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[CYHO] Majindou

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CYHO-JP022 Majindou

Level 3 DARK Fiend Flip Effect Monster


DEF 2000

You can only use this card name’s (1) and (2) effects once per turn each.

(1) If this card is sent from the hand or Deck to the GY: You can Special Summon this card in face-down Defense Position.

(2) FLIP: You can send 1 Fiend monster from your Deck to the GY.

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Odd, so it's a Level 3 Fiend, so I figured it makes sense for it to suppose Burning Abyss, but seems so slow. I guess maybe it's more for Tindangle, sending to the GY is not bad in there, but seems odd too. While it does have an neat other effect, it's specific for Fiends, so there isn't much use I feel.

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