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[VJUMP] Chaos Emperor, the Armageddon Dragon (OCG)

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Pend Effect: You can only use the Pendulum Effect of this card's name once per turn. (1) Pay 1000 LP, then target 1 of your banished Dragon Monsters; Destroy this card, and if you do, add that monster to your hand.
Monster Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Can only Special Summon 1 card of this card's name from your Hand or Extra Deck once per turn, by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your GY. (1) Once per turn, you can pay half your LP; Send all cards you control to the GY, except monster (s) in the Extra Monster Zone, and if you do, send cards your opponent controls to the GY, up to the number of cards sent. Then, inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each card sent to your opponent's GY. (2) If this face-up Special Summoned card is removed from the field, return it to the bottom of the deck.
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Interesting card as a 1 scale Pendulum that sets itself up to be summoned from the Extra Deck to the Extra Monster Zone by returning one of your banished Dragons to the hand and then the Monster effect is basically the same minus sending hands to grave and that it limits you to send your opponents cards to the equal to the number of cards you sent on your side.

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awright awright awright


so basically its like current CED but searchable (with some generic pendulum support we had), recurring, and has extra utility with some banish-happy dragons with its pendulum effect


excluding EMZ its kinda clever. it avoid additional card to be choose for the sending effect kinda like DM era zone format limitation while also keeping any useful Links on EMZ (like electrumite) while screwing up opponent ones


1000 to half lp cost is understandable. i guess its ok?


EDIT: ah its also a scale 1. neat

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Interesting effect, not gonna lie, if the errated version had this were you sent only cards equal to the amont you sent would ve been balanced (sorta).This should ve been more flexible and let you choose how many you send in order to make your opponent send. Wish it could grab any light or dark from banished pile. On the plus side: Discard revolution dragon, add this. either recover revolution or banish it for its summon.


Are the other dragons be revealed this week or later?

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I just like how the fact that this can be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck just screams "USE ELECTRUMITE" cuz this doesn't even go to the Extra Deck when destroyed (it goes back to the Main Deck).

Duh, there is a new Dark Armed coming out too. You want to be able to Rank 7 in the deck. But there is some REALLY nice synergy with the old Chaos Dragons

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Interesting effect, not gonna lie, if the errated version had this were you sent only cards equal to the amont you sent would ve been balanced (sorta).This should ve been more flexible and let you choose how many you send in order to make your opponent send. Wish it could grab any light or dark from banished pile. On the plus side: Discard revolution dragon, add this. either recover revolution or banish it for its summon.


Are the other dragons be revealed this week or later?

Should be 1 a week

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Melody of Awakening Dragon search target for TCG? Check.


Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon search target for OCG? Check.


Ultra-compatible with Lightsworns, especially that mass-banishing Snow and Eclipse Wyvern? CHECK.


Non-targeting, non-destruction mass removal that actually seems broke until you realize it leaves you an ED monster and doesn't need to work on cards that are monster-effect immune (hullo Master Peace)? CHECK!


AND a Pendulum Effect4 that can essentially make REDMD and the other Chaos Dragon's cost free and/or bring back Zirdras, which can punish your opponent for removin' backrow? CHECK!


And what will this card do to your opponent's chances of victory? CHECK (them into another galaxy!!)


(This has been your scheduled love letter to Chaos Emperor, the Armaggeddon Dragon review of a Chaos support card, brought to you by BD'S. Deuces.)

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If you're running DARK Pendulums and Odd-Eyes Revolution, then you can summon Starving Venom and take advantage of Revolution's superior nuke that, y'know, actually is able to remove everything with a stronger method of removal.


But, it's not like this card's nuke is anywhere near its selling point anyways. It's a scale-1 with decent stats and a good scale effect that's easily searched and can summon itself without a pendulum summon, giving you a Level 8 DARK Dragon Pendulum Monster on the field. THAT'S the selling point, because its general attributes for what it is makes it a very useful monster that can go into a variety of good things. That's what you want to use this card for.


Also, I don't know if the memo has been received yet, but Eclipse Wyvern isn't terribly great these days, just as a fair number of Chaos Dragon cards have been pretty out-crept over time. This card definitely has a home, but I think other decks are going to be able to take a much better advantage of this what card, what it is and what it does.

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I love the concept and the artwork, but it's pretty heavily restricted and I don't see it seeing much competitive play without further support. It would have made a lot more sense if the LIGHT and DARK could be banished from the face-up Extra Deck to fulfill its summoning condition, as Pendulum decks would have to go out of their way to set up their graves for this. 


There's Lightsworn, but Lightsworn involving any type of Dragons is very much a thing of the past and leads to unnecessarily dead hands and dead mills that this card would contribute to. Melody of the Awakening Dragons is particularly tough to run these days because if it gets Ashed or otherwise negated it's a minus, as with Trade-In and Solar Recharge. 


Odd-Eyes might be the best place for this what with Revolution Dragon. Turn 1 you'd likely want to overlay this for Hope Harbinger and turn 2 this could help break boards, but only so well given the set-up required (not only to get this out which is hard on its own given Pendulums' fears of graveyards but to have cards to send alongside it as well to get the effect off). 


It's a cool retrain. 

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I love the concept and the artwork, but it's pretty heavily restricted and I don't see it seeing much competitive play without further support. It would have made a lot more sense if the LIGHT and DARK could be banished from the face-up Extra Deck to fulfill its summoning condition, as Pendulum decks would have to go out of their way to set up their graves for this. 


There's Lightsworn, but Lightsworn involving any type of Dragons is very much a thing of the past and leads to unnecessarily dead hands and dead mills that this card would contribute to. Melody of the Awakening Dragons is particularly tough to run these days because if it gets Ashed or otherwise negated it's a minus, as with Trade-In and Solar Recharge. 


Odd-Eyes might be the best place for this what with Revolution Dragon. Turn 1 you'd likely want to overlay this for Hope Harbinger and turn 2 this could help break boards, but only so well given the set-up required (not only to get this out which is hard on its own given Pendulums' fears of graveyards but to have cards to send alongside it as well to get the effect off). 


It's a cool retrain. 


There's definitely a wealth of Dragon monsters, both light and dark, that work off of getting things in the grave and banishing them. Some of the more recent DARK non-Rokket Dragon support comes to mind.


In my honest opinion, looking at this card in terms of Chaos Dragons (an old, archaic deck that's been outcrept for years) or Lightsworn (which is and always has been "Lightsworn") might be a bit of a narrow sampling. I think something along the lines of a BEWD-style deck could take easy advantage of this card in a lot of aspects, but not necessarily for pendulum summoning, as well as a number of decks that I think some simple splashing and testing could work out very well.


What I'm saying is, I think this might be a case of Master Cerberus in a way. It's not so much a card for pendulum decks, but it's a useful card nonetheless.

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