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Poll Tournament Directory

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Hello friends let's keep this brief. Decided that it might be nice to have this to have a list of current tournaments, given that there's a limit of 3 on-going at one time.
But that's not all. As they're already pinned it would seem kind of silly to do this alone. I will also include "Special Circumstances" to make certain things more official, such as hiatuses and the like, and I will include a "Future Tournaments" section to include tournaments that will be put up in the future. My hope is that we can organize things a bit better so that someone doesn't get locked out of doing a tournament they want because someone jumped in before they could.
Might make it a rule to give notice so we can have a schedule for these things but will figure that out later.

On-Going Tournaments

- BS's Character Battle Tournament
- YCM Idol Grand Prix (Hosted by Sugi)

- Grand Gamecube Tournament (Hosted by CowCow)

Special Circumstances

none atm

Future Tournaments

none atm

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