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Harpie Lady deck

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Level 5-6 monsters: 2


Swift Birdman Joe x1

Harpie Lady Sisters x1


level 4 and lower monsters: 18


Harpie Queen x3

Harpie Lady 1 x3

Harpie's Brother x2

Harpie's Pet baby Dragon x2 (one is a filler atm)

Flying Kamakiri #1 x3

Winged Sage Falcos x1 (filler)

Sonic Shooter x1

Hunter Owl x1 (I want more...)

Rallis the star Bird x1 (filler... though, its kinda fun sometimes...)

Birdface x1


Total Monsters: 20


Spells: 10


Elegant Egotist x3

Harpie's Hunting Ground x3

Lightning Vortex x1

Giant Trunade x1

Heavy Storm x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1


Traps: 10


Spiritual wind art- Miyabi x2

Icarus Attack x2

Dust Tornado x1

Hysteric Party x2

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Aqua Chorus x1


Total # of cards: 40


Ok, I just rebuilt this deck yesterday (version 1 was uber banned... don't ask...) and so far, its doing very well and is alot more fun than it was when it was so banned (though, I will miss bringing out 5 harpie lady monsters in on turn... again, don't ask...). However, I'm still running into dead draws every now and then which leads the deck to losing against this stall deck that my friend (who is a noob) likes to use. So, any suggestions on how to make this deck better? There are some cards that I obviosly need (like Mirror force and the Raiza the storm monarc), however, I sadly don't have them yet... Anyways, Rate and fix please, this deck has only lost 2 duels out of about six so far, However, it could still use alot of improvements...


Note: I apologize for any misspellings that I have more than likely made, English was never my best school subject XD

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i didnt realize it was that hard..... cause i have one...


It is pretty hard since, to my knowledge, it has never appeared in a booster pack... anyways, even if I had one, I probably wouldn't add her in since she can't be special summoned through kamakiri...


You have no idea how many times I have been saved by bringing out a simple harpie lady #1... Its kinda funny actually...

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Level 5-6 monsters: 2


Swift Birdman Joe x1

Harpie Lady Sisters x1


level 4 and lower monsters: 18


Harpie Queen x3

Harpie Lady 1 x3

Harpie's Brother x2

Harpie's Pet baby Dragon x2 (one is a filler atm)

Flying Kamakiri #1 x3

Winged Sage Falcos x1 (filler)

Sonic Shooter x1

Hunter Owl x1 (I want more...)

Rallis the star Bird x1 (filler... though' date=' its kinda fun sometimes...)

Birdface x1


Why no harpie lady 2, and 3?

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but combine it with the effect of harpie 1...... isnt it kool.... and strong..


If pet dragon was a 6 star monster' date=' it might be worth it... if it had more attack to begin with as a 7 star monster, it might be worth it... sacrificing 2 monsters for a monster with 2000 attack isn't worth it imo. I'd more than likely sacrifice at least one of those harpie ladies...


sorry, I just don't like him...


Why no harpie lady 2, and 3?


a) Harpie lady 3 fails epically and belongs in the fail epically pile

b) harpie lady 2 is only semi useful

c) harpie lady 1 is better

d) harpie lady 2/3 are counted as a harpie lady while in my deck which means that I would have to remove a harpie lady 1 in order to add a 2 or a 3... its not worth it...

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all of them are good but add some more spells so that they cant beat you BEFORE you can use some of those combos like use lightning vortex...magic cylinder...drain attack.....harpies feather duster....magic jammer...heavy storm!!! so easy


I have lightning vortex in here all ready, I also have heavy storm all ready.


Harpie feather duster gets the ban hammer


I don't see any need for magic jammer, I haven't used that card since my noob days... I prefer magic drain anyways...


cylinder and drain attack are not needed...


anybody else have any suggestions? I need to know of some cards to look for at the flea market since I'll be going there in may...


Oh, and despite the fact that I have turned down all of the suggestions that I have gotten so far, I am grateful to those who have given me suggestions for my deck...

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your knowledge of rulings is flawed

even if you had 3 harpie lady, 3 harpie lady 1, 3 harpie lady 2 and 3 harpie lady 3 it would not be illegal. They only get the name harpie lady when they hit the field not whilst they are in your deck. Also your traps suck badly. Take them all out apart from the saks, add mirror force when you get it, add torrential tribute, add 3 solemn judgement and also 2 bottomless trap holes.

