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Fiend Fetal

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why is monster reborn such a big deal.......... alright.... ill add monster reborn...


Why is it such a big deal?!?!?!?

It can get a monster from your grave.

It can get a monster from your opponents grave.

What is there not to love?


you dont need your opponents monsters to win a duel..... the strategy is all in your own deck...


You don't need all feinds.

And on a side note: NO DOUBLE POSTING!!!!!!

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why is monster reborn such a big deal.......... alright.... ill add monster reborn...


Why is it such a big deal?!?!?!?

It can get a monster from your grave.

It can get a monster from your opponents grave.

What is there not to love?


you dont need your opponents monsters to win a duel..... the strategy is all in your own deck...


You don't need all feinds.

And on a side note: NO DOUBLE POSTING!!!!!!


alright...... i can consider spirit reaper in since its a fairly good card...

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2 dark ruler ha des

1 great maju garzette

2 dark necrofear

1 mist archfiend

3 giant orc

2 kuriboh

1 night assailant

3 slate worrior

1 sangan

3 Newdoria

1 spirit reaper



1 mystical space typhoon

1 premature burial

2 enemy controller

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Dimesion Fusion

1 Smashing Ground

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Scapegoat



2 deck devastating virus

1 crush card virus

2 escape from the dark dimension

1 mirror force

1 torrential tribute

2 Return from the Different Dimension

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Mind Crush


Changes are in Bold. This should make your deck work a lot better. I've been running Fiends for a couple of Formats and I find a build like this good. Post if you need explainations on my changes.

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2 dark ruler ha des

1 great maju garzette

2 dark necrofear

1 mist archfiend

3 giant orc

2 kuriboh

1 night assailant

3 slate worrior

1 sangan

3 Newdoria

1 spirit reaper



1 mystical space typhoon

1 premature burial

2 enemy controller

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Dimesion Fusion

1 Smashing Ground

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Scapegoat



2 deck devastating virus

1 crush card virus

2 escape from the dark dimension

1 mirror force

1 torrential tribute

2 Return from the Different Dimension

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Mind Crush


Changes are in Bold. This should make your deck work a lot better. I've been running Fiends for a couple of Formats and I find a build like this good. Post if you need explainations on my changes.


You forgot "Mystic Tomato"

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Like I said, I only took a quick look at it, Kuriboh isn't that bad this format. Side both Kuriboh and crush.


Kuriboh can be helpful in this deck because it can be discarded against DaD or other threats without fear of getting destroyed and crush is useful with Kuriboh.

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allures of darkness isnt out in english version yet????


yea it is' date=' Phantom Darkness...


and winged kuriboh is used for invicil............. notice that..


still doesn't mean that it doesn't suck

replace everything to do with kuribohs with Allures and MONSTER REBORN

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2 Dark Ruler Ha Des

1 Great Maju Garzette

2 Dark Necrofear

1 Mist Archfiend

1 Sky Scourge Invicil

2 Giant Orc

2 Archfiend Soldier

2 Terrorking Archfiend

2 Kuriboh

1 Night Assailant

2 Slate Warrior

1 Sangan

2 Winged Kuriboh


-2 Winged Kuriboh

-2 Terrorking Archfiend

-1 Giant Orc

-1 Sky Scourge Invicil

-1 Mist Archfiend

-1 Dark Ruler Ha Des

-1 Great Maju Garzette


+1 Slate Warrior

+1 Snipe Hunter

+1 Archfiend Soldier

+2 Doom Shaman

+1 Dark Necrofear

+1 Morphing Jar

+1 Newdoria

+1 Spirit Reaper




1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Dark Eruption

1 A Feather of The Phoenix

1 Premature Burial

1 Enemy Controller

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm

2 Puppet Magic of the Dark Ruler

1 The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh


-1 The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh

-2 Puppet Magic of the Dark Ruler


+1 Monster Reborn

+1 Giant Trunade

+1 Dimension Fusion

+3 Allure of Darkness (However, I do not expect this to be available to you if this is an IRL deck)


TRAPS (13)


2 Sakuretsu Armor

1 Deck Devastation Virus

1 Crush Card Virus

2 Escape from the Dark Dimension

1 A Rival Appears!

1 Magic Cylinder

1 Shift

2 Hate Burst

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute


-2 Sakuretsu Armor

-1 Deck Devastation Virus

-1 Escape from the Dark Dimension

-1 A Rival Appears!

-1 Magic Cylinder

-1 Shift

-2 Hate Burst (*)


+3 (In Order of Priority) Solemn Judgment / Dark Bribe / Seven Tools / Magic Drain


* What in the world is Hate Burst?

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+3 (In Order of Priority) Solemn Judgment / Dark Bribe / Seven Tools / Magic Drain


what is the effect of dark bribe...... i dont keep track with new cards anymore..... can someone tell me....


"Negate the activation of one spell or trap card and destroy it. Your opponent gets to draw one card"


something like that... great card, I need a couple...


I'd say, add a morphing jar and a snipe hunter... both can get fiends into your graveyard from your hand. Snipe hunter can destroy a card on your opponents side of the field. Morphing jar gives you and your opponent a new hand

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