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Starter Deck Kaiba Reformed [Written] [11/50]


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[spoiler=Monsters (10/29)]

Blue-Eyes Star Dragon

LIGHT/Level 8/Dragon/Effect


This card is treated a "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" while on the field or in the GY. If this card is in your hand or your GY (quick effect): you can banish 2 LIGHT monsters from your hand or side of the field: Special Summon this card from your hand or GY. This card is cannot be targeted by card effects during the Battle Phase.


Ni-Banme Giant

LIGHT/Level 4/Beast Warrior/Effect


If this card battles an opponent's monster: destroy that monster at the end of the Damage Step. When this card is banished: draw 1 card.


Ryu-Kishin Purified

LIGHT/Level 4/Fiend/Effect


When you Summon a LIGHT monster, except the turn this card was sent to the GY: you can Special Summon this card (fron the GY). When this card is Summoned, you can shuffle 1 of your banished cards into your deck.


The Worm Beast Purified

LIGHT/Level 3/Beast/Effect


During your End Phase: you can add 1 of your banished monsters to your hand, then Special Summon this card (from your hand). When this card is targeted for an attack: you may shuffle it back into your deck.


Battle Ox Purified

LIGHT/Level 4/Beast-Warrior/Effect


When this card declares an attack: your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step. Any monster that this card destroys by battle is banished instead of being sent to the GY. When that can destroys an opponent's monster by battle: you can add 1 "Purified" monster from your deck to your hand.


The Judge

LIGHT/Level 6/Warrior/Effect


Once per turn, when a card or effect is activated (quick effect): you can banish this card from your hand, then negate that effect. During your next Standby Phase after you activate this effect: Special Summon this banished card.


Master Rogue Doll

LIGHT/Level 4/Spellcaster/Effect


This card can attack your opponent directly. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: you may banish this card, then during your next Standby Phase: return it to your hand.


Kojikocy Purified

LIGHT/Level 4/Warrior/Effect


When this card is Summoned; target 1 monster your opponent controls: destroy that target. When this card is banished: Special Summon it. You can only activate each effect of "Kojikocy Purified" once per turn.



LIGHT/Level 4/Dinoaur/Effect


You must banish 1 card from your hand or GY in order to declare an attack with this card. When this card is sent to the GY: banish it, then you may Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower banished LIGHT monster, except "Hypervelociraby".


Enraged Mystic Horseman

LIGHT/Level 4/Beast/Effect


You can banish this face-up card you control: (quick effect): target 1 monster you control: it gains 1500 ATK, until your next Standby Phase.


[spoiler=Link Monster (0/1)]



[spoiler=Spells (0/12)]



[spoiler=Traps (1/8)]

Reversal Occasion


When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: Special Summon 1 "Purified" monster from your deck. It gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of all monsters of the field. Your opponent must target it as an attack target, if able. During the End Phase: banish it. 

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