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Ask Rewas' Father Anything


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Are Irishmen anything but Scotsmen with shittier accents and a sad addiction to potatoes? 


Infinitely superior.


oh my god????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!


This is not a question. Quiet you sassy gypsy.




This is not a question. Quiet you sassy gypsy.


How was your time away?


It was good.


ur not his real father


This is not a question. Quiet you sassy gypsy.


Why are you already back to your old self?


I don't think I necessarily am.


I didn't know Enguin was your father. That explains a lot.


This is not a question. Quiet you sassy gypsy.


I didn't know Enguin was Dad. This explains nothing.


This is not a question. Quiet you sassy gypsy.


how disappointed are you in your son?


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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Someone needs to let dad know that this foo’ is tryna move in on his turf.


This is not a question. Quiet you sassy gypsy.


What types of music do you like?


I think the variance has narrowed as I have actually begun to listen to more than just single songs from people. The two bands I would currently rank most highly are Cage The Elephant and Catfish & The Bottlemen. Bottlemen's first album is fantastic, Cage's third is their best. Behold a song from each:

And another  couple of Cage songs because they have a wild variety of stuff:


Will you claim the title of America's Dad now that Bill Cosby's going to prison?


I haven't yet announced my candidacy but I can confirm exclusively to you that I will be running.


There's another Bill out there


This is not a question. Quiet you sassy gypsy.

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