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[MTG] Standard Mono-Red

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The worst way to find out if you like a card game is to drop money on it and enter a tournament before you've ever played a game of it before. That's exactly what I did. I did some digging into the rules and meta before I played though. I'm not a total madman.


4x Hazoret the Fervent
4x Goblin Chainwhirler
4x Ahn-Crop Crasher
4x Bomat Courier
3x Earthshaker Khenra (Couldn't find a fourth)
3x Rekindling Phoenix
3x Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
3x Soul-Scar Mage (Couldn't find a fourth)
4x Lightning Strike
3x Shock
1x Abrade
2x Sunschorched Desert
3x Scavenger Grounds
19x Mountain
2x Aethersphere Harvester
2x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
1x Glorybringer
1x Pia Nalaar
1x Chandra's Defeat
3x Fight with Fire
2x Magma Spray
2x Kari Zev's Expertise
1x Abrade
All in all I like the deck. Had fun playing though Dawnbringer and some enchantment that brought my creatures in tapped beat my ass pretty hard. Was my only loss of the day so ended up getting top 4. Pulled some Gideon planeswalker that the store owner bought from me so I'll use that store credit + the credit I won towards some more cards.
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