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try this deck if its powerful for you.....



2 dark ruler ha des

1 great maju garzette

2 dark necrofear

1 mist archfiend

2 giant orc

2 archfiend soldier

2 terrorking archfiend

2 kuriboh

1 night assailant

2 slate worrior

1 sangan

1 spirit reaper

1 newdoria



1 mystical space typhoon

1 dark eruption

1 a feather of phoenix

1 premature burial

1 enemy controller

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

2 puppet magic of dark ruler

1 monster reborn



2 sakuretsu amor

1 deck devastating virus

1 crush card virus

2 escape from the dark dimension

1 a rival appears!

1 magic cylinder

1 shift

2 hate burst

1 mirror force

1 torrential tribute


total: 43 cards


ppls suggestions:

-add monster reborn(done)

-take out invicil and winged and flute(done)

-add spirit reaper(done)

-add newdoria(done)


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allures of darkness isnt out in english version yet????........... and winged kuriboh is used for invicil............. notice that..


Lose Invincil.

Lose Winged Kuriboh.

Gain Allures or darkness.

Don't mention the Winged Kuriboh/Invicil Combo' date=' please don't it's gay.

Lose the Flute.

Nuff siad.



ill try that........ but what els should i put in there, since im taking out 4 cards...... and i dont own allure...

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allures of darkness isnt out in english version yet????........... and winged kuriboh is used for invicil............. notice that..


Lose Invincil.

Lose Winged Kuriboh.

Gain Allures or darkness.

Don't mention the Winged Kuriboh/Invicil Combo' date=' please don't it's gay.

Lose the Flute.

Nuff siad.



ill try that........ but what els should i put in there, since im taking out 4 cards...... and i dont own allure...


How about, just putting in "Spirit Reaper" after pulling those cards out.

Go for another "Night Assalint"

A third "Necrofear"

And nothing else.

Your deck should have the minimum for the deck number.

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allures of darkness isnt out in english version yet????........... and winged kuriboh is used for invicil............. notice that..


Lose Invincil.

Lose Winged Kuriboh.

Gain Allures or darkness.

Don't mention the Winged Kuriboh/Invicil Combo' date=' please don't it's gay.

Lose the Flute.

Nuff siad.



ill try that........ but what els should i put in there, since im taking out 4 cards...... and i dont own allure...


How about, just putting in "Spirit Reaper" after pulling those cards out.

Go for another "Night Assalint"

A third "Necrofear"

And nothing else.

Your deck should have the minimum for the deck number.


night assailant is limited to 1.......... and i already have 2 necro.... and spirit reaper is not fiend....

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why is monster reborn such a big deal.......... alright.... ill add monster reborn...


Why is it such a big deal?!?!?!?

It can get a monster from your grave.

It can get a monster from your opponents grave.

What is there not to love?


you dont need your opponents monsters to win a duel..... the strategy is all in your own deck...

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