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[CYHO] Reverse of the World

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CYHO-JP058 Reverse of the World
Quick-Play Spell Card
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.
(1) Ritual Summon 1 “Ruin, Queen of Oblivion” or “Demise, King of Armageddon” from your hand or Deck by Tributing Ritual Monsters from your hand whose combined Levels equal or exceed the monster you Ritual Summon.
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Really torn on this one.


It's a Quick-Play, but...why? There's not so much disruption you can do, considering their lack of quick effects. The most you can hope for is Young Demise popping a monster, or a wall by Tributing Young Demise/Ruin for a Ritual Monster. You're losing Ritual searchability in exchange for memes.


But on the other side...it Ritual Summons from the DeckUsing your hand.


I need to find a way to make this playable.

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A Quick-Play that Ritual Summons, as I live and breathe! As Dova said, does seem odd, but at the same time, always nice have a way to just get a monster out as well, it's only from the hand it Tributes though, which limits it, but it's also from the Deck, so has to balance it somehow I suppose.

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The card can get out demise, king of armageddon with a mere (-1), a monster that can nuke the field and it can even exceed the necessary levels.

Apart from the questionwhy one would ever summon ruin over demise, I would ask why this was not revealed before (though arguments near the end of a release/discussion are usually the most effective, so that might be why).

Obviously it cannot tribute from the field, given that in that case it would be (far) too ridiculous an OTK enabler.

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Note that it requires Ritual Monsters as Tributes though, so it may not be as practical as it seems. Then again, Ritual Monsters are accessible through Manju, the Devirituals, (Pre-) Preparation of Rites, etc.

At the very east you can profit from Tributing Benten.

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Note that it requires Ritual Monsters as Tributes though, so it may not be as practical as it seems. Then again, Ritual Monsters are accessible through Manju, the Devirituals, (Pre-) Preparation of Rites, etc.

At the very east you can profit from Tributing Benten.

Oh, only Rituals, that really sucks, the hand I was iffy on, but still acceptable for being from the Deck, but still seems a bit too restrictive, at least for their Deck.

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It Ritual Summons as a Quick-Play but without its targets benefiting from it being quick.

It Ritual Summons without having to rely on Ritual Spells specifically, but it still requires more Ritual Monsters as Tributes and doesn't have any of the benefits the game has been giving to Rituals recently. Tributing only from hand hurts a little bit on the potential for Battle Phase shenanigans too.


I'm not really sure what it is meant for.... probably flavor?

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