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[RP Poll] Gauging the Interests of the RPers

Gauiging the Interests of the RPers  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. What types of genres RPs would you be interested in?

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Hey everyone. It's your friendly neighborhood Typecast Shonen Protagonist, Chaos Sonic. With me currently hitting a literal brick wall that is causing my creativity stream to trickle rather than flow normally, I thought I ask an important question to those here in the YCM RP section. Mods, if this shouldn't be here, please let me know and I'll fix it straight away.


Nevertheless, in the Poll above, you'll see multiple categories of genres (and yeah, I'm counting most of these as types of genres, sue me) of possible RP settings. I think that finding where most people's gauges are in regards to how they like to RP or what they like to RP would actually make me, as an RP Host, to work better to please both the masses and make their experience an exceptional one.


Multi-vote is on, but don't just put a tally on the Poll and don't share your thoughts. I want to hear about the reasoning you chose the choices you did. And hey, with the "Other" option, you can explain other settings you wouldn't mind seeing.

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Horror sounds interesting. Never dabbled in that before, and I would be keen to at least try it. Same for survival. Might be nice with more realistic stakes involved.


I enjoy high fantasy/sci-fi. Particularly the former, but sci-fi is pretty cool as well. Takes me a bit to get into the universe, but if one grabs me, I'll probably be hooked.


Slice-of-life doesn't just grab me; I'm more of an escapist myself. Barely watch any anime, so I also can't say I'd be grabbed to the anime one as a fan. But hey, a good universe and fun premise might still be enjoyable.


Can't go wrong with card games. I love strategy, although I would also love to see one not based around YGO or CFV; something a little fresher.

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Horror sounds interesting. Never dabbled in that before, and I would be keen to at least try it. Same for survival. Might be nice with more realistic stakes involved.


I enjoy high fantasy/sci-fi. Particularly the former, but sci-fi is pretty cool as well. Takes me a bit to get into the universe, but if one grabs me, I'll probably be hooked.


Slice-of-life doesn't just grab me; I'm more of an escapist myself. Barely watch any anime, so I also can't say I'd be grabbed to the anime one as a fan. But hey, a good universe and fun premise might still be enjoyable.


Can't go wrong with card games. I love strategy, although I would also love to see one not based around YGO or CFV; something a little fresher.


Alright, we have at least some discussion going on...so that's progress.


With the Card Game ones, I thought it best to start with this. Making it one not based around either YGO or CFV would most likely require that other people know of the game at least. And for that matter, it would also help immensely if I or the Host know the game as well, therefore it being a bit better in regards to them hosting an RP like that.


With Horror and Survival, not since the days of :Alive: being around as an RP has there really been a good RP that fits this bill. So seeing something like this would actually work. And like :Alive:, there could be a looming threat of, your character dies...they die. No coming back or respawning. Give it that urgency of..."Oh sheet, my actions matter!". So if people are fine with this, it would be interesting to see these types appear more frequent.

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You can always create a new custom card game. If that's the case even I'd feel a little interested even if I normally don't care for card game RPs.


That would also mean it would have to be designed almost perfectly to a tee and balanced well enough that it couldn't be broken.


But then again, you do have a point. RP Hosts could find ways to actually create a new TCG in the process and have the applicants learn the game at the same time.

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That would also mean it would have to be designed almost perfectly to a tee and balanced well enough that it couldn't be broken.


But then again, you do have a point. RP Hosts could find ways to actually create a new TCG in the process and have the applicants learn the game at the same time.

How'd they (hosts) go about making sure certain cards are balanced, or if they let players make custom cards that they don't go off the rails with things like an 8-mana (this part makes it balanced guise) searchable instakill card, for example

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How'd they (hosts) go about making sure certain cards are balanced, or if they let players make custom cards that they don't go off the rails with things like an 8-mana (this part makes it balanced guise) searchable instakill card, for example


I'm actually unsure to be completely honest. Actually creating card games is something that is on a higher knowledge plane than I.

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I voted for each of them. Because any genre could be done well enough to interest me and any genre could be done bad enough to disinterest me.


