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I’m the forum laughingstock now, AMA


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why are you the laughingstock?

I posted a little too much about essjaydoubleyous and people/groups I dislike (PETA, Undertale fandom, etc.) especially in Debates(the threads were still on the front page last I checked), where I was banned for a while. That and at times, I’m... less than socially adept. I’m generally bad at communicating, and there was that misunderstanding last year.... Then I engaged in self-deprecation, and... it backfired.


Anyway, I’ve improved since then, I’ve learned a bit, but certain people around here mock me about who I was back then on ALL MY THREADS. They’re free to poke a bit of fun at me, but derailing all of my threads is just mean spirited.

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Anyway, I’ve improved since then, I’ve learned a bit, but certain people around here mock me about who I was back then on ALL MY THREADS.


Yeah. Despite you still making mistakes, you have improved a lot, and I certainly don't think you deserve as much flak as you get today. But it's YCM, where people don't easily forget, so there's not much to do about it but keep at it.


What first brought you to YCM?

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Yeah. Despite you still making mistakes, you have improved a lot, and I certainly don't think you deserve as much flak as you get today. But it's YCM, where people don't easily forget, so there's not much to do about it but keep at it.


What first brought you to YCM?

The cardmaker.


Will answer others later.

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What is this



How do you feel about girl-on-girl relationships?


Left Twix or Right Twix?


What is your favorite number?





Can I take a third option here?





Why did you name yourself Sk79linkxyz and how can we shorten that name into something that flows much more easily?



Sk79linkxyz? You mean the guy who posted a bad Pokemon theory in General?


Yeahhhhh... I'm not him, but I know his real GIN (General Internet Name). It's Torps.



Wrong person js


How does this mistake make you feel Skater?






I'm all beef, there are no mis steaks here!!!



Wasn't that Pokemon theory in General a mistake?



imo skater should shove pineapples down his digestive system in retaliation



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Sk79linkxyz? You mean the guy who posted a bad Pokemon theory in General?

I usually don't venture into Shitty +1 Postcount Town so I have no idea.

Yeahhhhh... I'm not him, but I know his real GIN (General Internet Name). It's Torps.

That thief. I'm calling secret service.

Wasn't that Pokemon theory in General a mistake?

Haven't seen it but I'm going to say yes.

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I posted a little too much about essjaydoubleyous and people/groups I dislike (PETA, Undertale fandom, etc.) especially in Debates(the threads were still on the front page last I checked), where I was banned for a while. That and at times, I’m... less than socially adept. I’m generally bad at communicating, and there was that misunderstanding last year.... Then I engaged in self-deprecation, and... it backfired.


Anyway, I’ve improved since then, I’ve learned a bit, but certain people around here mock me about who I was back then on ALL MY THREADS. They’re free to poke a bit of fun at me, but derailing all of my threads is just mean spirited.

whats wrong with peta

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whats wrong with peta



Well, since you asked...


Possibly worse than SJWs since they actually do things that resemble activism, like:


Using the Holocaust and lynchings back in the Civil Rights Movement to push their narrative, targeting children with their grotesque ads, picking up a pet dog and euthanizing it, running a "shelter" but euthanizing anything that goes in there because they can't spare the 0.01% of their budget needed to take good care of them, and trying to use the Arthur Fist meme. Also generally being massive hypocrites and whiny nitpickers.



If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be?



Somewhere where there isn't political turmoil. Like Antarctica.

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