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Penta, Navigator Fur Hire and Gulliver, Scout Fur Hire


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[spoiler=Penta, Navigator Fur Hire]snzzgn.png

[spoiler=Gulliver, Scout Fur Hire]29e0m02.png


So Penta and Gulliver act as Pendulums Fur Hire as they provide support as both Monsters and as Pendulum Scales. In addition as Pendulums they are required to both be set up as Pendulums in order for their Pendulum effects to work.


Penta as a Monster acts like the other Level 4 or lower Fur Hire Monsters where it allows you to summon another Fur Hire Monster and lets you draw a card when a Fur Hire is Special Summoned. Then as a Pendulum, when a Fur Hire is Pendulum Summoned allows you to add one of your Spell/Traps Fur Hire to your hand.


Gulliver as a Monster do the same thing as Penta but banish's the top card of your opponents deck face-down instead of drawing a card and as a Pendulum allows you to look at your opponents hand and send a card from their to the grave.


As Fur Hire Support these cards both help with Speed and removing advantage from your opponent and when used as Pendulums can provide a bit a strong advantage as it allows you to summon and unleash all of your Level 5+ Fur Hire Monsters effects.

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To be honest, I really don't think giving Fur Hires Pendulum Monsters helps them out too much, least considering how they function at present. That, and you realize that Seal cannot retrieve them from the ED once they go there.


Penta's P-effect is fine, but outside retrieving Mayhem, that's literally it. Probably the reason why Beat doesn't search the backrow too is because they literally only have 2 cards, also the fact that Training is usually seen at 1 nowadays and not really doing much. Draw power is fine if for whatever reason you do not want to ditch stuff for Helmer. 


Gulliver is fine, considering it does screw over the opponent's hand and Deck when you summon stuff. Scale 10 is fine, but...unless they get a Level 9 (and reminder that if you did make a 9 for them in the past, it isn't being considered here.)



But aside from that, it doesn't really address their other shortcomings that much; reliance on NS most of the time to get things out (though I guess that's why you made these Pendulums in the first place and more low Levels) and more GY recycling so you can actually keep searching off Beat, etc (as TCG does not have Avarice unbanned). I mean, I guess you can float into them via Training if Donpa/Recon get destroyed, but that's it (and again, relies on you actually getting Training). 


The P-effects are fine, but how often are you actually going to Pendulum Summon in Fur Hire?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've no issue with Penta, especially with that cute Art. Strict +1 from Summoning means you can recoup the resources used to funnel out the monsters "Fur Hire" from your hand, and being able to get any Spell/Trap "Fur Hire" "Mayhem Fur Hire" out of the Deck faster only allows for more recovery options. Possibly even more useful now, considering Folgo, Justice Fur Hire is a thing. Having recoupable resources in the Extra to slap in its Zones to boost it further is always welcome.


Cute art aside from the other Pendulum, I'm not too sure we can't get away with making Gulliver's Special Summon effect (the last one on the card, in the main text) more harmful to the opponent. 1 face-down banishes from the Deck isn't gonna hurt the opponent much, especially since they do ten times that with Pot of Desires without a second thought, especially in OCG. Pendulum Effect may be its main attraction, however, though I think that hand-drop effect is a bit much, even for a Level 2. Maybe have it last until the end of the next turn, like the PSY-Framelord Omega?


Other than that, these two new members to the Bucanneers "Fur Hire" seem solid.

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