 


(P.S. Yui ninja'd about the latter part, but yeah, specific stuff)

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This is one of many known issues with the site; direct uploads don't work. You'll have to upload the avatar you want to an image hosting site - Imgur in particular is a good choice - then use the "load from URL" option for your avatar, rather than trying to upload it straight to YCM. It's a bit inconvenient, but not a hassle by any means.


Hi there, and welcome to YCM.


If you're trying to manually upload images, the uploader has been shot since mid/late 2016. You can update it via a URL (or ask one of the staff members to manually add it in the Admin CP); apparently that still works. 


(P.S. Yui ninja'd about the latter part, but yeah, specific stuff)


Cool, thanks for the advice!

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