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Hey everyone, I'm Gappy (big Jojo fan). I've had an interest in YuGiOh going back to when I was a kid and I really want to get back into it. I've used the Card Maker sporadically over the years but never really bothered with the forums until now.

I also do a bit of artwork on the side which I'll post from time to time.

Thanks for reading this!

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Hello there Gappy. Welcome to YCM. I'm Yui, one of RP's finest. This is mostly just a standard thing I tell all the aspiring new members, but make sure to read up on the forum rules, as well as the section rules for any sections you'll be frequenting. If you're into drawing stuff and want to post your art every so often, you could do that in the Graphics Showcase section or in this club here that happens to be all about art. You could even make a blog of it if you wanted.


The site is pretty buggy because of our lack of an actual admin, but the community is good and the content is usually enjoyable enough. Here's to hoping you choose to stick around. Be good, don't make an ass of yourself, and most importantly, have fun. You're here forever after all, unless you do something that tragically ends in getting permabanned. Might as well make yourself at home :)

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Uh, we got Tormey and J-Max (and probably some others who haven't revealed their countries of origin); those two are British.


But that being said, welcome to YCM. 


Yui already did my job of telling you to look over the rules (and yeah, please do that). It'll save you a degree of stress if things happen. Most of the rules are generally easy to follow though, so...



That being said, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask a mod. 



As for why YCM doesn't get Outlook messages anymore, I really have no idea (though I too had a Hotmail address linked to this account for a while). You and I aren't the only ones who haven't gotten emails from this site.

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