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[MtG] M19 Spoilers

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This is the first round of spoilers: we're getting some more (albeit fewer) next Monday as well. And important note: everything Serra's Guardian and after isn't available in packs.




Some observations:

  • Is Militia Bugler playable anywhere? I feel like it should be, but for three mana maybe it doesn't do enough - although mini-Recruiter effects can't be bad... right?
  • Demon of Catastrophes is ridiculously good and I hope it sees play. It feels trivially easy to sac your Llanowar Elves into this T3 and hit someone for six T4.
  • Diregraf Ghoul is a legit reprint. Hopefully aggro decks will take more of a Bx bend post-rotation, because mono-R has been so boringly consistent.
  • What does Infernal Judgment signify? We don't have any big colorless threats in Standard now... maybe RTRTR will have Eldrazi make a surprise appearance?
  • Apex of Power singlehandedly caused Mizzix to go to $8 and I think that's hilarious. It's not nearly that good, but some fools just ask to be parted from their money.
  • Guttersnipe being in Standard again makes me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzies.
  • Of course a set couldn't go by without Colossal Dreadmaw.
  • Gigantosaurus makes me feel things. Big Timmy things. Could this be Modern-playable in an MGD shell? Probably not, but a man can dream...
  • I'm totally in lesbians with Vivien Reid. She may not be super good, but her suite of abilities signify that she can potentially carry a deck. And that ultimate is backbreaking.
  • Desecrated Tomb will probably make its way into Elenda one way or another. Plus, having bat tokens at long last makes me very happy.
  • Reliquary Tower! Such excitement - it desperately needed a reprint.
  • Nexus of Fate makes me sorta mad that it's the buy-a-box promo. It's a pretty unique effect, much like FS+SS, and is a wincon in EDH if you can mill yourself out (which isn't too difficult). Plus, being instant speed is significant. I wouldn't expect this to drop below $15 for quite a while.
So what're your thoughts?
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Bugler is strong. Especially with white having a good presence all standard season. THere were cards similar to catasrophies in innistrad that were never played. With tons of good counterspells, instant speed bounce and exile effects I doubt this demon will see any play other than some niche sideboard plays. Difregraf ghoul is what this set needed. A good 1 drop that doesnt get murdered by chainwhirler.


Gigantosaur is a meme card.

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I suspect Core 19 will have an Eldrazi subtheme as a flashback to potentially clue us in more into Bolas and Ugin's relationship and why Bolas wanted them freed. Infernal Judgement might therefore just be a card for the limited environment if nothing else.

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Alpine moon is neat. I like that they're exploring some mana denial strategies again in the game.


As far as the mythic dragon cycle goes, Chromium looks like the strongest by a huge margin. He has everything you could want in a control finisher.


Contrite cleric is exactly what I wanted in CoCo. Scooze is too unreliable to fight against sheet like KCI and Hallowed one. This is the card G/W decks need.

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I haven't really played Magic in a long time, but I decided to pop in here and see what was new and my oh my do those Elder Dragons look pretty. Chromium seems pretty legit and the best one so far, though Palladia Mors also seems pretty great and is probably easier to use due to Green making her and other things easier to cast. I think it'd be fun to work with Chromium, though, but I've been out of the loop for long enough to not really know anymore what works and what doesn't (new cards, staples, etc.).

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The change to the Planeswalker Deck tutors is interesting, making them search the top 5 for any card of that colour instead of the entire library/graveyard for your Planeswalker specifically. I guess that's to avoid moments when you want to cast the tutor spell but already have the Planeswalker in your hand/field? Also I actually quite like Tezzeret's Gatebreaker. It's a bit like The Antiquities War.


As for the set itself:

My favourite of the new Elder Dragons is probably Nicol Bolas as I really like transform cards. I'm hoping for an Ugin transformer, that'd be awesome.

I also really like Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire. It reminds me a lot of Etali, Primal Storm: same CMC, power/toughness and similar abilities. I want a deck with both.

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Chromium is real good. Kind of outclassed by approach in standard but he makes a really good sideboard card in the u/w mirror.


I was more talking about using him in EDH. I like Chromium because I never quite liked having to deal with the worry of my commander being either countered or nuked once I so much as pass my hand over it. Chromium easily takes care of those worries, but he's expensive to cast and Esper colors don't really have much ramp going on.

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I was too, but sadly MaRo has confirmed he doesn't have a card in M19 at all.


That's... kind of silly considering Ugin is considered an Elder Dragon and has obvious history with Bolas. Considering Sarkhan's in this set, I'd have thought they would have included him as well to reveal more about his background.

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