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CowCow and All Beef Cow allegedly having a beef after taunt from ABC.

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“Is that a world tour or your girl’s tour?” A very smug All Beef CowCow tauntingly remarked at CowCow in front of an audience, and everyone was like:




However, CowCow is not one to simply back down, and punched All Beef Cow, resulting in other farm animals joining in. The end result was a free for all brawl on the farm until Dad showed up with his new belt wielding mecha tyrannosaurus rex thing that also has dual machine guns attached to it. Basically, he whipped all the farm animals with his GIANT ROBOT BELT OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.


CowCow was last seen writing a diss track called “A jabroni Cow.” ABC was last seen attempting to hide from the pineapple ramen tentacle monster and the pineapple pizza scary looking evil demon thing monster.

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