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Scorch-Spark Archetype


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Synchro Archetype. FIRE Attribute Thunder Types. Work in Progress.


Scorch-Spark Lord  Lv4   Tuner/FIRE/Thunder  1800/1500
When this card is Normal or Special Summoned, you can Special Summon "-Spark" Monsters from your hand up to the number of Monsters your opponent has on their field, but banish them when they leave the field.
When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 "-Spark" Monster from your deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Scorch-Spark Lord" once per turn.
Scorch-Spark King Lv7   Synchro/FIRE/Thunder  2500/2000
"Scorch-Spark Lord" + 1 or more non-Tuners
When this card is Synchro Summoned, you target up to 3 "-Spark" monsters in your Graveyard: Shuffle them into the deck and draw 2 cards. This card gains 400 ATK for every "-Spark" monster on the field. 
Scorch-Spark Sky Knight Lv3 FIRE/Thunder 1500/600
You can Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard if you control a face-up Tuner monster. This card can attack your opponent directly, but loses 1000 ATK 
until the end of the Damage Step if they control a monster. This card can attack again equal to the number "-Spark" monsters on the field.
Scorch-Spark Mercenary  Lv4 Tuner/FIRE/Thunder 1700/1500
Your opponent cannot target face-up "-Spark" monsters you control for attacks or with card effects, except this card.  
Scorch-Spark Hero  Lv6 Synchro/FIRE/Thunder 2300/1800
"Scorch-Spark Mercenary" + 1 or more non-Tuners
"-Spark" monsters you control cannot be destroyed or targeted by oppenent's card effects, or by battle, while this face-up card is on the field.
When this card leaves the field, you can Special Summon one "-Spark" monster from your Graveyard, except for "Scorch-Spark Hero".
Scorch-Spark Cavalier  Lv3 Tuner/FIRE/Thunder 1400/900
When this card is Special Summoned, you can draw one card. When this card attacks, it gains 300 ATK for every "-Spark" monster face-up on the field or in the Graveyard.
Scorch-Spark Great Knight Lv8 Synchro/FIRE/Thunder 2700/2900
1 "-Spark" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuners
While this face-up card is on the field, all "-Spark" monsters you control gain 400 ATK, and do Piercing Damage. When this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate 
Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step.
Scorch-Spark Mage  Lv2 FIRE/Thunder 900/500
You can Special Summon this card from your hand if you control a "-Spark" monster. Once per turn, you can discard one card to Special Summon one Level 4 or
lower "-Spark" monster from your hand or deck, but banish it when it leaves the field. 
Scorch-Spark Cleric  Lv2 Tuner/FIRE/Thunder 0/1500
When this card is Summoned, gain 500 Life Points for every "-Spark" monster on the field. Your opponent cannot declare an attack on this face-up card, but can attack directly if
you only control this card. When this card leaves the field, gain 1000 Life Points. 
Scorch-Spark Combat Cleric  Lv5 Synchro/FIRE/Thunder 2000/3000
"Scorch-Spark Cleric" + 1 or more non-tuner monsters
This card gains 300 ATK for every card on the field. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, you can gain Lie Points equal to that monsters Level/Rank on the field x300.
Scorch-Spark Fighter  Lv4 FIRE/Thunder 2000/0
This card can attack your opponent's monsters up to the number of "-Spark" monsters on the field.
Scorch-Spark Archer  Lv2 FIRE/Thunder 1400/1400
Once per turn, you can discard one card to inflict 500 damage to your opponent for every "-Spark" monster on the field.
Scorch-Spark Merchant  Lv1 FIRE/Thunder 500/1000
When this card is Summoned, you can draw cards equal to the number of face-up "-Spark" monsters on the field, but banish every card in your hand during the End Phase.
You can only use this effect of "Scorch-Spark Merchant" once per duel. This card can be treated as Level 2 for a Synchro Summon. if this card is used as material for
a Synchro Summon, draw 1 card.
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