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Russia in Syria and US Missles

Phelphor, of the Deep

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Russia in Syria: It's all about their money plus, oil. Syria government willing to kill their own citizens to improve their chemical weapons. What's your opinion on Russia in Syria plus US missles attacks? What's your stance on the whole situation? Did trump over step his bound or is this the right call? Let's have a good discussion about this subject.

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You posted the same thread in General and Debates. I'm going to lock this one because it's redundant. If people are interested in discussing this


It's still open here.


Edit: Actually it might be better in General, uh, will talk to Dad about which one should stay open.

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For clarity, I'm going to keep the discussion that is currently in debates, open.  Due to the nature of the subject (war crimes, oil, geographical territory), it should remain there.  


As Cow said, please don't make a duplicate topic.

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