Also.......LIST...I shouldn't write so much so late


Shonen: This is one of the easier things to do for RP. But the issue with it lies with players who want to do all the things. With shonen stuff you NEED to be able to give specific characters the spotlight at times. So the struggle here is that players need to be able to allow others to be the "main character" for certain parts.


Slice-of-Life: Boy how do I want to make this work. Smash is semi-that and I've learned the biggest problem is...pace. Days go by really slowly in an RP and with something like this you need to be able to go through the days fairly quickly otherwise it'll be more boring. (Which is why slice of life likely needs other stuff to it as well to keep interest.) The most important thing is to always have things to do and have a database with enough information people can get an idea what they can do.


Horror: I don't actually know if this is possible in an RP. Not PURE horror. Dark fantasy and the like could be great though. Call of Cthulu type deal and zombie Apocalypse stuff. The main issue is the same issue horror books have. You have to be able to set the mood and in an RP it's difficult to constantly keep the mood given the wait between posts.


Survival: This could mean a lot of things and I think it sorta fits with Horror. I...don't think this works well in an RP setting. Not a regular RP. It's better to do survival in something that doesn't require as much...effort. It needs to be able to have players move much faster than any other type of RP. Now, an RP with character death being possible, like my Chosen (screw you for that Alive comment btw :T), is certainly do-able as long as you let people know what they're getting into.


Fantasy: This...there's so much to this. But I feel this is an easy genre to get into for an RP. It can have so many kinds of settings and characters and it's probably the most "customizable" of the genres. I suppose the only issue here is how vague or strict you want to make things. You have to make sure to establish how much people are allowed right from the start.


Sci-fi: I don't know much about writing Sci-fi but my issue with it as an RP tends to be...Well the only actual Sci-fi RPs I've seen turned me away by how detailed most of the people were being. I personally don't want to have too much science and such to remember when writing but that's basically the biggest thing that separates Sci-fi from others. That being said the setting can be really interesting and different. If someone made something sci-fi that was easily accessible that could be fun. Of course for some the details and all that is more enjoyable for them so this really can gather a niche audience so to speak.


Anime Based: THIS IS SO VAGUE CHAOS. This basically could be any genre. But it's usually fairly safe to set an RP in certain anime...well, safe as in you'll get interest. However I personally think it's dangerous to do. Because you have to create a story that fits with the setting but doesn't actually involve too many of the characters from the setting. Since that would often take away from the players. Hyde's MHA RP is a good example of basing it on an anime but making it its own thing. Also another thing with basing it on an anime is how many ideas already exist for those anime. It makes people either have to copy existing things or struggle to come up with often ludicrous things to be different.


Card Game Based: Personally idk many card games and I've never been in an RP for them that actually reached a match but it's certainly something people will always want. I think for these...people tend to go a bit too over the top with the setting for my liking. Honestly for card game RPs I think the biggest thing you need is to be sure every player is okay with losing and willing to not just constantly do the best possible combos.


Other: I suppose this would be...mystery and romance. Mystery is difficult because honestly...YCM RP is bad at puzzle solving as is. Maybe with a very small number of players it could work.

A pure romance RP likely wouldn't work out buuuut I do think that an RP that has romance elements, such as NPCs you can grow closer to over time and such, could work. and I might have a plan for something like that in the future

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That would also mean it would have to be designed almost perfectly to a tee and balanced well enough that it couldn't be broken.


But then again, you do have a point. RP Hosts could find ways to actually create a new TCG in the process and have the applicants learn the game at the same time.

I don't think that's necessary. It's fine to be broken and have the characters/players discover and abuse that as they play along, that's part of the immersion and can really help to set the characters' decks and personalities apart from each other. After a while the story can just ban or do something to mitigate those issues, and let players try to find another thing to abuse. It's not an actual card game so you don't have the same constraints for say, making a banlist.


As for designing individual cards, they'd have to go through a  host or co-host first(in such an RP, a co-host can just be someone who's eager about creating cards and likes the game, not necessarily someone who'd have to participate in the RP a lot). if said custom card game has a cost-system then you can have that be the guideline for how much a card of a certain cost can accomplish.

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