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My New Deck


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This is my new deck, if you can help me please do so i can make it better. Thanks alot

24x Monsters

1x Avian

1x Burstinatrix

2x Clayman

2x Sparkman

1x Stratos

2x Wildheart

1x Bladedge

1x Necroshade

2x Cyber Dragon

2x The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

2x The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion

2x Giant Rat

1x Prisma

1x Morphing Jar

2x Malicious Edge

1x Marshmallon


19x Spells

3x Miracle Fusion

2x Dark Calling

1x Future Fusion

3x E-Emergency Call

1x O - Oversoul

1x Premature Burial

2x The Warrior Returning Alive

1x Skyscraper 2

3x Lightning Vortex

1x MST

1x Heavy Storm



3x Traps

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Royal Decree



23x Fusions

2x Shining Flare Wingman

3x Thunder Giant

3x Plasma Vice

2x Wildedge

1x Wild Wingman

1x Inferno Wing

3x Lightning Golem

2x Wild Cyclone

2x Dark Gaia

2x Cyber Twin

2x Cyber End


46 Total Deck

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wow i havnt seen you post in a while also

make your deck look liek this




2x Clayman

2x Sparkman

1x Stratos

2x Wildheart

2x malicious edge

2x Cyber Dragon

3x The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

1x The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion

3x Giant Rat

1x Prisma

1x morphing jar

1x marshmallon/spirit reaper


3x Miracle Fusion

2x dark calling

1x Future Fusion

3x E-Emergency Call

1x Premature Burial

1x monster reborn

2x the warrior returning alive

1x skyscraper 2

3x lightning vortex

1x mst

1x heavy storm


2x royal decree

1x torrential tribute


+ all applicable fusions

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Well I'll do my best to help. This was a deck my friend and I thought up:


E.Hero Bladedge [2]

E.Hero Necroshade [2]

E.Hero Stratos [1]

E.Hero Sparkman [2]

E.Hero Wildheart [2]

E.Hero Prisma [3]

King Of The Swamp [3]

Cyber dragon[2]

Morphing Jar [1]


Spells [19]

Miracle Fusion [3]

Polymerization [2]

E-Emergency Call [3]


Heavy Storm [1]

Premature Burial [1]

Brain Control[1]

Lightning Vortex[2]

Monster Reborn [1]

Enemy Controller [2]


Traps [5]


Decree [2]

mirror force [1]

Solemn J. [1]

T.T [1]



E-Hero Shining flare wingman x2

E-Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer x1

E-Hero Plasma Vice x3

E-Hero Wild Edge x3

E-Hero Dark Bright x2

E-Hero Necroshaman x2

E-Hero Thunder Giant x2

E-Hero Wild Wingman x2

Cyber twin x3


Just Remember' date=' its an E-Hero deck so you usually can't do much with it.


Hope I Helped[/b']

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