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Back Porch Bottle Service by AJ McLean

Face McShooty

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It is I, your country music professor, trying something a little different... a song review, and for my first review I decided to do Back Porch Bottle Service by Backstreet Boy's own AJ McLean




Not even through the first verse and I already can't stand the song, lyrically it isn't too bad, but it follows the standard formula for bro-country, it's a mix between a hook up song and a drinking song with a reggae beat to it. There's one clever line in the first verse, "Anything you want, Diddy to McGraw" and the chorus proved to me that it's a hook up song but there's also beer involved. What's with the rapping after the 2nd chorus? NO JUST NO! The bridge between the 2nd and last chorus was clever, but I could've done without the "Yeah, alright" and other spoken words within the chorus.



This song is just garbage, even for bro-country... Florida Georgia Line has put out songs better than this. AJ McLean is just capitalizing on the success of "God, Your Mama and Me", Backstreet Boys' collaboration with Florida Georgia Line, which I really enjoyed that song... AJ McLean does NOT belong in country music, he's better with the other guys of Backstreet Boys.



So I need a rating system if I'm going to keep doing this


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