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All rise for Tuspye

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All rise for Tuspye, People of Tuspye Raise your voices for the national anthem! God bless Tuspye Our proud and sovereign land! All rise for Tuspye It's power will withstand! Glorious nation of Tuspye So lovely and so free! With bountiful resources Like gin, moustaches and tea! For goodness sake, make no mistake We've had troubles in our past! But don't forget, we're still a threat And our cultures, unsurpassed! God bless Tuspye Our blessed land of twigs! Noble leader of Tuspye! His brain is very big! People of Tuspye Raise up your swords once more! To defend the precious fatherland We will go to war! We may be small, but we'll fight t,hem all Until the very last man! And some will say, we had our day We sure could use a hand! So please help Tuspye Their armies are on the shore! We admit we're a little bit sheet And we can't fight anymore! People of Tuspye You have served me well! But today, it is our darkest hour We must fight to survive! FIGHT! Fight on... Tuspovians! Block the defen... the swords of... with your bodies! And hold them back! Block them, men! Fight for your honour and fight for your country! Tuspye WILL HOLD! Tuspye FOREVER! Remember sweet Tuspye It's legend will live on! Our lands they take, our heads on stakes But our hearts beat ever on! REMEMBER Tuspye!

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