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your knowledge of rulings is flawed

even if you had 3 harpie lady' date=' 3 harpie lady 1, 3 harpie lady 2 and 3 harpie lady 3 it would not be illegal. They only get the name harpie lady when they hit the field not whilst they are in your deck. Also your traps suck badly. Take them all out apart from the saks, add mirror force when you get it, add torrential tribute, add 3 solemn judgement and also 2 bottomless trap holes.





Don't question me about rulings... 95% of the time, I'll probably be right (my friends have learned this the hard way XD)


I don't see to much of a problem with my trap selection save Aqua Chorus... Given, you probably don't see them to often, but they work in the deck...


Hysteric Party allows me to special summon all of my harpie lady monsters when they are in the graveyard... this allows me to swarm the field quite easily with harpie lady 1s/harpie Queens.... its a great card to use in the harpie deck...


Icarus attack destroys 2 cards on the field by sacrificing one winged beast type monster... its pretty good, though, 2 might be over kill not that I think about it... I'll have to see if it ever ends up being a bad top deck before I decide to take any out (so far, its saved me from eating a sakuretsu armor...)


Spiritual Wind art sends a card on my opponents side of the field to the grave at the cost of a wind monster... I like it, though, I'll see if I really need 2


around here, Dust Tornado is a must in every deck...


never thought about bottomless and torrential tribute... I'll have to think about adding one of each... after I play test my deck a couple more times of course...


don't have solemn judgment though... and trust me, as soon as I get a mirror force, its going in...

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lolwiki but there is something i didnt know u definatly need mirror force and torrential tribute


wiki might be prone to get some things wrong, but the ruling on harpie lady 1 is correct, Its just easier to go to my favorites and click on yugioh wiki XD


Unless I can find a cheap mirror force at the flea market, It will probably be a while before I get a mirror force...


I'll probably replace aqua chorus with torrential, but I'll have to play test the deck a little more tomorrow first...


any body else have any suggestions?

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From what I know, this is the best Harpie deck that I've seen so far:



Raiza the Storm Monarch

Raiza the Storm Monarch

Raiza the Storm Monarch


Hunter Owl

Hunter Owl




Harpie Lady 1

Harpie Lady 1

Harpie Lady 1

Harpie Queen

Harpie Queen

Harpie Queen

Flying Kamakiri #1

Flying Kamakiri #1

Flying Kamakiri #1

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole / Cyber Dragon

Morphing Jar / Cyber Dragon




Enemy Controller

Enemy Controller

Harpie's Hunting Ground

Harpie's Hunting Ground

Lightning Vortex

Lightning Vortex

Shield Crush

Monster Reborn

Smashing Ground

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Brain Control

Premature Burial



Icarus Attack

Icarus Attack

Icarus Attack

Hysteric Party

Hysteric Party

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force


.:SIDE DECK:15:.

D.D. Crow

D.D. Crow



Wave-Motion Cannon

Wave-Motion Cannon

Dark Bribe

Dark Bribe

Dark Bribe

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

Forced Back

Forced Back

Pulling the Rug

Pulling the Rug


Made by friend. Hope It Helped.

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From what I know' date=' this is the best Harpie deck that I've seen so far:



Raiza the Storm Monarch

Raiza the Storm Monarch

Raiza the Storm Monarch


Hunter Owl

Hunter Owl




Harpie Lady 1

Harpie Lady 1

Harpie Lady 1

Harpie Queen

Harpie Queen

Harpie Queen

Flying Kamakiri #1

Flying Kamakiri #1

Flying Kamakiri #1

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole / Cyber Dragon

Morphing Jar / Cyber Dragon




Enemy Controller

Enemy Controller

Harpie's Hunting Ground

Harpie's Hunting Ground

Lightning Vortex

Lightning Vortex

Shield Crush

Monster Reborn

Smashing Ground

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Brain Control

Premature Burial



Icarus Attack

Icarus Attack

Icarus Attack

Hysteric Party

Hysteric Party

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force


.:SIDE DECK:15:.

D.D. Crow

D.D. Crow



Wave-Motion Cannon

Wave-Motion Cannon

Dark Bribe

Dark Bribe

Dark Bribe

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

Forced Back

Forced Back

Pulling the Rug

Pulling the Rug


Made by friend. Hope It Helped.[/i']


that helps a little, though, I don't have alot of the cards that you added... after a couple of play tests, I might try to make a build as close to this one as possible...


the side deck confuses me though... care to explain it to me?

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