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(Written) Life Giving Curse

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Life Giving Curse : Quick Play Spell

Only can be activated when your opponent has more Life Points than you and the difference between your Life Points and your opponent's Life Points is 2000 or more: Your opponent Life Points becomes equal to double of your Life Points. Draw 1 Card.



A very odd but amusing card; More you risk, more rewards you potentially shall receive. Make your life points low then play this to make your opponent's life points equal to double of your currently low life total. Both player's life points start off at 8000. Make your life points 100 then play this so your opponent only has 200 life points left which is easy to drop to 0.

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Interesting but I'm assuming you have a plan to get Ra out in a single turn, pay 7900 for its effect, activate this and hit whatever monster your opponent has out?

Winged Dragon of Ra

Cannot be Special Summoned. Requires 3 Tributes to Normal Summon (cannot be Normal Set). This card's Normal Summon cannot be negated. When Normal Summoned, other cards and effects cannot be activated. When this card is Normal Summoned: You can pay LP so that you only have 100 left; this card gains ATK and DEF equal to the amount of LP paid. You can pay 1000 LP, then target 1 monster on the field; destroy that target.



This card can be searched by "Dogu", "Single Purchase", "Painful Escape", "Gold Sarcophagus", "Different Dimension Capsule", "Mound of the Bound Creator", "The True Name", "Deep Diver", and "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode".

◾ You can use "Phantom of Chaos" to banish "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode" from your Graveyard, then activate its effect as the effect of "Phantom of Chaos", and immediately Summon "Ra" a second time, if you already tributed "Sphere Mode". ◾ "Phantom of Chaos" can also copy the effects of "Immortal Phoenix" this way, clear out your opponent's field before Summoning a copy of "Sphere Mode" during the End Phase, ignoring its Summoning Conditions.

◾ Use monsters such as "Marshmallon", "Spirit Reaper", and "Aroma Jar" that cannot be destroyed by battle, which will ensure you will have plenty of monsters to tribute for "Ra" if they are not destroyed by card effects. ◾ You can also use "Aroma Jar" in combination with "Poison of the Old Man", "Nimble Momonga", and "Spell Absorption" to quickly gain a lot of life points in preparation for summoning "Ra" with at least 20,000 ATK. These cards can also be used to regain LP paid for the cost paid when you Tribute Summon "Ra" within a few turns. At least one copy of "Aroma Jar" should be left on the field in case Ra is destroyed. - Also combine with "Aroma Garden" to further increase LP.

◾ Use "Mound of the Bound Creator" and/or "March of the Monarchs" can make "Ra" immune to card effects that target or destroy. Use "Field Barrier", "Card Guard", or "Magic Reflector" to protect them from being easily destroyed.

◾ Use "Soul Exchange" or "The Monarchs Stormforth" to Tribute Summon this card by using one of your opponent's monsters.

◾You can use "Escalation of the Monarchs" or "Ultimate Offering" (Traditional Format only) with "The Monarchs Stormforth" to Tribute Summon "Ra" during your opponent's turn.

◾ You can "The First Monarch" to Tribute Summon this card with one less tribute by declaring DIVINE as its type. However, this can be tricky if you do not already have 3 or more monsters to tribute, though as declaring DIVINE to change its Attribute would prevent yourself from Special Summoning any monster whose Attribute does not match, like the commonly used Tribute fodders "Level Eater" and "The Tricky".

◾ "Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy", "Dynatherium", "Gilasaurus", "Turbo Booster", "Treeborn Frog", "Trap Monsters" and "Jester Confit" are excellent monsters to use for this card's Summon. If there is a prefer to maintain advantage, use cards like "Majiosheldon" in a Tribute Summon Deck.

◾ Summon this card using "Hardened Armed Dragon" to protect it from destruction by card effects.

◾ Provided an Xyz Monster can be placed fast on the field, "Corrupted Keys" can generate instant Tribute fodder for this card.

◾ Combine "Nightmare Archfiends" with "Owner's Seal" to Special Summon 3 monsters to Tribute Summon this card.

◾ In a Psychic Deck, "Telekinetic Power Well" can be used in order to Summon 3 Level 2 or lower Psychic-Type monsters to fulfill this card's Summoning requirements.

◾ Use "Sebek's Blessing" to restore the LP paid to increase this card's ATK.

◾ Use "Power Frame" to make this card have the same ATK as a monster your opponent controls without the need to decrease your LP to be able to have enough ATK to stay alive and destroy monsters on the field.

◾ This card works well with "Number C39: Utopia Ray" and "Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss", since the effect of this card gets your LP low enough to use the effect of "Utopia Ray" or "Shark Drake Veiss" for more damage.

◾ If two "Flint Locks", "Flint" and "Morale Boost" are under your control, then "Flint" can continuously be equipped, switching between the two "Flint Locks", while "Morale Boost" gives yourself 1000 LP each time it was used. This can be repeated infinitely, effectively giving yourself access to an astronomically high LP. By using "Inferno Reckless Summon" to get 3 "Flint Locks" on and doing the loop, they can then be Tributed to Summon this card after gaining enough LPs for an OTK.

◾ If you run a swarm deck, it is best to have this card in your side deck in case your opponent has "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode", so you can use its effect to benefit you before it can be returned to its owner.


Its a good strategy. Ra solves both the lp problem and the win con. There's many other ways of doing it.

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