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BAOP FINALS: Uragiri no Yuuyake v. Guns & Roses



13 members have voted


    • Uragiri no Yuuyake
    • Guns & Roses

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Wow, what a final round. So glad one of my nominations made it this far, but alas, I'm driven to vote against it this time.


Both have the same style that stand out amongst the rest of the nominations, but Durarara's is so much catchier and the character roster is, imo, so much more memorable than Baccano. Plus I dunno what it is, but the Japanese characters are more aesthetically pleasing in the credits than English.


That being said, this was an interesting tournament. Some of these OPs had me check out some of these shows, including ones from other OPs that weren't in the contest but recommended to me by Youtube after playing them on here. We should definitely do more, tbh.

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I'm gonna have to abstain this round because I legit like both of these songs about equally. Though if it were Complication instead of Uragiri no Yuuyake I'd vote that probably. I really like both songs and they way the transitions are in the opening, as well as their cool styles. Really can't get much better for an anime OP than either one of these, though there're a couple that come close.

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Wow, battle from the Naritaverse right here. This is a super hard choice, as both songs are really good and the visuals have the same style with the character names and use of transitions, but I think I'm gonna go with Gun's & Roses as I like the music style a bit more. Uragiri no Yuuyake is super catchy, though.

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I'll be perfectly honest, when I was looking at the full entrant list, I thought Baccano! was going to be crushed in an early round by the sheer popularity power of some of other competitors, despite how much I personally liked the opening. Seeing it not only make it this far, but have a very real shot at winning the finals . . . it's honestly really interesting.

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