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cant save cards!



hello! I've seen some people having the same problem as me but since I didn't see it solved and the other threads were archived I am making a new one.


I can't save the cards I make on the card maker by clicking the save button, I can save it by left clicking and choosing "Save image as" but the quality is really low and I intend on printing the cards I make.


I checked if my antivirus or addblock is blocking the download but it didn't work when I disabled them either.


I tried different browser and it doesnt work on either of them.


And the files are not on the computer anywhere, it just doesnt seem to generate the file, it just says:


An error occurred while saving card. Please try again later.



PD: the new card maker works but I need the templates the regular one has

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2 answers to this question

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The save function isn't broken on my end; works just fine and not giving that error message.


If you're referring to the picture not loading, we've had that problem for the past 7 months (so yeah, we know about it). You have to either get the direct image URL from where you've found it, or reupload the pic on Imgur/elsewhere. 



That being said, it could be that the cardmaker is even more glitchy for a select few members than it already is, given the other problems that haven't been addressed since 2016. 


Can anyone else confirm if they have the same problem with saving their cards or are not having this issue? 

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It appears you are confused as to the purpose of the save button on the original cardmaker. The save button on the original cardmaker does not save cards to your computer; it saves them onto your YCM account so you can continue working on them later. This is why you aren't seeing any files on your computer when you press that button. The new cardmaker does save your cards onto your computer, but not in an image format. In fact, it only saves your cards so you can access them later to continue working on them much like the save button does for the original cardmaker.

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