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[Written] Super Heavy Samurai Warlord Nobunaga


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Super Heavy Samurai Warlord Nobunaga


Link: DL, DR


2 "Super Heavy Samurai" Monsters including 1 Tuner Monster

While theirs no Spell/Trap cards in your GY, this card gains 2500 ATK. While theirs a "Super Heavy Samurai" monster in a zone this card points to, your opponent cannot targeted this card for attacks or with card effects. After damage calculation, if this card attacked while their are no Spell/Trap cards in your GY: switch all face-up Defence Position "Super Heavy Samurai" monsters you control to attack position, then, monsters whose Position was changed by this effect gain ATK equal to their DEF and can make an additional attack during the Battle Phase this turn. During the End Phase of the turn you used this effect, switch all monsters whose Position was changed by this effect to Defence Position and their ATK becomes 0. You can only control 1 face-up "Super Heavy Samurai Warlord Nobunaga".



So Nobunaga supporting SHS as their Link Monster acts in a way that breaks out from the normal SHS play style where this cards ATK becomes 2500 while theirs no Spell or Traps in grave and is protected from attacks and targeting while theirs a SHS in a zone it points to.


Then this card after attacking can switch all of your defence position SHS to attack and boost their ATK equal to their effect and give them an additional attack but switches them back to defence with their ATK becoming 0 at the end of the turn.


In SHS this card would be a heavy game changing card that could provide a means to push for game where this being stuck in ATK does mean its prone to attack based traps like Mirror Force and if you used its effect to switch your other monsters into attack also puts them to being prone to those cards as well.

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