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It looks good, I feel like my focus is all over the place and whilst I assume the focal point is the girl, my eyes are going everywhere.


I don't think its anything stand out fantastic for your work but it looks good and does a decent job of the fundamentals.

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I love the idea of this, I guess, but it feels empty and lacking in the emotion of art. There is nothing really going for this piece but the blending, as you're trying to bring together different textures to build depth and flow. The piece is cool to look at, but not necessitating anything more than that.

The transition of lighter to darker colors as they move from left to right feel out of place when there is no unison with the background. The darker side is more fractured, with the lighter side being more abstract.

The girl in the middle feels detached from the background, as if she were not even part of the art. I love the position of her, but want her to appear larger in the image. Also, change the shirt color so it doesn't contrast as much. It seems to forcing focus to her while the entire picture is not drawing focus to her. Makes her feel out of place.

The lighting is artificial. I know you have a knack for artificial light, but this is one of my least favorite ways you have made it look. It just seems attached to the picture while not emulating onto the focus. The contrast would work better if I wasn't forced to look at the subject. You only shown the light/dark shading of her without adding the green reflection, to make it feel more real.

I don't know. I am just unimpressed by this piece and know you can do better. There is more going on but there isn't anything here that brings the piece together, so more nitpicking wouldn't help it all that much.

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